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    • WesternSky
      WesternSky posted the thread 24 Odds in Utah.
      This year's odds reports are up. https://wildlife.utah.gov/bg-odds.html
    • WesternSky
      WesternSky replied to the thread 2024 Results.
      I suspect they took it back down. We checked a coworker son's account and it showed his successful elk result.
    • WesternSky
      WesternSky replied to the thread 2024 Results.
      Application history in my draw result account.
    • WesternSky
      WesternSky posted the thread 2024 Results in Utah.
      My results are showing my account.
      • 1715718243944.png
    • WesternSky
      WesternSky replied to the thread Backdoor surprise??.
      My unsuccessful results are showing in my account. No email yet though.
    • WesternSky
      WesternSky replied to the thread ISO thunder beast ultra 9.
      Bauer Precision says they have them. Probably want to call to verify their website is correct. I know nothing about them.
    • WesternSky
      WesternSky replied to the thread A ghost story.
      Was the 10" difference between Gross and Net score mainly due to the broken main beam?
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