Those Dang Kids in Oregon


Active Member
Well 2007 should be a very interesting year for me and my bestfriend. First off My nephew Drew the Indigo Youth tag. This is a great chance for him for His very first big game hunt. We should take out a 275-325 Cascade Roosevelt Elk on this hunt. But he will be ecstatic with anything. He had no points and his draw percent was less then 2%.

Next Up my best friends son Draws the Powers Unit Any Bull Tag with 0 none nada a point he is 13 and drew a cow tag last year. His odds were under 1%. There are Roosevelts in this unit that will push 350 and a few have come close to the 400 mark 380+. This is just about as good as it gets for Roosevelt Elk in the US.

These dang kids and there luck but it looks like I will have a total blast chasing elk inbetween Columbian Blacktails and a late season Mule Deer Rut tag.
Congrats to the boys.... it sounds like they will be in for some good hunting. Nothing beats a big, dark, Roosevelt elk :)

From the land of Big Sticks,

I know. Both my kids drew Murders Creek buck tags here in our back yard. They each had 2 points so it was pretty much a sure deal.
Ya i know all about that my two sons drew arizona bull tags and they only hve like 1 point and the draw odds are like under 1 percent
when my kids were young they would draw excelent areas also, I wonder if some one ain't lookin at the age before the draw....

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