'Predator' Shoots/Wyo Dandy


Long Time Member
Miss Predator has shot a great Wyo bull.

She should be back this week and can fill us in with the story and maybe a few photo's.

I'm waitin!


I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!

That's a Big SOB!
Way to go Preddy!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!

I hope you still have my email so you can send a few pics and a story (when you get a minute)


Best regards,
Zeke (the ole goat hunter)
Okay---I feel way guilty!


I just can't post the photo's she sent me and 'Da Warden'! ha

Lil' Miss Predator is traveling home after a brief drive--thru-- of Jellystone....

My best guess------late Wednesday or early Thursday-----if she don't get yet another injury along the way!

Just a request here------If I sent ya the photo's.....Please do not post 'em....thanks.

What am I waitin for Makeup?:D

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
I too have seen the photos and HOLY MOLY. You all won't be disappointed. She has out done herself. A big Congrats to my sis.
Wow Pred, Great bull...
You've earned that one with all the help you have been giving others!
Congrats on a SMOKER!

I coulda drove to JellyStone & back twice now!:D
Still waitin!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!

Or show her 'RACK' Off?:D

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
I know you only wanna see my rack, c'mon now, let's be honest. Why my rack has been turning heads from Meeteetse on. Caused a minor wreck in the parking lot at Walmart in Cody. Apparently I am now the Elk Goddess.

Sheesh if y'all are gonna die before I get to an actual computer, then I will let one of the guys post up one of the photos I sent them!

The story yer just gonna have to wait fir! I want to enter the Hunt Adventure Contest, dammit!

So fellas who gots the field photos, post up the one from the right side, please! All I can from here is text.

I'll just sit here in the fog and wait.


It would appear that you have quite a fan base.

We're all just really happy for you!

Here is a pic for you all. You will have to wait for the story and more pics till Preddy gets home. Dang nice bull! Congrats Lisa on a stud!!

With Lisa's permission:

BEAUTIFUL in every way shape and form!
Congratulations on a great bull.
I love women who hunt! Damnation!

WHOOO HOOOO!!! YEAH BABY!! Nice job Lisa! Can't wait to see your Hunt Adventure thread!

That's two BIG big stinky's for MM stalwarts this season! LOVE IT - congrats though you are making me sickly jealous.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Great bull!!! Can't wait to hear the story!!

?The bugle of the bull elk echo?s through the pines, the north wind moans her lonesome lullaby, he hungers for the freedom of an eagle as she flies?somewhere beyond the great divide?
Fantastic bull! Way to go girl. :)

If she's gonna kill a bigger one in Arizona with us in Unit 8 next month, we've got our work cut out, for sure.....
Great bull. Rumor has it that she shot it with her service revolver.

No estas en mexico ahora, entonces escoja tu basura
chancho sucio.
Nice Job, that a smoker Bull, love it when a plan comes together.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
WOW.... Great Bull. Hope to get the chance to meet you during your unit 8 hunt.
I actually got to "Touch Pred's Rack" this morning
WOW!!!!! Is all I can say!!!!

One hell of a bull for one freaking stud of a Hunter

Way to go Lisa

I am nominating that for post of the
century on Monster Muleys!

Your are spot on.

This is my "on the hoof scoring" of your bull.


BTW: Are you fishing for our guesses? I can crank off an educated guess if you want.

Well Hot Damn!
Wiley is still around!
That is "Studette" ww,GEEZUS!!!

Well,how bout it ww?
Any luck on the opportunist hunts this year?
Hope you done well?
Let us know you're alive & well once in a while!:D

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Sweet bull!

WileyWapiti states:
I actually got to "Touch Pred's Rack" this morning
WOW!!!!! Is all I can say!!!!

Now he is in traction at the local hospital.......j/k

Congrats Lisa on a great Bull.

CAT, you know that I don't get serious about dropping the string for about another month.... Thats the good part for us opportunity pigs, we get plenty of it here. Once things that go bang get the hell off my mountain we'll get down to business.

I've been chasing duke snarfing sky carp or flying liver if you wish to think of ducks that way for a few days and have enjoyed every minute of it.

WATT I know Pred perty well. She is one of the most dedicated
hunters I know. She has more than paid her dues and I can honestly say that this bull couldn't have been taken by a better or more deserving person.

The length and mass on "The Rack" is amazing.

A couple are perty damn close with their scores

I am nominating that for post of the
century on Monster Muleys!

Your are spot on.
I was thinking about 383ish. Nice job Lisa. I hope to share another plate of spaghetti with you some time. You are a hoot to have in camp.


>>>---shots that are true pass right through--->
I got a room in Williams as well. Can't remember what hotel, but one of the cheap ones when you 1st get in town. Before I head out I will PM y'all my number.
368 but I'm cheating. I saw that rack and talked to you but had no idea who you were. Dad brought you a coke while you were butchering. Amazing mass on that bull!
Hey Murph, what a small world!!! Man, that Coke was right nice after all that cutting, too. I really enjoyed the conversation with your Dad, man, I thought it was way cool to see you guys together. Did you guys score on some prairie carp?

We did score. Monday we checked out the area seeing what was out there. It was killing dad to pass up those bucks. Tuesday I couldn't hold him back no longer and he tagged out.I hope I'm still able to do it at 83. I filled out the next day and Thurs we got our does and came home Friday.Our bucks were 14 & 14.5"ers. A great trip in awesome country made all that much better by the quality of the people such as yourself that we met on the way.
You are obviously the envy of quite a few fellow hunters, including me. I am betting there was a lot more to this hunt than just a spectacular bull that I know you will remember a long long time. Congratulations to a great hunter, human and keen appreciator (is that a word?...ahh, you know what I mean) of God's creation.
Wiley, Cowboy and Murphy- finer things have not ever been said to me, and I thank you all.

Murphy went into a bit, and I will delve deeper on my Hunt Adventure post, but one thing that really has always stood out and did again on his trip, was the true camaraderie and connection that we have as hunters. We really are own community; the good and the bad, but it is this love of the outdoors and the passion with which we pursue that binds us. No one else can understand the feelings whether it be the joy at success, the anguish at defeat or just that one quiet moment when youcan hear the Earth breathe quietly.


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