Zeiswaroleic quality


Active Member
for $359 ????

For those of you looking at spending $900-$2400 for a pair of binos you owe it to yourselves to check out this new optics company Zen Ray.
They do have a very limited offering of optics but the quality is absolutely astonishing. I'm in no way associated with Zen Ray. Just a real optics freak and have discovered these as well as a number of other optics gurus. The ZEN ED is the one you want for $359 shipped TYD. The ZRS model compares nicely with the typical offering for $300-$800 but for $180 TYD.

Their website is being slammed but check them out here.

>Just curious - are these Chinese

Yes but....... Zen Ray is an American owned company based out of Oregon. Not to pick on any of the competitors but I am certain that all of the other American owned companies use chinese optics. The difference is that these were manufacutered to compete with the big three,......not the middle of the road optics.

Oh and one more thing they also offer a 12% discount to UNITED STATES military and LE.

Don't take my word for it, google Zen Ray reviews and see what some other optics guru's say about them after using them.

If you own one of the "big three" good for you. You got some excellent optics. If you don't but have always wanted top notch optics like those being offer by the "big three", here is your opportunity.
Not to rain on your "Zen Ray" parade... but these days most optics from China look good right out of the box. With the computerization of optical formulas, and CNC machining their optical quality is good and very consistent unit to unit. But before you totally drink the ?Zen Ray Kool-Aid?, their is more to consider than first impressions. Have you used these for a week in the rainy season of Alaska? Have you ridden for three days by horseback in to the Rockies with them around your neck or in the saddle bag? Have you gotten caught in a rainstorm with them around your neck and have them drenched and then go into a warm cabin? My Leica?s have, numerous times and have been since the late 1980?s. Optical quality in one component of optical performance? but, mechanical reliability is another. Don?t forget, when your $300 - $400 wonder glass goes ##### up on you when you are in a fly in camp in Alaska or you have ridden ?Ole Paint? for hours getting to elk camp, the Lifetime Warranty or replacement warranty isn't going to help you. While we all want to be smart with our money these days, but my experience is that cheap optics are not the place to save money for the serious hunter. NJS
LAST EDITED ON May-13-09 AT 10:14AM (MST)[p]NJS

I wonder how much alpha cool aid you have in you? That's fine and I have no basic disagreement with your premise. As a matter of fact I am at this very moment seriously considering going for a Steiner Peregrine XP.

You have however, missed the point of the appeal of these binoculars. Your opinion is also pretty representative of the typical anti-reaction to the ZEN class of binocular.

For one thing if you are going to go hunting all over this wonderful earth and in all sorts of conditions, that likely means you have the $$$ to do it. In that situation you would of course be better served with an alpha binocular. The same thing probably applies if you have saved up for a once in a lifetime hunt. After you are that far in to it, an extra $1,500 probably does not add that much to the total package. On the other hand, maybe it does put it just too far out of reach. So, to make you happy, does one leave any "lesser binocular" home and go hunting without one? Not me, I would not hesitate to take mine out in the world on "Ole Paint" in a rainstorm. Hells bells, anything can go belly up in those sorts of worst possible scenarios (including Ole Paint). I will grant your point in that there is very likely, even certainly, something to the exorbitant cost of the alpha that justifies the price.

That gets us to the appeal of these binoculars. Now, for the first time ever, for a reasonable mid level price, somebody with $500 in his outdoor gear funds stash instead of $5,000, can get top quality optics. Yes the test of time does indeed lie ahead. But name me a company that did not start out new.

My first exposure to this basic binocular was a review process initiated by our friend Doug at Cameraland. He sent out for review some absolutely unmarked review samples of the Promaster Infinity Elite ELX ED (god what a name). So when we got them, we did not know what they were, where they came from or what they would cost. That opened a lot of eyeballs on one hand, and on the other hand a few eyeballs jammed shut when China came up. The Promaster is the same basic binocular as the ZEN ED.

So think what you will about China (I truly wish these things had "Made in the USA" on them, but they don't). What you need to have in mind that the old golden standard "cheap Chinese Junk" argument does not apply here. The apparent build quality is on par with what you see in a Vortex Razor, for example.

The OP of the thread, vichris, maybe needs to own up to his 20+ years in the optics business. Take one of these apart and report maybe?

Use your alpha with confidence, but try to avoid looking down on somebody who does not have the cash for a $2,000 binocular. There is a lot of hunters there. If you do look through the other threads (many are mine) you will see, that nobody (including me) who ever reviewed these has held they were the absolute equal of the alpha class binocular.

So to close this out, a hunter is a hell of a lot better of in any sort of condition with one of these, than with nothing. He certainly gives up nothing in durability to any othe mid price glass, may of which have indeed been out in the rain on Ole Paint.
>Not to rain on your "Zen
>Ray" parade... but these days
>most optics from China look
>good right out of the
>box. With the computerization
>of optical formulas, and CNC
>machining their optical quality is
>good and very consistent unit
>to unit. But before
>you totally drink the ?Zen
>Ray Kool-Aid?, their is more
>to consider than first impressions.
> Have you used
>these for a week in
>the rainy season of Alaska?
> Have you ridden for
>three days by horseback in
>to the Rockies with them
>around your neck or in
>the saddle bag? Have you
>gotten caught in a rainstorm
>with them around your neck
>and have them drenched and
>then go into a warm
>cabin? My Leica?s have,
>numerous times and have been
>since the late 1980?s.
>Optical quality in one component
>of optical performance? but, mechanical
>reliability is another. Don?t
>forget, when your $300 -
>$400 wonder glass goes #####
>up on you when you
>are in a fly in
>camp in Alaska or you
>have ridden ?Ole Paint? for
>hours getting to elk camp,
>the Lifetime Warranty or replacement
>warranty isn't going to help
>you. While we all
>want to be smart with
>our money these days, but
>my experience is that cheap
>optics are not the place
>to save money for the
>serious hunter. NJS

As I write this I have a pair of trinovids, ultravids, EL's and the ZEN ED's on my desk. You,.... don't have that pleasure. You also should not confuse the words "cheap" with "inexpensive". And as far as Kool Aid drinkers go..... I guess since you have not evaulated these that description more accurately applies to you. I will grant you that the Zen ED's have not been fully feild tested but I'm willing to do it.

Anyone else?

And as someone else said that difference in cost will put you on that Alaskan, Canadian, or African expedition. I'm sure that these will pass the fly in and week on "Ole Paint". I'm fully confident of that because I have experienced optics with such lowly names as Nikon, Vortex, Leupold, Burris, and several others pass your feild test in Alaska and then some with flying colors.

A "serious hunter" has nothing to do with what hangs around his neck. I know of many "hunters" who are far more serious about their "image" and having all the latest and greatest gadgets but are far from being considered "serious or even successful hunters".

That reminds me of an experience I had about 20 years ago. I had wanted to get into flyfishing so my wife bought me a flyfishing "kit" as a present. This "kit" had the rod, reel, flyline, leader, tippet and even a selection of flies. It came with some instrutions so I took my "kit" out to a local park and practiced casting. I got pretty good at it and by the following summer I was pretty darned good fly fisherman. One day I was fishing the famed San Juan river. I was having an exceptional day. I was pulling in some really nice lunker bows and brown trout. I had the right fly pattern and was fishing an excellent hole. I noticed this "other guy" fishing upstream from me a bit, edgeing his way towards me. I had not seen him hook up or land a single fish. He finally walks right up to me. I could not help but notice his "Orvis" hat, waders, boots, vest, rod, reel, sunglasses ect... He asks me, "what kind of gear are you using"? I said "what". So he says what kind of reel do you have? I had no clue so I start looking and flipping my rod and reel over until I finally see the brand name. "Martin" I replied. He kind of huffed at me and stomped off.

NJS, that wasn't you was it?
The view may be incredible, but the point is, however, that the Zen ED is still an unknown when it comes to durability, warranty work, service, etc. That much is inarguable.
>The view may be incredible, but
>the point is, however, that
>the Zen ED is still
>an unknown when it comes
>to durability, warranty work, service,
>etc. That much is

You are absolutely correct. Anyone else want to get in on the ground floor?
I would like to comment on the durability and reliability of the Zen ED. I have now owned mine for about 5 months. I am a hunter, birder and just general outdoor enthusiast. I have used the Zen EDs for all of these activities and they continue to perform at the same level as the day I originally received them (actually better when you consider the focus tension has loosened up to a level I find very appealing).

This is my first post here on this forum though I do post regularly over on birdforum, 24hourcampfire, huntingnet, etc... I have commented on the quality of these bins from the first day I received them. In fact, I was so impressed with them that I sold my Zeiss FLs and several other models that I just could no longer justify owning.

Now that may sound like a strong statement but take it with a grain of salt. I hunt but only in my "backyard" of Eastern Pennsylvania. I bird but, again, only locally. The key issue though is that I still demand high quality optics when I engage in these activities...one of the reasons I always carried the Zeiss or Swaro bins with me. Now I have found a binocular that performs at their level but at 1/5th the price.

Why wouldn't I buy it?

For what it is worth I would suggest buying the Zen EDs, Promaster Elite EDs and Hawke Frontier EDs now. As they gain in popularity the price is sure to increase. Will it increase to the point where they will no longer become a value? No, I doubt it but $100 is a $100 so why spend money you do not have to.


Glad to be here on the forums. Seems like a very nice place.
LAST EDITED ON May-13-09 AT 12:02PM (MST)[p]That seems to be the only objection, along with the fact it is Chinese, that people can make. I would like to see something from somebody to point out some solid design or engineering reason. I would also like to point out that making binoculars, in particular optically decent, sturdy, and reliable binoculars, is steadily becoming the norm rather than the exception. There really are few poor binoculars at the mid price range today.

I have had my Promasters for almost a year. They went through a wet cold and rainy deer season last October. They have additionally been dunked in the bathtub, put in the freezer and generally bumped around over hill and dale in my truck. They work just like they did when I got them.

That is certainly not definitive and not intended to try and decrease the validity of the longevity issue.

So the point is, and still remains, if you don't have $1,500+ to put in a binocular, there is now a better option.

Now there are a couple of thing I will readily point out that the alpha class has in advantage over the ZEN/Promaster. They have a slightly deeper depth of focus, and without bumping the focus wheel, the image is a bit sharper at the close and outer limits of the DOF, when the image in each is focused on the same object. The difference is slight, and corrected for with only the slightest bump of the focus wheel on the ZEN, but is is a difference. Additionally, the alphas have a better feeling focus wheel, with a faster focus rate than the ZEN.
Steve, Chris or Frank,

I have not seen any opinions on the Zen Neptunes, the 20x, 25x porros. Do you have any experience with these?
As a coues hunter, I think the 20,25x may have value above the regularly used 15x. But if they are of the Cabelas Astronomer 20x quality, I'll pass.

LAST EDITED ON May-13-09 AT 12:20PM (MST)[p]Doug,

I can get an opinion from Zen Ray. I'll let you know what they say.

My guess is that since they are primarily astronomical units, that there may be some terrestrial viewing disadvantages.

What 15x do you use now?

What type of diopter ring/adjuster does the Zen Ed have? Does it do the trick? Thanks. I may have to have a pair of these 10x's.
LAST EDITED ON May-13-09 AT 03:03PM (MST)[p]Fortis,

It is a standard left barrel, non locking type with click stops. It works great for me, and if I have problems with a binocular, that is usually where the first one is. In other words, the diopter will not quite focus my slightly weaker right eye as finely as my left. Not so here, it has just the right spot. The diopter also does not shift as you run the focus back and forth between several near to far focus cycles, which is probably the second of my early indicators of a binocular that I am not destined to ever "see eye to eye" with. This is a test everybody should do with any binocular. This one stays put. I have never had to move mine after the initial adjustment.


Those are big heavy porros requiring a big heavy tripod. Sounds like two strikes for Coues hunting. They were designed for a more or less sedentary usage. They have few left and will let the inventory deplete while concentrating on hunting and birding binoculars.

LAST EDITED ON May-13-09 AT 03:44PM (MST)[p]Funny thing is, if you Google Zen-Ray, it's the same three or four people hawking them all over the net. Not saying they're bad, but it's kind of like comparing a BMW to a KIA.
Guess you have not driven one then. Zen-Ray offers a 30 day return, so it would be worth it to at least compare. Then there might be 4 or 5 hawkers ;-)

Its more like about 20-30 people now. They are a very new company. There are also some very good threads going on several other hunting sites. PM me and I'll send you some links if you are interested.
If one actually goes to the various forums and looks there are by now very likely well over a thousand posts on the ZEN, Promaster and the Hawke. There may well be over ten thousand views of the posts. There are even a couple of PhD Physicists with substantial optical expereince who actually hunt too. That is just a guess, but three people can't do that with a worthless product.
They would surely be religated to the truck at over 8 pounds. A friend carries a set of the Docter 30x Aspectums into the mountains. FOV is rather limited, especially at a few hundred yards.
Thanks for checking.

>What type of diopter ring/adjuster does
>the Zen Ed have?
>Does it do the trick?
> Thanks. I may
>have to have a pair
>of these 10x's.


Honestly I think that the diopter ring is probably one of the weak areas. The indicator mark is very difficult to see. On the plus side once you set it it doesn't move. The same with the adjustment hinge. The Zen ED's so far are the only bino I've used that I don't constantly have to adjust for my interpupillary distance.

I'll be honest with you too. I don't own or use any 10x binos. I'm definately a 7,8 or maybe 9 X user. You will have to rely on some of the others reviews for 10 X
>Seems like some advertising going on
>here. mtmuley

Sorry, I don't think anyone here has any affiliation with any optics company. I certainly dont.

Personally I'm just excited about finding some really good quality binos at an unbelievable price and just want to share that.
"Seems like some advertising going on here."


New people promoting a new product with no affiliation. Interesting.............

"I'll keep my guns, freedom, and money.
You can keep the "change"!"
LAST EDITED ON May-14-09 AT 05:38AM (MST)[p]>"Seems like some advertising going on
>New people promoting a new product
>with no affiliation. Interesting.............

BTW I can't believe you're gripping about advertising when just about every other thread on this forum is exactly that. Look at the thread two down from this one.

Yes I guess I am promoting an excellent product but I think thats what this forum is really all about, but I still challenge anyone who says I am in some way affiliated with Zen Ray. I purchased my ED's after hearing about them on another hunting forum. I've got a bit of experience in the optics feild and decided to write a review. If you are teed off either because you are affiliated or because I/we've challenged your world view of optics thats your problem not mine. This is a personal endorsement and nothing more
I am new, yes. I am providing positive comments on the Zen Ray, Promaster and Hawke ED binoculars.

Three different companies with not affiliation to one another and I have no affiliation to any of them.

If you check out birdforum.net, huntingnet.com or even 24hourcampfire then you will see I post both positive and negative comments on a variety of binoculars.

These new open-bridge ED binoculars have their weaknesses as Steve has pointed out. I think the point that each of us are trying to make though is that there now is relatively inexpensive binocular that performs at the optical level of the Alphas. Isn't it just human nature to want to share such news?

I have been passing along what I feel are a quality bino for a fantastic price. I have no affiliation with any optics company or retailer. Just calling it like I see it, unlike a lot of fanboys on the net one sees when a person asks for gear recommendations.

If you look at the posts made by Steve and Frank on birdforum and 24hourcampfire, you will see a lot of useful evaluations with specific information, both good and bad points. I have not read where they have promoted any particular dealer, aside from Doug at CameraLand, who we all know is first rate. Aside from these posts here, I do not know Chris, but he seems very knowledgable also. Personally, I highly value the information presented by Steve, Frank and Chris, and wish there were more experienced posters like them who present honest information about gear whether it be optics, packs, tents, rifles, bows.

As someone else said, take the $1000 you'll save with the Zens or Promasters over the SwarZeicas and go on a hunt.

Actually Doug I have done bow reviews before...Hoyt, Mathews, Jennings, Fred Bear, Parker, Bowtech Diamond, etc... In that sense I cannot claim no affiliation. I work on Bowtech's corporate advisory staff.

Currently I have the Leica Duovid 10+15. I sold a pair of Leica 10x50 and Minox 15x58 to reduce space and weight.

>Actually Doug I have done bow
>reviews before...Hoyt, Mathews, Jennings, Fred
>Bear, Parker, Bowtech Diamond, etc...
>In that sense I cannot
>claim no affiliation. I work
>on Bowtech's corporate advisory staff.

Cool Frank,.... heres a couple of pics of me with my Bow Tech Tribute from last year. Pay no attention to the binos hanging from my harness :)



That is a beautiful Elk and Bear. I envy you. Though we probably have similar black bears and elk in PA I would never be fortunate, or skilled, enough to take one...especially of that caliber.

...and, no, I did not see those Nikon Monarchs around your neck....


Truth be told I did hunt with the Monarchs for two years not long after they first came out. They were one of my first serious "steps up" from the bargain basement Tasco, Simmons and Bushnell models that you find at #####'s, Walmart and Kmart for $30.

....and, in my opinion, Bowtech never should have done away with the Tribute. It was a beautiful combination of size, weight, speed and forgiveness. A big regret of mine was that I never owned one. I was very enthused about the Diamond Black Ice I owned for two years....very similar, short of cam style, to the Tribute. Now I am sort of hooked on the new Ross Carnivore 31. Draws like butter and shoots just like the Center Pivot models in terms of noise, vibration and overall shot feel. Not the fastest bow though.


I'm not letting that comment pass either. I'm a Farmer with a Master's Degree in Biology, and I make my living in Irrigation Management. I'm an avid desert Mule Deer hunter and have had a serious optics hobby for a long time. I also have never been in a position where I could really justify the (what I consider anyway) extortionist prices of the high end glass.

It was by blind stumbling chance that I found the Promaster and Zen Ray binoculars. These represent excellent prices on exceedingly good optics, and for all of those hunters out there who would like to have decent glass but who have other obligations for the money, these are it. Period, end of statement. I bought each and every binocular I own and I only wish I did in fact work for an optics company, fact is I don't.

Fact is I cringe whenever I see somebody posting about needing a decent relatively inexpensive binocular. It never takes more than three or four posts for all of those alpha guys out there telling this guy to save up. A lot of that seems like they are trying to justify their own $$$ outlay by telling somebody else to do what they did. How much free advertising do those companies get? Those posters never get tagged for advertising.
Jee boys, I just noticed that new members with minimal posts were hawking a new Chinese binocular as if there were no other brand on the planet, whatever the cost. Just seemed suspicious, that's all. Glad you all like them. mtmuley
LAST EDITED ON May-14-09 AT 10:43PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON May-14-09 AT 10:40?PM (MST)

>Wow, that hit a nerve!

So sremim and mtmuley what kind of binos do you all have? I'm just curious.

BTW I like your signature sremim.
>Jee boys, I just noticed that
>new members with minimal posts
>were hawking a new Chinese
>binocular as if there were
>no other brand on the
>planet, whatever the cost. Just
>seemed suspicious, that's all. Glad
>you all like them. mtmuley

Oh, there are other bins but not at this performance vs. price level.


Sorry if I came off too strong. It was not my intention.
I read FrankD's posts on various forums. He's a good guy who knows what he's talking about, and a wealth of knowledge. I for one appreciate info and first hand in the field experience with new products. I don't see the big deal with any of the postings here. Keep up the good work fellas!
No, it wasn't me... I don't fly fish, golf or skydive :>)

I was trying to temper the "Zeiswaroleic quality" comments from a binocular post who was only focused, pardon the pun on optical quality. It was not my intention to put down anyone who doesn't have a "alpha-binocular"... Image quality is different that mechanical reliblity. Construction methonds, materials and design specs are different in the "mid-range" optics than the European brands. The devil is in the details and because a binocular is advertised as "waterproof" thier are many levels of waterproofness... (sorry about the bad english)

When a hunters optics fail, it hampers their ability to hunt efficiently... no matter if it's a fully guided hunt or a outing in the National Forest with some buddies from work... If you can't see it or find it... you can't put your tag on it... I have killed a lot of game using "low-end" optics... I have also had them fail. Just be honest with yourself guys. NJS
LAST EDITED ON May-19-09 AT 00:23AM (MST)[p]NJS,

Maybe you should be honest and admit you don't know what you are talking about when it come these new ZEN ED's. These are not low end optics or mid range optics for that matter.

Let me spell it out. The new Zen ED is the same or better quality optically and mechanically than the Zeiswaroleic. Just a couple of examples. What are your binos purged with? The Zen are something different. The Zens also have a different design on the eye cups. The hinge stays where you put it for you IPD setting. Same with the diopter setting. Are there weak areas,....yes we've spelled them out in our reviews. Forget about the price. If they were 5,6,or 7 hundred dollars they would still be a great deal. If they were $1700 you probably be more interested in what all the fuss was all about.

So my challenge is to order a pair, see what we are talking about and if you don't find what we have found send them back within 30 days for a full refund.


I have Leica and Swaro binos, and I just bought a set of the Zen EDs for the truck and for using then banging around the hills when I don't want to risk breaking/scratching up my geovids.

The Zen Rays are great. The image quality is awesome. I've sat on my front porch for a couple of hours picking apart hills and bushes trying to find differences between the ZR glass and my Leica. As far as image quality, brace yourselfs, the ZR might be better. Or maybe not. It's that close, though, that I can't really tell a difference. A slightly different shade to the two images but neither better or worse.

I did find the eye position to be more critical with the ZRs, and Hawkeye had a harder time with the ZRs because he wears glasses. The eye relief and ease of use is better with the Leica. Image however and edge to edge sharpness is outstanding on the ZR.

If you are looking for the best deal in optics right now this is it.
Hello vichris,

So you are offering to sell me a pair of Zen Rays? So all your chest pounding about them is to help you sell more of them? So, sir, you are in the business of selling Zen Ray products - how else could you offer me a refund?

I appreciate you having an opinion, but when they are tied to you increasing your sales figures, it clouds your opinion.

I have over 20 years of experience with my Leica's... Granted, new low/mid-range optics have technical improvements over my Leica's... but I have what you don't have with your Zen Rays.... Proven performance in the real world. Oh and as for what inert gas is used to purge you Zen Rays, who cares? If they fog up it doesn't matter... My Leica's have NEVER fogged up... if they do, Leica has the parts and folks to repair them... will Zen Ray be around in 5,10, 15 or 20 years to service thier products? You can't answer than question...

Thanks, but I'll pass on your offer - Sorry I won't be helping you reach your sales quota for the month.
Hello NJS,

Son you have a tough time with your reading skills. You might want to sound out the words. I don't sell anything....... period. So I have no sales goals whatsoever. Glad you like your Leicas but the fact remains that you know nothing about ZR. I just challenged you to try them. I could care less if you want to continue in your ignorance.

I'll make you another challenge.......I challenge you to prove I sell ANYTHING not just optics.

BTW I've yet to have any binos fog up so thats not a particlarly good arguement for using Leicas. I don't think you can answer if Leica will be around in the next 15-20 years either. Personally I think asia is in a much better position to survive this global resession than europe is.

It's funny the nonsense people post on the internet.
LAST EDITED ON May-27-09 AT 12:12PM (MST)[p]vichris...why would you argue with yourself?

vichris I.P. address 68 54 12 231

NJS I.P. address 68 54 12 231

Thats a lame attempt to promote a product!


STEVEC TOO! In fact I see a couple different guys here, pretending to be a couple different people!

Their are so many better ways to advertise guys, talk to someone in marketing.
Those IP addresses that you posted are the IP address of this thread. You might want to recheck before you make those kind of accusations. Here is my IP address.... Its quite different than what you posted. NJS's is different too.

Look I've got a good number of years in the optics field as a technician. I was an Opticalman in the Navy. I've always liked quality optics. I own several telescopes, microscopes, riflescopes, monoculars, cameras/lenses, and binoculars. I've always enjoyed quality optics. "Zeiswaroleic", all make high quality excellent optics,....... there is no dispute.

No one makes an issue if ANYONE posts that one of the "big three" has great quality or good warrenty issues. I never hear ANYONE accuse someone else of promoting one of the big three's products. Why are you not making an issue of NJS promoting Leica?
Sounds very disingenious to me.

I make a personal endorsment of the Zen Ray ED's because they are high quality optics at a very reasonable and affordable price. Personally I think that is pretty good news for the guy who has always wanted some excellent quality binos but could not shell out $1000-$2600.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

You are ... (oh forget it!)

I am not affiliated with any optics manufacturer. I did do reviews on the Zen Ray binoculars and have posted here and other places that I think they are great products. Beginng, middle, and end of story. Optics is a hobby for me, nothing more or less. It offers me no means of support. I probably have lost more money reselling binoculars than I should have spent in the first place.

Sometimes you need different user names for different sites because the preferred user name is taken. I have never pretended to be any other than myself.
Vichris is exactly right when it comes to his and my IP address... He is not me or am I him... Sorry JR. you are mistaken. NJS
I would take it as a compliment to be considered one of these other fine gentleman.

Thank you.


On the other hand, a wise gentleman pointed out that actually you, Junior, have the same IP address as Steve and NJS.


would ya shoot chinese bullets? there powder, lead and case!
I'll buy the proven....the best! when i'm dead my son's-son will be using them..


Rackmaster I agree, but some folks can't afford optics from the big three. I just don't want people to think that for 300/400 bucks they are getting the same quality and mechanical reliability that the Leica's offer. (or Zeiss and Swarovski)

Comparing a company with over 100 years of optical innovations with one that has their name printed on "me too" products from the orient and the ink has barely dried on their business cards is really silly in my book. It doesn't mean they are bad or they do not to be considered if that is what your budget can afford... just don't pretend they are the same.

Just as Conservatives and Liberals see issues differently, folk who use "German Optics" have a different point of view than those who would never spend that amount of $$$ for optics and are always looking for a new brand that they hope will perform with the same optical and mechanical performance. Just different points of view... NJS

I cannot really say that I totally disagree with some of the points you made. There definitely is going to be questions surrounding long term reliability until such a time (5 years?)as people realize the company is here to stay.

And who is to say that they are?

However, as a person that has owned more than his fair share of high end German/Austrian optics, I can say that optically these binoculars do compare with the "Big Three". Mechanically there is some room for improvement but nothing is evident that would stop me from buying another pair from the company.

My experiences with Zen Ray's customer service has also been top notch. They are bending over backwards to help out their customers and provide support for their products. I am not sure what else one could expect from a company at this point.

>Rackmaster I agree, but some folks
>can't afford optics from the
>big three. I just
>don't want people to think
>that for 300/400 bucks they
>are getting the same quality
>and mechanical reliability that the
>Leica's offer. (or Zeiss and
>Comparing a company with over 100
>years of optical innovations with
>one that has their name
>printed on "me too" products
>from the orient and the
>ink has barely dried on
>their business cards is really
>silly in my book.
>It doesn't mean they are
>bad or they do not
>to be considered if that
>is what your budget can
>afford... just don't pretend they
>are the same.
>Just as Conservatives and Liberals see
>issues differently, folk who use
>"German Optics" have a different
>point of view than those
>who would never spend that
>amount of $$$ for optics
>and are always looking for
>a new brand that they
>hope will perform with the
>same optical and mechanical performance.
> Just different points of
>view... NJS

I guess my arguement with you NJS boils down to this. You have not evaluated the ZEN ED and yet you have already prejudged them to be inferior to the big three. And in addition you presume that we who have evaluated them don't know what we are comparing them to. BTW, did I give you the impression that I don't own a pair of Leica's???? You also presume that optical technology, and R&D is somehow suspended over northern europe.

Since 1975 I've been working on and evaluating a much wider array of optics than you can imagine. I've seen a wide array of optics companies come into being...... including Swarovski. I've also seen alot of individuals claim that their new brand of binos were just as good or better.......Vortex, Brunton, Minox and Alpen all come to mind. (Note: I'm not saying those companies have advertised that...... only individuals who have purchased them). I was caught by suprise when I first evaluated these even though I had read some raving reviews on some of the other hunting sights and birding forums. What really sets these apart is that one of their first offering is as good as it is.

Someone else posted this refering to the Zen ED so I'll not take credit for it................................

"There is a Latin phrase "res ipsa loquitor" which applies here. This means the thing speaks for itself. Take a look through these and see for yourself. The image presented will stand against anything. That may be a tough thing for the high $$$ users, but it is what it is."

I guess it is a tough thing!
I just bought the zen ed 10x43's. I guess I will get to see for myself. If they are better than my Pentax dcf sp 10x43's I guess I will chalk it up to a good purchase.

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