Youth Bull


Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Nov-27-12 AT 09:31AM (MST)[p]Had the priviledge to get this young man on a great bull. We were pretty much surrounded by bulls all morning. When this guy stepped out he wanted to pull the trigger. I ranged him at 521 yards and was very leary about the distance. Then I remembered the kid shot a target from 950 yards the day before. This kid can flat out shoot better than any adult can. Anyways, he waited for the best possible broadside shot and let if fly. 1 shot was all it took. We get the horses, field dress the bull, and we are back at camp by 1:00 pm opening day. Not the biggest bull we had seen, but an awesome trophy and even a better life memory for the kid and his mom and dad who were present as well. This is what hunting is all about.


btw taylor, that was his very first elk to boot. I wanted to hold out for a larger bull but when that bull stepped out my son was practically begging me to let him shoot. He sounded excited enough that I decided that was a big enough bull right there. It was a pretty cool hunt and I enjoyed seeing so many bulls in such a short time. I also found piles of elk sheds and one awesome arrowhead. It was a really fun hunt. I still can't believe I let you talk me into a horseback hunt. What was I thinking? My body still hurts and my friggin wife fell in love with one of those dern things and now I own the grass maggot lol.

Great Elk. I love the picture, especially the land mark behind the horse. If you remember, I ran into you up there last year during the rifle hunt. You were guided an older guy and I was helping out my buddy on his first Elk hunt who looked like death warmed over. He didnt take my advice to get into shape before a hunt.
how's it going bow. That landmark should be our little secret.

How did that hunt end up for you guys? My hunter wouldn't shoot a 360"-370" bull that had a big drop tine. Long story. He ended up shooting a good 5x5. He said he never wanted to go in there again so we killed the first bull we saw after the opener.
Congratulations on a Great Bull!! Love the pack horse pic!!

Hunting is Life...everything else is
Just details.
Ol' Buzztail...
My buddy ended up shooting a really heavy 5x5 up where that 340 with the broken tine was. He took the first shot he had. He also did not want anymore of hiking back in there.

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