> Unpopular subject ? or
>are the chumps just too
>stupid to understand it ?
>Stay Thirsty My Friends
You have lost your love for the collusion?s ? Have another swig
I spent the first 70 years of my life not knowing or caring about what a ZTE was, or how it impacted my life. Guess what? I still don't.

>I spent the first 70 years
>of my life not knowing
>or caring about what a
>ZTE was, or how it
>impacted my life. Guess what?
>I still don't.

eel please don't respond with those remarks it makes Ocho upset.
>I spent the first 70 years
>of my life not knowing
>or caring about what a
>ZTE was, or how it
>impacted my life. Guess what?
>I still don't.

This is the company the president is throwing a life line to.

"Huawei and ZTE devices may pose an unacceptable risk to (military) personnel, information and mission," Pentagon spokesman Major Dave Eastburn said on Friday.

"In light of this information, it was not prudent for the Department's exchanges to continue selling them," he added, referring to the military-run shops on US bases around the world.

Eastburn said the order to pull Huawei devices was given on April 25.

"Given security concerns about ZTE cell phones and related products, the (Pentagon's) exchange services also removed ZTE products from their stores," he said.


Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.
And I don't think the loan hurt anything either.

And maybe this is Trumps way to back out of his trade bullchit, AND get the loan.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Kind of sounds like business as usual. I doubt Trump is the first elected official to ever make out good over trade policy. George Washington probably did the same thing.

It's hard to keep up with all the accusations against Trump. It seems like there are a couple new ones every day. What's going on? Don't people have anything better to do?

Can you explain why Trump should care at all about job losses in China from a company our own military views as a security threat to us?

That isn't an accusation just a question that is legitimate and one I am sure every one of Trump?s Dumb Stooges can't understand.


Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.
>Can you explain why Trump should
>care at all about job
>losses in China from a
>company our own military views
>as a security threat to
>That isn't an accusation just a
>question that is legitimate and
>one I am sure every
>one of Trump?s Dumb Stooges
>can't understand.
>Government is like a baby. An
>alimentary canal with a big
>appetite at one end and
>no responsibility at the other.
Must mean you are over your collusion?s
So the answer is no, they cannot answer it.

And they don't care. Trump is god to them he can do no wrong.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>So the answer is no,
>they cannot answer it.
> And they don't care. Trump
>is god to them he
>can do no wrong.
>Stay Thirsty My Friends

God not god
>>Can you explain why Trump should
>>care at all about job
>>losses in China from a
>>company our own military views
>>as a security threat to
>>That isn't an accusation just a
>>question that is legitimate and
>>one I am sure every
>>one of Trump?s Dumb Stooges
>>can't understand.
>>Government is like a baby. An
>>alimentary canal with a big
>>appetite at one end and
>>no responsibility at the other.
> Must
>mean you are over your

I am not a collusion believer.

Why are you fine with Trump supporting a foreign security risk to American troops?


Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.
>>>Can you explain why Trump should
>>>care at all about job
>>>losses in China from a
>>>company our own military views
>>>as a security threat to
>>>That isn't an accusation just a
>>>question that is legitimate and
>>>one I am sure every
>>>one of Trump?s Dumb Stooges
>>>can't understand.
>>>Government is like a baby. An
>>>alimentary canal with a big
>>>appetite at one end and
>>>no responsibility at the other.
>> Must
>>mean you are over your
>I am not a collusion believer.
>Why are you fine with Trump
>supporting a foreign security risk
>to American troops?
>Government is like a baby. An
>alimentary canal with a big
>appetite at one end and
>no responsibility at the other.
Yeah it is hilarious that Trump is worried about job losses in China from a company our Pentagon has labeled as a security risk.

Shows how far fake conservatives have out sourced their concern for the security of our troops. Imagine if a liberal president did such a thing, the whining about it would never end.


Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.
>Yeah it is hilarious that Trump
>is worried about job losses
>in China from a company
>our Pentagon has labeled as
>a security risk.
>Shows how far fake conservatives have
>out sourced their concern for
>the security of our troops.
> Imagine if a liberal
>president did such a thing,
>the whining about it would
>never end.
>Government is like a baby. An
>alimentary canal with a big
>appetite at one end and
>no responsibility at the other.
Okay albinobama
Just admit you would rather have our troops security compromised by a Chinese company then admit this is one thing Trump shouldn't be involved in. Or just admit you are stupid, not that there is anything wrong with being stupid, as long as you know you are stupid.


Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.

Next to be revealed to have been paid of for sleeping with Trump, write it down.

Not a single one of Trump's Dumb Stooges can explain what Trump is worried about jobs in China and for a company that our Pentagon believes is a threat to the security of troops.


Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.
First it was Russia and now its China.
Sleeping with the enemy has its advantages.
Unlike Russia there is zero question on Trump worrying about jobs in China and the fact that ZTE is considered a threat to our troops. Like most of Trump's Dumb Stooges you act like you care but if it is between sucking on Trump or protecting our troop, you will always pick the former and never the latter.


Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.
NeMont it's a trade deal. Shouldn't both sides get something?

"The recent actions against ZTE were labeled as not just trade enforcement, but a matter of national security. The company's phones were described as a security risk by the Pentagon and US intelligence agencies. Last year, the company, which is 33% owned by the Chinese government, was fined $1.2 billion for violating US sanctions against North Korea and Iran."

How did you draw the conclusion that US troops are in danger? And where specifically are they in danger from ZTE?

>NeMont it's a trade deal. Shouldn't
>both sides get something?
>"The recent actions against ZTE were
>labeled as not just trade
>enforcement, but a matter of
>national security. The company's phones
>were described as a security
>risk by the Pentagon and
>US intelligence agencies. Last year,
>the company, which is 33%
>owned by the Chinese government,
>was fined $1.2 billion for
>violating US sanctions against North
>Korea and Iran."
>How did you draw the conclusion
>that US troops are in
>danger? And where specifically are
>they in danger from ZTE?

waiting for it.................
You should learn to read about what is actually happening in the world instead of relying on Foxnews to spoon feed you.


Concerns have heightened at the Pentagon about consumer electronics being used to snoop on or track service members.

?Huawei and ZTE devices may pose an unacceptable risk to (military) personnel, information and mission,? Pentagon spokesman Major Dave Eastburn said on Friday

In February, Dan Coats, the Director of National Intelligence, along with several other top intel officials, said Americans should not buy Huawei or ZTE products.

?Chinese cyber espionage and cyber attack capabilities will continue to support China?s national security and economic priorities,? Coats told the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Now since your love of Trump knows no bounds, why is he caring about job losses in China at a company that our Pentagon says is a security threat to our troops?


Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.
NeMont, they're already banned from being sold at military bases. The threat has been mitigated, if there ever was a threat. This is just more hate Trump rhetoric.

And what's wrong with working with China and making a deal that works for them? Don't they finance a part of our debt? I'd rather we didn't owe any nation any favors but we both know that isn't going to happen.

Really? Just because they banned the sale of these devices in military exchanges that makes the security issue go away?

How many other Chinese companies could Trump help that weren't suspected of tracking and snooping on our Troops? 300?


Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.
This is a Pentagon issue. Every phone on the market can be tracked. Been that way for awhile. Now stop whinein and offer up a solution.

> Every phone on the market can
>be tracked.

Not by China using their Chinese made phones and exercise bracelets to spy on Americans through a back door system.

Why should a single American care about what happens at ZTE?


Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.
The solution is easy, phuk Hop Sing and phuk ZTE .

Got it ? good.

Why can American ag go pizz up a rope when it comes to China, but ZTE is sacred ? sacred enough to battle congress over. follow the money, into Trump's pocket. that's why.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
How does that stop them from tracking other phones? I'm guessin one or both of your eyes is startin to twitch, you may not make it another 7 years!

LAST EDITED ON May-30-18 AT 08:23AM (MST)[p]My eyes are rock steady. ZTE is a Chinese Company and I give less than two shyts about whether they lose jobs in China or not. That is an easy solution, don't put any time into caring about them.


Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.
Here, let me get my big spoon. ALL cell phones and electronic devices pinging towers and satellites can be tracked. How do we stop our enemies from tracking these devices to locate and monitor our troops and ships?

Let me get you a nipple to suckle to understand that what ZTE devices allowed was not only tracking but downloading and sending contacts information, texts and voicemails to servers in China without the knowledge of the owner of the device. That technology isn't installed on other brands of devices.

I know loving China and caring about Chinese jobs is now in the wheel of Trumpettes because Trump told to care about Chinese jobs now, but there is a little more at stake here. Why is it always Trump first and country?


Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.
LAST EDITED ON May-30-18 AT 10:36AM (MST)[p]Still no solution. Only more evidence of TDS.

I gave you the solution to ZTE, stopping caring about what happens to them.

TDS just stands for Trump's Dumb Stooges on this issue.


Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.
>I gave you the solution to
>ZTE, stopping caring about what
>happens to them.
>TDS just stands for Trump's Dumb
>Stooges on this issue.
>Government is like a baby. An
>alimentary canal with a big
>appetite at one end and
>no responsibility at the other.

You think ZTE is the problem, that's rich! ZTE is a symptom. If you can't identify the problem I shouldn't expect you to offer a solution.


When did you become a weasel? Did I say anything about ZTE being the problem or a symptom. Why are you so into the well on supporting ZTE? Simply because Trump is supporting them and it's the lemming thing to do.


Looks like a job for you. Can you find where we are supposed to care about job loss at Chinese Companies?


Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.
LAST EDITED ON May-30-18 AT 12:41PM (MST)[p]>DW,
>When did you become a weasel?
> Did I say anything
>about ZTE being the problem
>or a symptom. Why
>are you so into the
>well on supporting ZTE?
>Simply because Trump is supporting
>them and it's the lemming
>thing to do.

>Government is like a baby. An
>alimentary canal with a big
>appetite at one end and
>no responsibility at the other.

I asked you for a solution to the problem and all you can do is talk about ZTE. Which tells me you think ZTE is the problem. Clearly my spoon is not big enough. Show me the comment I made the tells you I'm in the tank for ZTE.

Clearly you can't see the problem thru your TDS so here is the problem. Why are our military personnel carrying any electronic devices that can be intercepted ( and they can all be intercepted) and used to locate them? Do they need to update their Facebook status in a firefight complete with a selfie? "?Takein fire, wish me luck!??????" Any and all electronic devices can and will be used to locate them by the enemy. Even Towelie is aware of this.

>And I don't think the loan
>hurt anything either.
>And maybe this is Trumps way
>to back out of his
>trade bullchit, AND get the
>Stay Thirsty My Friends

I know Lennie doesn't read the beginning of his links, I guess he doesn't read the ending of his links either.

The Wall Street Journal reported Monday that in exchange for the removal of sanctions on ZTE, China plans to drop tariffs on multiple US agricultural products that were leveled in response to those initial steel and aluminum tariffs.

You clearly have not been on any military bases recently. It wasn't just Chinese made personal devices that are security risks: Routers, networks and other secure communications are believed to be at risk Chinese hardware makers.

No, ZTE isn't the only problem, but it is the only company that Trump has singled out to be worried about. Hence the Title of this thread. Nowhere in all of this has our president discussed the security issues involved in personal devices. He is worried about ZTE for a specific reason which appears you are willing to ignore as long as you can continue to let him think for you.


Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.
LAST EDITED ON May-30-18 AT 01:49PM (MST)[p]So the last time you were on a military base you're telling me there were no electronic devices transmitting messages? And doesn't this issue fall to the Pentagon? Loose lips sink ships. Still true today.

I didn't say that. Everyone has a cellphone, some are more secure and then there are those the Pentagon has identified with being a bigger risk to have on base.

How can the Pentagon enforce anything if the President is playing nice with the very same company that the Pentagon said is a security risk to our Troops?

One way to deal with any disease is to treat the symptoms until the disease gets cured. Start with the easy ones; Chinese made phones, routers and switches and don't worry whether they lose jobs in China or not. Why is that so hard for you to understand?


Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.
Do you think we're the only country with a huge complex like the one in Utah gathering every electronically delivered message, text, email, storing and sorting that data and creating profiles?

So he lifted sanctions on ZTE, in return China lifted tariffs on our exported ag products. You think lennie even read that part of his link?

How many important communications will our soybeans intercept?


Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.
Maybe he worked "a player to be named later" into the deal and we'll get Hillary's 30k disappearing emails after all?

Why help ZTE ? why is king Cheeto ready to fight congress to save chink jobs ? that's what's important.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
> Why help ZTE ?
>why is king Cheeto
>ready to fight congress to
>save chink jobs ?
>that's what's important.

>Stay Thirsty My Friends

The other day you squealed like a freshly cut 50 pounder that Trump was ******* agriculture. Now that doesn't matter?

Watch what ? our allies will loan Trump money too ? or the chinks will have to make another loan ?

Stay Thirsty My Friends

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