Guided Mule Deer Hunt


Active Member
My dad is getting up there in years, and he and I would like to do a mule deer hunt together. Neither of us have ever shot a great mule deer. The biggest between the two of us is probably 160. I was just wondering if anyone on this site knew of a reputable outfitter that could give us a hunt of a lifetime. I've been on this site for a while and i've read some horror stories of guided hunts and I don't want to spend money and be severely let down and disappointed. Looking for something next year. My dad is in moderate shape. He can do horses but 1 hour is about his limit. We would be willing to spend up to 4000 each (we have been saving for a while). We are from Utah, but are willing to go wherever to hunt. We know hunting is hunting and nothing is guaranteed, just looking for a great outfitter that you have had awesome experiences with. Thanks in advance!!
I'd consider Wes in the Nevada Forum or Bruce in the AZ forum. Both guys are on here a lot and help a lot of us out with info on certain areas. Both seem to be on the up and up and probably treat their clients very well. Good luck!

Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good health for granted because it can be gone in a heartbeat. Please go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says.
thanks for the Good words.AZ. & NV. offer great chances at mature bucks.Best chance to draw is in NV.and easiest way here is in Outfitter Deer Draw.Never to early to plan a hunt in 2015.Photo is clients NV. buck from 2013 and yes it was His 1st ever Mule Deer hunt.Good Luck ... Bruce & SilverGrand

Do you have any advice on what landowner tags I should get. Do you just buy them or do you have to put in and draw them?
You can purchase a landowner tag. As far as units go you can do some research and find out what units are good ones. $4000 would get you in the game for a pretty good unit.
>My dad is getting up there
>in years, and he and
>I would like to do
>a mule deer hunt together.
>Neither of us have ever
>shot a great mule deer.
>The biggest between the two
>of us is probably 160.
>I was just wondering if
>anyone on this site knew
>of a reputable outfitter that
>could give us a hunt
>of a lifetime. I've
>been on this site for
>a while and i've read
>some horror stories of guided
>hunts and I don't want
>to spend money and be
>severely let down and disappointed.
> Looking for something
>next year. My dad is
>in moderate shape. He can
>do horses but 1 hour
>is about his limit. We
>would be willing to spend
>up to 4000 each (we
>have been saving for a
>while). We are from Utah,
>but are willing to go
>wherever to hunt. We
>know hunting is hunting and
>nothing is guaranteed, just looking
>for a great outfitter that
>you have had awesome experiences
>with. Thanks in
As a rule there are some in each of the ewestern states you just have to know where a deer can make his 6th birthday. I have a number of outfitters that have private land that they manage for tropky muleys. They cull bucks that don't show the potential required to make a trophy.
Many of the areas do require vouchers, which I still have hundreds to choose from but I feel if your goal is size concentrate on where you are going to get it and with whom. The work out the license details.
Mny feel if there are deer in the area they can find the 180 on public ground. That has some truth to it like people do get hit by lightining,in both cases when the bucks get that big they have found a place to hide each year when the broadheads and bullets come out each fall. The major location is private land. Here they are protected to some degree by the landowner. The landowner keeps the buck safe until its 7th birthday or so then he is harvested.
I am including one of these monsters that was taken the first day of archery season in Colorado this year.
Here is a updated Voucher list for Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, Californa and Oregon. For the most part these will get you half way there because they are all private land hunts. Now your ability to find the buck of yopur dreams whittles down to your skill and ability to find him on this private land.
If you don't feel time is on your side we can add semi-guided and guided without meals and lodging to help lower the costs.
If you have done you time and time is getting shorter and the luxery and ease assoicated with the outfitter providing meals and lodging they in some that is available also. Different people like to hunt different ways depending on the pricing. I try to provide hunts one way or another that the working man can afford. For example I currently have a $3500 bull elk guided hunt on 20,000 acres in Colorado reduced down to onlt 3 more seats for only $ 1795 and no voucher required. I have the deer like you are speaking of but other than a $995 muzzleloader voucher for GMU013 it is a voucher hunt unless you put in for points and can by-pass the voucher issue. This voucher or tags issue for deer will be the standard for deer for years to come on the dropping Mule deer populations across the west. I don't want to make this sound like an advertisement I am here to help good people have a good hunt and take home something that THEY will be proud of. With the complexity of the western state application/Drwaing and licensing process it is to easy to not get a license or be ticketed later because you did get a license. Our states don't need ticket revenue's, our hunters need a stright forward simple way to get a deer license or addistance to help them through the tangled web of western Mule deer hunting regulations. I am here to help, let me know if you have any questions. My contact information is below.
Good luck and good shooting.
Greg Merriam
Master Hunt Broker
Master Land Owner Voucher Broker
Discounted Hunts LLC
Outdoor Writers LLC
Pro-Staff Dead Down Wind Scent Products
Pro-Staff Benchmaster Shooting Accuracy Products
1204 Button Rock Drive
Longmont, Co 80504
303-776-7528 Voice
303-746-1214 Cell Phone
Email: [email protected]
Web Page: [ ]
Web Page for Vouchers This is the Link to the land Owner Voucher List
Curent Voucher List
CO GMU003 ANT Rifle S 1 1595 1945
CO GMU003, 301 ANT Rifle 10/4-10/10 S 1 1895 2195
CO GMU003, 301 ELK Rifle 4th 11/12-11/16 Y 3 2095 2265
CO GMU003, 301 ANT Arch DIY 8/30-9/28 Y 2 1795 1925
CO GMU003, 301, 004, 441 Deer Rifle $ 1695 Antelope $ 995 Y 1 1695 1945
CO GMU3, 4,5,14,214,301 Deer Muzzle 9/13-9/21 S 1 1195 1350
CO GMU004 Deer Rifle 2nd last 4 days VO/Hunt Y 3 2995 3250
CO GMU004, 005 ANT Rifle S 2 1495 1695
CO GMU004, 005 ANT Arch 8/15-9/20 S 2 995 1450
CO GMU004, 005 ANT Rifle 1 Buck 1 Doe S 2 995 1295
CO GMU003, 04, 441 Deer Muzzle 9/13-9/21 S 2 1795 2095
CO GMU006, 16,17,161,171 Deer Muzzle 9/13-/9/21 UW N.P. S 1 1295 1450
CO GMU010 Elk C Rifle 1st 10/15-10/15 S 2 795 1095
CO GMU010 Elk C Rifle 2nd 10/18-10/26 S 2 795 1095
CO GMU010 Elk C Rifle 3rd 11/1/-11/9 S 2 795 1095
CO GMU010 Elk C Rifle 4th 11/12-11/16 S 2 795 1095
CO GMU010 Elk C Rifle 5th 12/1-1/31 S 3 895 1095
CO GMU013 Deer Muzzle Y 1 2495 3500
CO GMU013 Deer Voucher w/ hunt Y 2 1795 1950
CO GMU020 Deer Rifle 4th 11/12-11/16 S 2 12050 14095
CO GMU020 Deer Rifle 3rd 11/1-11/9 S 2 12050 14095
CO GMU021 Deer Rifle 2nd 10/18-26 Large Pr. L S 1 5295 5500
CO GMU021 Deer Rifle 2nd 10/18-26 Pr. L Small A S 3 6795 6995
CO GMU021 Deer Rifle 2nd 10/18-26 UW Tro S 3 6495 6650
CO GMU021 Deer Rifle 3rd 11/1-11/9 S 1 13195 13495
CO GMU021 Deer Rifle 2nd 10/18-10/26 UW S 3 4795 4950
CO GMU021 Deer Rifle 2nd 10/18-10/26 S 1 5495 5845
CO GMU021, 030 Deer Muzzle 9/13-9/21 S 1 5795 5950
CO GMU021, 030 Deer Arch 8/30-9/28 both for 3795 Each S 2 3795 4195
CO GMU021, 030 Deer Muzzle 9/13-9/21 S 1 5295 5695
CO GMU030 Deer Arch 8/30-10/31 S 3 995 1250
CO GMU030 Deer Arch 8/30 9/28 HiliCanE.Wsalt W S 3 795 1050
CO GMU030 Deer Rifle 2nd 10/18-10/26 N 2 3495 3750
CO GMU031, 032 Deer Rifle 3rd 11/1-11/9 Phy challing S 1 1995 2295
CO GMU031, 032 Deer Rifle 2nd 10/18-10/26 S 6 1195 1595
CO GMU031, 032 Deer Rifle 3rd 11/1-11/9 S 1 1795 1950
CO GMU033 Deer Rifle 3rd 11/1-11/9 S 1 995 1295
CO GMU041, 042, 421 Deer Rifle 2nd 10/18-10/26 160 A S 10 1295 1650
CO GMU041, 042, 421 Deer Rifle 3rd 11/1-11/9 160 A S 2 1395 1550
CO GMU041, 042, 421 Deer Muzzle 9/13-9/21 S 2 1795 1945
CO GMU041, 042, 421 Deer Rifle 2nd 10/18-10/26 S 4 2795 2950
CO GMU041, 042, 421 Deer Rifle 3rd 11/1-11/9 S 2 1795 1950
CO GMU041, 042, 421 Deer Rifle 3rd 11/1-11/9 S 3 1495 1650
CO GMU044 Deer Muzzle 9/13-9/21 S 1 3295 3550
CO GMU049, 57, 58, 581 Deer Muzzle 9/13-/9/21 UW Vo w/hunt Y 1 2995 3295
CO GMU049, 57, 58, 581 Deer Rifle 2nd 10/18-10/26 S 1 1295 1545
CO GMU049 Deer Rifle 3rd 11/1-11/9 S 1 2295 2695
CO GMU049, 57, 58, 581 Deer Rifle 3rd 11/1-11/9 S 1 1795 2050
CO GMU049, 57, 58, 581 Deer Rifle 2nd 10/18-10/26 S 1 1795 1990
CO GMU049, 57, 58, 581 Deer Rifle 3rd 11/1-11/9 S 1 1295 1450
CO GMU050 ELK C Rifle 2nd 10/18-26 E/S Pr. L 7,5 A S 4 750 995
CO GMU050 ELK C Rifle 3rd 11/1-9 Pr. L 7,500 A S 6 795 995
CO GMU050 ELK C Rifle 5th 12/20-28 Pr. L 7,500 A S 3 750 995
CO GMU050 Deer Muzzle 9/13-9/21 UW S 6 1295 1695
CO GMU050 ELK C Rifle 4th 11/12-16 PR.L 7,500 A S 6 795 1050
CO GMU050 ELK C Rifle 5th 11/22-30 Pr.L 7,500 A S 3 750 995
CO GMU050 ELK B Rifle 4th 11/12-16 PR.L 7,500 A S 1 2795 3195
CO GMU050 ELK B Rifle 1st 10/11-10/15 S 2 1795 2295
CO GMU050, 500,501 Deer Arch 8/30-9/28 S 2 1195 1450
CO GMU050, 500,501 Deer Rifle good in any and all S 1 1195 1450
CO GMU052, 411, 521 Deer Rifle 3rd 11/1-11/9 S 1 3495 3750
CO GMU052, 411, 521 Deer Rifle 2nd 10/18-10/26 UW S 3 1395 2250
CO GMU052, 411, 521 Deer Rifle 9/13-9/21 S 1 2292 2550
CO GMU052, 411, 521 Deer Rifle 2nd 10/18-10/26 S 3 1595 1850
CO GMU052, 411, 521 Deer Rifle 2nd 10/18-10/26 S 1 1995 2250
CO GMU053 ELK Rifle Nov 2014 S 1 1095 1350
CO GMU053 Deer Rifle 2nd 10/18-10/26 S 2 3295 3550
CO GMU053 ELK Arch 9/1-9/22 E/S S 1 1495 1850
CO GMU054 Deer Rifle 2nd 10/18-10/26 S 1 3295 3650
CO GMU055 Deer Rifle 2nd 10/18-10/26 S 5 3795 4050
CO GMU056 ANT Any Wea 1100 A 8/30-9/28 S 1 1395 1695
CO GMU056 Elk Arch 8/30-9/28 E/S S 1 995 1250
CO GMU056 Elk Muzzle 9/13-9/21 bull S 1 1795 1950
CO GMU057, 058 ELK Muzzle Cow 9/13-9/21 S 2 495 650
CO GMU057, 058 ELK C Rifle 4th 11/12-11/16 S 2 495 750
CO GMU057, 058 ELK B Rifle 4th 11/12-11/16 S 1 1295 1450
CO GMU057, 058 ELK Rifle 30,000 A S 1 1495 1650
CO GMU059 Deer Muzzle S 1 xxx xxx
CO GMU059, 511 Deer Rifle 3rd 11/1-11/9 S 11 1995 2250
CO GMU059, 511 & 591 Deer Arch 8/30-9/28 E/S UW S 3 1295 1595
CO GMU059, 511, Deer Rifle 3rd 11/1-11/9 S 8 1295 1545
CO GMU059, 511, 591 Deer Arch 8/30-9/28 S 3 1195 1350
CO GMU060 Deer Muzzle 9/13-9/21 S 1 2495 2800
CO GMU061 Deer Muzzle 9/13-9/21 S 1 5795 5945
CO GMU061 Deer Rifle 2nd 10/18-10/26 S 1 4795 4950
CO GMU061 ELK C Rifle 1st 10/11-10/15 S 3 895 1045
CO GMU061 Deer Rifle 3rd 11/1-11/9 S 2 7995 8195
CO GMU062 Deer Muzzle 9/13-9/21 S 1 3795 3950
CO GMU062 Deer Rifle 2nd 10/18-10/26 S 5 1995 2250
CO GMU062 Deer Rifle 3rd 11/1-11/9 S 2 3295 3550
CO GMU062 Deer Rifle 2nd 11/1-11/9 S 1 3795 3995
CO GMU062 Deer Rifle 3rd 11/1-11/9 S 1 3495 3750
CO GMU063 Deer Rifle 2nd 10/18-10/26 S 1 2795 2950
CO GMU063 Deer Rifle 3rd 11/1-11/9 UW S 1 3295 3550
CO GMU064, 065 Deer Rifle 2nd 10/18-10/26 8000 A S 1 1295 1550
CO GMU064, 065 Deer Arch 8/30-9/28 1 tag S 1295 1545
CO GMU066 ELK Rifle S 1 1595 1750
CO GMU066 ELK Archery 8/30-9/28 320 + Bulls S 1 2795 3250
CO GMU067 ELK C Rifle 4th 11/12-11/16 S 1 795 1050
CO GMU067 ANT Rifle 10/4-10/14 S 1 2795 3150
CO GMU067 Elk B Rifle 3rd 11/1-11/0 S 1 1495 1750
CO GMU067 ELK C Rifle 3rd 11/1-11/9 S 3 595 745
CO GMU067 Deer Arch 8/30-9/28 S 1 2795 3145
CO GMU067 Deer Muzzle 8/30-9/28 S 2 1795 20457
CO GMU067 ELK B Rifle 2nd 10/18-10/26 S 2 1695 1950
CO GMU068, 681, 682 Deer Arch 8/30-9/28 S 1 1795 1945
CO GMU068, 681, 682 Deer Rifle 2nd 10/18-10/26 S 1 2095 2450
CO GMU069, 084 Deer Rifle 3rd 11/1-11/9 S 1 995 1050
CO GMU069, 84,86,691,861 Deer Rifle 2nd 10/18-10/26 Pr. L. O. S 1 795 995
CO GMU069, 84,86,691,861 Deer Rifle 3rd 11/1-11/9 Buck S 1 995 1150
CO GMU070 Deer Rifle 2nd 10/18-10/26 S 1 2295 2545
CO GMU070 Deer Rifle 3rd 11/1-11/9 S 1 3795 3945
CO GMU070 Deer Rifle 3rd 11/1-11/9 S 2 3795 3995
CO GMU070 Deer Rifle 2nd 10/18-10/28 S 2 3095 3350
CO GMU070 Deer 2nd pro not good BLM UW S 4 1795 2045
CO GMU070 Deer 3rd pro not good BLM UW S 4 2995 3250
CO GMU071, 711 Deer Private and Public 600 A2 S 2 995 1150
CO GMU071, 711 Deer Rifle 3rd 11/1-11/9 S 1 1795 2045
CO GMU071, 711 Deer 3rd pro not good BLM UW S 7 1495 1745
CO GMU072, 073 Deer 3rd pro not good BLM UW S 7 1795 2095
CO GMU072, 073 Deer Rifle 3rd 11/1-11/9 hay fields S 1 2295 2545
CO GMU074 Deer Rifle 2nd 10/18-10/26 S 3 1195 1350
CO GMU074 Deer Rifle 3rd 11/1-11/9 S 2 1295 1450
CO GMU074 Deer Rifle 4th 11/12-11/16 S 2 1695 1845
CO GMU075 Elk Hunters choice & season S 2 9295 10150
CO GMU075 Deer Arch 8/30-9/28 175+ Bucks S 1 1495 1750
CO GMU075 Deer Rifle 3rd 11/1-11/9 S 1 2495 2795
CO GMU075 Deer Rifle 4th 11/12-11/16 S 1 4295 4650
CO GMU077, 078, 771 Deer Rifle 3rd Vor and Hunt Y 1 4495 5150
CO GMU077, 078, 771 Deer Rifle 3rd 11/1-11/9 S 1 2795 3150
CO GMU077, 078, 771 Deer Rifle 11/12-11/16 S 1 5795 5950
CO GMU083, 081, 080 Deer Rifle 3rd 11/1-11/9 S 1 4500 4850
CO GMU100 ANT Rifle doe Y 4 285 189
CO GMU105, 106 137 Deer Rifle Antelope Y 1 1495 1750
CO GMU107 ANT Rifle Buck S 1 995 1245
CO GMU107 Deer
CO GMU107 Deer Rifle Mule Buck Late Vo+ hunt S 1 4995 5245
CO GMU110 Deer Rifle 10/4-10/10 5000 A Buck S 2 1795 2145
CO GMU112 ANT Rifle doe S 1 295 225
CO GMU116 ANT Rifle doe S 2 295 195
CO GMU118, 123 Deer Rifle 10/25-11/4 3000 A Buck S 2 1795 1995
CO GMU124 Deer Rifle 10/25-11/4 2500 A Buck S 2 1795 2050
CO GMU130 Deer Rifle hunt & Vo 10/25-11/5 Y 1 4795 4950
CO GMU214, 441 ANT Rifle 10/4-10/10 NW Craig S 1 1195 1345
CO GMU214, 441 ANT Rifle S 2 1495 1750
CO GMU500, 501 Deer Arch E/S 8/30-9/28 S 7 1095 1350
CO GMU500, 501 Deer Rifle 2nd 10/18-10/26 Buck S 2 1295 1525
CO GMU500, 501 Deer Rifle 3rd 11/1-11/9 Buck S 4 2095 2345
CO GMU581 Deer Muzzle 9/13-9/21 hunt & tag Y 1 3995 4250
CO GMU711 Deer Muzzle 9/13-21 DC 140 to 180+ 1 Call
CO GMU711 Deer Arch 8/30-9/28 DC S 1 2095 2395
NM UNIT 02 ELK Arch Pr.L Guided E/S S 1 2295 2500
NM UNIT 02 ELK Rifle 10/1-12/31 5ds A L W Rut Al f. S 1 2795 3050
NM UNIT 04 ELK B Rifle 2nd 10/18-10/26 UW S 5 1295 1550
NM UNIT 04 ELK Arch E/S Chama S 1 1295 1545
NM UNIT 04 ELK Arch E/S Chama Vo No Land S 1 1295 1595
NM UNIT 04 ELK Bull and Cow Pr. L 700 A Tierra S 1 1495 1650
NM UNIT 06 C ELK B Arch S 2 2195 2450
NM UNIT 06 C ELK B Muzzle S 2 3195 3345
NM UNIT 06 C ELK B Rifle S 2 3295 3650
NM UNIT 06 C ELK C Rifle 1 795 995
NM UNIT 07 -09 ELK Arch Deer evthing incl 150 s Y 5 4795 5195
NM UNIT 09 ELK B Muzzle 10/11-10/29 S 1 2795 2950
NM UNIT 09 Deer Rifle 11/8-11/12 evthing incl Y 3 4795 4945
NM UNIT 09 ELK Arch 8/30-9/28 E/S UW S 2 2295 2595
NM UNIT 10 ELK Rifle 10/11-15 or Muzzle 10/4-8 S 1 3295 3645
NM UNIT 10 ELK Muzzle or Rifle E/S N 1 3295 3590
NM UNIT 10 ELK Archery vo 9/1-9/22 UW S 2 2295 2545
NM UNIT 10 ELK B Arch 8/30-9/28 S 2 2895 3195
NM UNIT 15 ELK Muzzle S 2 6795 6995
NM UNIT 16 E ELK C Rifle 11/12-12/3 S 1 795 1045
NM UNIT 16 E ELK C Rifle 12/6-12/10 S 1 795 1050
NM UNIT 16 E ELK B Archery S 1 4795 2950
NM UNIT 17 ELK Muzzle Gu. w/vo everything Y 2 7295 7550
NM UNIT 17 ELK C Rifle S 2 1095 1350
NM UNIT 21 Deer Rifle 11/1-11/5 Trophy Hunt Y 2 3495 3650
NM UNIT 34 Deer Rifle 11/15-12/31 DIY S 2 795 995
NM UNIT 34 Deer Archery 9/1-9/5 S 1 2595 2825
NM UNIT 36 ELK B Call me on this one S 1 5995 6450
NM UNIT 36, 33 Deer Private Ranch S 1 2995 3150
NM UNIT 37 ANT B Y 2 2995 3245
NM UNIT 45 ELK B Muzzle, A L W 10/4-10/8 200, A S 1 2795 3145
NM UNIT 45 ELK B Any legal wea 10/11-10/15 200, A S 1 2795 3150
NM UNIT 45 ELK B Any legal wea 10/18-10/22 200, A S 1 2795 3295
NM UNIT 45 ELK B Arch UW MAYBE S 2 3795 3950
NM UNIT 45 ELK B Muzzle or Rifle S 2 2995 3350
NM UNIT 46 ELK B Arch 9/1-9/22 300-350 S 1 4295 4645
NM UNIT 46 ELK B Rifle 10/1-12/31 300-350 S 1 4795 4950
NM UNIT 48 ELK B Rifle UW S 1 1595 2825
NM UNIT 48 ELK B Muzzle or Rifle S 1 2295 2550
NM UNIT 49 ELK B Rifle 10/4-10/8 10/11-10/15 house S 1 3495 3725
NM UNIT 50 ELK Any wea, crossbow 10/5-10/12-16 S 1 2595 2795
NM UNIT 51 ELK B Arch E/S S 1 2495 2745
NM UNIT 52 ELK Muzzle or Rifle S 1 3195 3450
NM UNIT 52 ELK B Muzzle or Rifle UW S 3 2995 3125
NM UNIT 53 ELK ARCH E/S S 1 1495 1745
NM UNIT 53 ELK B Arch 8/27-8/31 S 1 2495 2750
NM UNIT 53 ELK B Rifle 12/1-12/31 Ranch S 5 2295 2525
NM UNIT 53 ELK C Rifle 10 to 12/2014 S 6 795 1025
NM UNIT 53 ELK ALW 11/1-5 11/8-12 PP Ran UW S 1 1095 1345
NV UNIT 172 ANT Rifle 8/22-9/5 S 1 3295 3545
NV UNIT 31 Deer Archery All season 8/10-9/9 S 1 5295 5545
NV UNIT 31 Deer Muzzle all season 9/10-9/30 S 1 5295 5445
NV UNIT 31 Deer Rifle all season 10/5-11/2 S 1 5295 5550
NV UNIT 51 Deer All season UW S 3 5295 5545
NV UNIT 51 ANT Arch All season 8/1-8/20 S 1 3295 3545
NV UNIT 51 ANT Muzzle All season 8/22-9/5 S 1 3295 3450
NV UNIT 51 Deer Any weapon 150-180 S 1 4795 4950
NV UNIT 51 Deer Arch All season 8/10-8/20 S 1 4795 5125
NV UNIT 51 Deer Muzzle All season 9/17-9/30 S 1 4795 5250
NV UNIT 51 Deer Rifle All season 10/22-11/5 S 1 4795 4950
NV UNIT 51 Deer Rifle Late season 11/6-11/20 S 1 4795 5045
NV UNIT 73 ANT All season 65-75 up to 80" S 1 3295 3545
NV UNIT 75 ELK B Archery TROPHY S 2 12095 12595
NV UNIT 75 ELK B Muzzle TROPHY S 2 12095 12455
NV UNIT 75 ELK B Rifle TROPHY S 2 12095 12450
NV UNIT 75 ELK Hunters choice 8/25-9/13 9/17-30 S 1 8500 8995
NV UNIT 75 ELK Hunters Choice season S 2 9295 10550
NV UNIT 76, 81 ELK B Arch TROPHY S 2 12095 15095
NV UNIT 76, 81 ELK B Muzzle TROPHY S 2 12095 15095
NV UNIT 76, 81 ELK B Rifle TROPHY S 2 12095 15095
UT CWMU ELK Any wea 300-350 class Bulls N 1 5995 6240
UT CWMU Gu.& Cabin ELK Any weapon 250-290 N 3 6295 6590
UT UNIT ELK C Voucher 1100 A Ranch 10/31 01/31 S 4 1195 1450
UT UNIT 19 B Deer Arch W Desert Vernon 180-200 S 1 4295 4550
vouchers can be good, they can also be bad. If you don't do your research you are taking a big gamble with your money!
If you have never hunted mulies and are expecting a trophy, you have a steep learning curve and need some luck too.

I don't like hunting with guides so my default answer is do it on your own. But many variables come in to play with that. How far from the unit you will be hunting (how much scouting you will be able to do), your experience, your desire to be successful, knowing the potential quatlity in the area and your ability to find that higher end while having the confidence to pass up smaller bucks to find one.

Hunting on your own and being successful is a great reward, however not everyone is up for that. Be honest with yourself before you decide to go guided or unguided. Spend your money wisely and good luck!

"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

>wah wah wah......
a certain individuals response on 8/12/2014 to anyone that commits suicide.
There are many things that would be nice to wish for or say but then I would be just like him.
>My dad is getting up there
>in years, and he and
>I would like to do
>a mule deer hunt together.
>Neither of us have ever
>shot a great mule deer.
>The biggest between the two
>of us is probably 160.
>I was just wondering if
>anyone on this site knew
>of a reputable outfitter that
>could give us a hunt
>of a lifetime. I've
>been on this site for
>a while and i've read
>some horror stories of guided
>hunts and I don't want
>to spend money and be
>severely let down and disappointed.
> Looking for something
>next year. My dad is
>in moderate shape. He can
>do horses but 1 hour
>is about his limit. We
>would be willing to spend
>up to 4000 each (we
>have been saving for a
>while). We are from Utah,
>but are willing to go
>wherever to hunt. We
>know hunting is hunting and
>nothing is guaranteed, just looking
>for a great outfitter that
>you have had awesome experiences
>with. Thanks in

Yes I have one in Craig Colorado that this only $1995 for a trophy hunt in GMU004 or GMU441, (Also GMU003 and GMU301 or a regular deer hunt for only $ 1495 It is guided on 20,000 acres of Private land.You can hunt it this year if you Buy the vouchers for GMU003 on second season. I have two of them available at $1495 and the landowner would drop $100 of of each if two hunters booked together durring the 2nd season. He would even throw in a Bull Elk for an additional $500. I don't need to tell you how good this deal is but he understands about your dad and there are memories that a father and son have that you both remember for the rest of your lives and he is a strong believer in family. The problem with age you are in the best condition now then you will be later years. Money can be replaced and is easier to do so in later years. The problem is that hunting is a physicial sport. You can't jus say I will do it next year at his age because he may not be able to fully partisipate at next years phicial requirements aren't obtainable at that time. I have seen so many father and son hunt go this way, and "we will do it some year" is the plan and how empty the son felt when his Dad wasn't around when the planned year came up. It leaves a empty spot in your heart. I had one that the plan was for the next year and the father had a stroke, still available but not physically able.
Well I won't take anymore of Brians space here I just want the 50 year old youth of yeaterday to remeber their 78 year old Dad has a clock ticking and the older he gets the higher the odds of him not being abole to attend your planned last hunt together.
In light I do have some handicapped elk hunts with high success but I must admit it is not near as good as when the two of you can walk together aand make memories but for some it has not been possible.
Enjoy life and enjoy out heritage of hunting.
Call me. Greg 303-776-7528


Greg Merriam
Master Hunt Broker
Master Land Owner Voucher Broker
Discounted Hunts LLC
Outdoor Writers LLC
Pro-Staff Dead Down Wind Scent Products
Pro-Staff Benchmaster Shooting Accuracy Products
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Longmont, Co 80504
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