Andromeda Strain Relived

I am sure the Republicans want everyone to die especially the poor. Obviously only a Republican administration would fund such evil research that could lead to a worldwide pandemic that kills millions.

Damn Republicans always wanting to kill off everyone, even their own children.

Only if there was a rare super expensive vaccine available.

Why would you bring republicans into this? you been talking to Cheney?
Republicans? The article is apolitical and simply questions the prudence of genetically creating a more dangerous strain of H5N1.

Just beating Piper, 440 and you Eldorado to the punch. Seems everything bad in you all's worlds is based upon Republicans being evil and Democrats being good.

I am sure both of you can spin that it is George Bush's fault fot our government funding such research, we all know Obama is good and Bush is bad.

Nothing on this board is EVER apolitical.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-02-12 AT 10:24AM (MST)[p]

Spoken like a "good" socialist.

I don't blindly follow Republicans ideology, especially their ideas on fiscal policy given how Bush spent money and the Cheney statement that deficits don't matter.

So worry about something else as I don't identify with either party.

Go look at who has profited the most from our current administrations attempts to buy supplies of vaccines against H5N1. Then compare that to a list of donors that gave massively to the Obama campaign. Yet there has been a grand total of O cases in the US of H5N1.

You are worried about this but drinking and driving kills Americans every day. Heart attacks, strokes, lifestyle choices have killed millions but a total of 1,130 people have died since 2003 of H5N1 but that is worth fearmongering? Please, we would get more bang for our buck to spend the money on preventing real killers.

The salesmanship it took to sell the Iraq war rivals all other recent plots. it killed 100,000 + + people , cost a fortune and gave Iran a Shiite butt bud .

If you're wanting to play that game here you go. who profited from that one most? besides Iran I mean.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-02-12 AT 10:32AM (MST)[p]

Let's see in 2003 there was $50 billion in no bid contracts in 2003 under Bush, 2011 $140 Billion under Obama. Seems like Obama has Bush beat rewarding the same people who financed both their campaigns.

Try again.

Looks like Halliburton should be thanking Obama for it's soaring profits.

The hits keep on coming

Halliburton has recieved more No Bid Contracts for nearly the same amount of money under Obama as they did under Bush. In addition Cheney's old company has had far higher profits under Obama then under Bush.

Wonder why in the world Halliburton's name has not been mentioned as a corrupt company since 2009 or I also wonder why the Justice Department left Halliburton out of the lawsuit it filed against 8 others for the Deepwater Horizon disaster?

I am sure Cheney is still pulling the strings inside the Obama White House.

Fearmongering? The article is a valid and legitimate inquiry to the wisdom of creating a new and possibly more virulent strain of N5H1. I have personally treated patients with N5H1. It is a devastating disease, especially in young adults with no prior immunity. To know that science has created perhaps a new and more virulent strain is disconcerting to me and should not be taken lightly.


That is odd that you have treated patients when the CDC says that H5N1 is not present in the U.S.? Did you report those cases up the chain?

In addition the World Health Organization doesn't report any cases in the U.S. either

Nor does global health fact

If you are coming into contact with the H5N1 strain it would be nice if you at least reported it to the CDC.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-02-12 AT 11:05AM (MST)[p]If you don't like what this administration has done with your wars you should have ended them in the 7 1/2 years before they took office.

Since Obama voted against the war I really don't see him as a Halliburton groupie. at this stage of the game the players in place are hard to compete with. nobody is going to butt heads with them in the final inning it makes poor business sense.
they do exist..

If I were reincarnated, I would wish to be returned to Earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels." Prince Phillip, World Wildlife Fund...
LAST EDITED ON Jan-02-12 AT 11:20AM (MST)[p]Oh now they are MY wars, okay. I don't hold any elected office therefore I have zero ability to influence any President's or congress's decisions. I applaud the President for bringing an end to the Iraq war, I just don't look the other way when he does the same exact thing you all whined about Bush doing but now it is all good.

Did a majority of Democrats vote to go to war in Iraq? Even the ones sitting on the House and Senate Intel committees looking at the same info? Did a majority of Democrats vote every year for 10 years to continue to fund the Iraq war? Now please explain what makes you think I wanted the war in Iraq to last 10 years. I bet that between the two of us I am the only one with a brother, brother in law,and two nieces all who have served multiple tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan, do you really think I want my family members in harms way? Which of your bothers served in either theater?

Obama didn't vote for the war but he continues to increase the amount of money being paid to contractors that the left insists were corrupt. Why isn't Halliburton named in the Deepwater Horizon suit by the Obama justice department?

How exactly is it poor business sense to reward the very same people you accused of being corrupt but now you cannot find another contractor? How about competitive bids? Nope.

If it were my war, I would not have gone after Iraq and I would have left Aghanistan after the Taliban fell and paid off the populace to keep up the fight against Osama bin Laden. Funny thing nobody asked me what I would do.

Since you were cheerleading for the republicans it was safe to assume you were for Iraq . you know, get the people who attacked us on 9/11 and all that " Have You Forgotten " crap ?

The dems were swayed by lies and fabricated bull crap, any fool who voted for a war knowing the UN inspectors were on the ground begging to be allowed to do their job are morons, stupidity doesn't know party affiliation . the yes voters should have been impeached and the administration should have been put on trial by their replacements. I make no excuses for any of them, and justice will never be served it's too late. history will be the judge once all those who supported the war are gone or willing to admit they're suckers as well.

You really think with the siuation as it is today Joe's Contracting could knock off Halliburton and those dug in tight as ticks at their own game? if so then you probably think Ma' 'N Pop's Imported Crap store can compete with Walmart. again it's too late, the feds are doing whatever it taks to keep things as quit and smooth as possible.
Dude you doing the Texas two step again. Obama and his fellow Democrats accused Bush-Cheney of supporting that evil Halliburton and now they themselfs are doing the very thing they cried and moaned about.

Obama could have "CHANGED" the game in one stroke of his mighty pen by making it a excutive order to no longer conduct business with no bid contracts. He failed to do it, and is a two face hypocrit because of it. As a result the feds failed the American people by paying too much with their way of doing business. I wonder how much money went under the table to campaign coffers for numerous Democrats to look the other way.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-02-12 AT 02:01PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jan-02-12 AT 01:15?PM (MST)

Who is cheerleading? All I did was beat the guys who were going to spin it as a failure of the right to not end H5N1 when they were in charge to the punch.

I am still curious how Eldorado is treating people with H5N1 when there are no reported cases in the U.S., or even North America according to the WHO, the very people who are worried about the research into the H5N1 virus.

If I have to accept responsibilty for the Wars then I guess you will have to accept the problems in the future that Obama accumulating $6 Trillion in debt over a 2.5 year period. He is going to ask for another $1.5 Trillion soon and another $2.5 Trillion after that. In the end the debt will swamp us and our children and the war in Iraq will be a chapter in the history book. Bush was wrong and stupid to spend all the money without paying for, Obama took it to the next level and continued the tax cuts. Does anyone believe that Obama will hammer through a tax increase without a major bond market disruptiong forcing it? Highly, highly unlikely.

The war in Iraq was a huge and colossal mistake that should not have been fought. The fact is that it was a bipartisan effort and continued unfettered even when the Democrats controlled both the House and Senate following the 2006 election. I think they approved all the funding asked by the Bush administration, including the surge.

The dems were suckered with crap given to them by the administration because they were idiots, like I said they ALL should be held accountable. the only thing stopping it from happening again would be the lack of credit with China to fund it. you learn from your mistakes, but only if you admit they're mistakes and accept it. this nation has been content to pretend it never happened.

Have I given any indication I feel the dems should get a pass? they were lied to yes, but it wasn't that hard to see through it a grade school kid should have, so hold their feet to the fire they deserve it. where else do you get off with killing 4500 americans and who knows how many innocent civilians for nothing and not even have to say sorry? nowhere else on earth.

I haven't heard any teabagger appologies for Bush doubling the debt have you? I'm sure the dems will catch up at this rate but they haven't caught the republicans in the total national debt yet. odd how that seems to always slide by, it's like we had a savings account until Obama spent it all and started borrowing. I'm not deffending Obama he's out of line, but considering the reduced revenue he has to work with not much different.
So the question is: Why hasn't Obama drawn a line in the sand and forced a simple tax increase to increase revenues? He supposedly had all the political mojo and both houses of congress yet he chose to fight for Health Care Reform using books cooked worse than the Invasion of Iraq presentations.

Bush lost me on his spending but Obama didn't even attempt to think through what piling more debt on a debt crisis would do.

We deserve to have a killer flu come in and knock back our population that is too stupid to govern itself and to lazy to forgo their next big screen TV and Iphone.

Obama hasn't done it because it would be political suicide. in order for any tax increase to be supported it would mean the voters would actually have to give a crap about the debt. the only people worried about it are the teabaggers and that concern will evaporate as soon as the next republican is elected. Norquist has even got the dems controlled today through great propaganda, but then how hard has it ever been to get people to pay less taxes?

So you're right, we're getting what we asked for and it's stupid.
Where did Eldorado go? I'm curious about his explanation of treating patients with the virus. It's hilarious when people are caught in a lie and then they disappear. Typical Democrat!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-04-12 AT 11:14AM (MST)[p]From FLU.GOV as of Jan.4, 2012

H5N1 (Bird Flu)
?H5N1 (Bird) flu remains a serious concern with the potential to cause a deadly pandemic. H5N1 (Bird) flu is an influenza A virus subtype that is highly contagious among birds. Rare but lethal human infections with the H5N1 (Bird) flu virus have occurred.

?Humans have little or no immunity to the H5N1 (Bird) Flu. Since November 2003, over 500 cases of human infection with H5N1 (Bird) flu viruses have been reported by more than a dozen countries. Some 60% have died.

?H5N1 (Bird) flu infection in humans is very rare and has never been detected in the United States. To prevent infection with H5N1 (Bird) flu, take precautions when visiting areas known to have H5N1. Avoid close contact with infected birds or their surroundings.

?The World Health Organization (WHO) is coordinating the global response to human cases of H5N1 (Bird) flu and monitoring the threat of an H5N1 (Bird) flu pandemic.

According to FLU.GOV there has NEVER been a case of H5N1 detected in the United States. One would think that the government tracking website would have a record of such a thing and that it would be a HUGE deal for them to have even one case.

Just saying

I have an idea. Eldorado, why not clear your "good" name? Certainly there is a protocol for reporting such viruses so why don't you post up copies of the correspondance that you had with the CDC. So as not to break HIPPA laws, maybe you could block your patient's name and personal information from any of the documents that would support your claim.

Right now it sounds like like your report was a phone call that went like this:

Eldorado: Uh yeah, this is Eldorado and we have a serious case of H5N1 down here.

CDC: Ok sir proceed with caution.

Eldorado: No problem (hangs up phone)

CDC worker: (laughing with co workers) What a retard, there are no cases in America. He's probably a Democrat and just needed to lie about something today.

So anyway, the ball is in your court. IMO, you told a little white lie and are trying to cover it up with other little white lies which will only make it worse. Why not just say you know what, I lied and I'm sorry? Or... Post up the evidence and I will apologize to you on this forum for calling you a liar. gets no better than


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