Nikon D50


Very Active Member
Does anyone in here have this camera? Im in the market for a new one and Inkleys was really pitching this model. Id just like to get some feedback from current owners.
depends on what you intend to do with it. sure, it's a good camera but more important is to buy what you need to do the job at hand. The d50 is a good camera but it has its limitations, like all models. I would recommend it if youre into snapshots and some light outdoor stuff. dont get me wrong, it is capable of producing great images. there is a guy on this thread that uses one. read the nikon lens thread and a few others on here and send him a PM, ask him how he likes it.

"Roadless areas, in general, represent some of the best fish and wildlife habitat on public lands. The bad news is that there is nothing positive about a road where fish and wildlife habitat are concerned -- absolutely nothing." (B&C Professor, Jack Ward Thomas, Fair Chase, Fall 2005, p.10).

I bought my D50 about a month ago and love it...had a Panasonic Fz10 prior which I liked but not as well as the D50.

Hope this helps
they are an awesome camera, a buddy of mine has it and absolutely loves it. the lenses for it are fairly priced. if you are really considering it, look on ebay. it might seem like a weird place to look, but you can get some screaming deals. you can get a package with tripod, lens, telephoto lens, memory card, cases for the camera, tripod, and filters. you can normally get a package with all of those accessories that i just listed for around $1200 or pay $800 for the camera and the 18-55mm lens only and then spend another $1200-$1400 for the accessories

heres on for example:
ONLY buy nikon from a dealer, (there are great dealers on ebay) unless your considering used. I would not avise you to buy a used body, unless you know the person and know how unit has been used.

No dissrespect to golfguy, but in genneral it's not worth the savings if your getting a "gray" market procuct (no warrenty) or one not sold from a dealer. BUY only US or CANADIAN models.

The bottom line on ebay is be carful thats all.

I'm not telling you not buy from golfguy, just know what youre getting into first. . .

"Roadless areas, in general, represent some of the best fish and wildlife habitat on public lands. The bad news is that there is nothing positive about a road where fish and wildlife habitat are concerned -- absolutely nothing." (B&C Professor, Jack Ward Thomas, Fair Chase, Fall 2005, p.10).

I have always been a big Nikon guy, but I recently bought the Canon EOS 20D because of everything I read and people experiences I knew (saying it was in a class all its own). We take alot of kids sports pictures so that swayed us towards the Canon.

A couple things to consider. The Nikon is a 6.1 MP and the Canon is a 8.2 MP. The Nikon is a little cheaper than the Canon, I got mine with the 18x55MM lens for $1253 and change (included shipping) through Dell Computers. I ended up buying another L series Zoom Lens and I was able to double my rebates since I bought two items. My rebate was $270 on the lens and camera. Battery life - our Canon has 750 pictures taken on it and we have yet to charge the battery - very impressive. The Nikon's I had would give me about 150 outdoor and 100 indoor pics per battery charge.

Whatever you do handle them and feel the weight with the lens? They are quite a bit heavier than the point and shoot consumer models. I bought a bino system harness for my wife and I each for the camera and that has helped alot. The quality of the pictures with an SLR is so much better than the point-n-shoot - you are going to be very pleased whichever model you buy. We have some of the most awesome soccer and karate action photos - punches or kicks connecting or seeing the ball leave the foot. Very cool!
Thanks for the response guys! Seeing some of the photos you all have posted on here really has made me want to get out and take some photos. Especially those from TFinalshot. Great pics! I am an ebay fanatic and there are some good deals out there, but the gray market products are scary. Inkleys is doing a deal where if you buy from them they will put you in a photography class. I dont know what the hell Im doing, so the class would be nice. What camera do you shoot with T? A thousand bucks is about my limit, which is why I was looking at the Nikon. Again, thanks for your responses guys!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-18-06 AT 09:40AM (MST)[p]read the nikon lens thread under this forum. I mostly shoot with the d2h and the d70 but the d200 is on the way but wont be my go too unit until i give it a good once over. all cameras are uniqe, even within models, you have differences in how the censor captures the image. Nikon Quality control is second to none (in my view much superior to canon), but there still are slight differences even with similar bodies.

Your d50, should you go that rought, would most likely not capture the exact same image as your neighbors d50. it would be very close, but these digital cameras take time to learn, they are like people in that way, they have their own -alitys, more so than film slrs. Morover, pixels are not all the same. you pay more for better pixels, and you pay more for additional control options and more features in the body.

keep in mind that your 1000 bucks wont allow you to buy the bigger, longer glass. however, all nikon glass is good. you will pay more for more fetures, and larger apatures. You need the larger appaturs for low light and action.

Good luck.

"Roadless areas, in general, represent some of the best fish and wildlife habitat on public lands. The bad news is that there is nothing positive about a road where fish and wildlife habitat are concerned -- absolutely nothing." (B&C Professor, Jack Ward Thomas, Fair Chase, Fall 2005, p.10).
I agree with what TFinalShot has said, his pictures speak for themself. Texas Hunter and I love the 20 D. I have taken pictures for 30 years using canon film products. I love the quality and versatility of their cameras. I decided to take the digital plundge and putchased the 20 D. I already had numerous canon lenses and I did not need a medium format camera for the work I do. I have to say the digital SLR has made me go back to STUDYING again. The white balance issue on the DSLR's will make you learn to look at photography in a whole other light (pun intended). Which camera is better, it up to you to decide. The features of the cameras will make the decisions for you. The cost is NOT in the body it is in the LENS. Each camera company has their cameras record pictures differently. I don't think you can go wrong with either. Decide your needs and then look and the lens that will best fit your need. Whatever you do have FUN but realize you are embarking on a new frontier and the challenge can be either frustrating or exhillerating depending on your attitude.
well said Pistol!

"Roadless areas, in general, represent some of the best fish and wildlife habitat on public lands. The bad news is that there is nothing positive about a road where fish and wildlife habitat are concerned -- absolutely nothing." (B&C Professor, Jack Ward Thomas, Fair Chase, Fall 2005, p.10).

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