Just got my Vortex Vipers yesterday


Active Member
I just got my Vortex Vipers from Cameraland yesterday. Just looking around the neighborhood, I am very impressed. I looked side by side with the Swaravskis and I couldn't tell the difference. These are great optics. They are very compact and I can't wait to use them this next season. Hopefully I draw the Book Cliffs ML elk hunt.
I only have the Diamondbacks and absolutely love my binos. I can't wait to get one of their spotting scopes!


I've got one of their Nomads and love it as well. I am very impressed with their products. I have looked through the Skyline ED and it has better light capturing abilities but it is huge. I wanted something smaller that I could pack.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-06-08 AT 11:33AM (MST)[p]What power Vipers did you get? Have you compared them to the Swarovskis in low light?
COLO3D, I got the 10X42 Vipers. I did not compare them in low light conditions, but that is because I cannot afford the Swarovskis so it was not that big of a deal. I did compare them on an overcast day in the late evening (just to see the difference) but there was still plenty of light around and I actually liked the Vortex better...colors seemed crisper. That may not be the case in lower light but $450 for the Vipers is an awesome deal for the quality and I love them so far. Plus you can't beat the warranty.
Just thought I would give and update after using my Vipers a little more. I love them even more than before. I have compared them to the Razors which are about twice the price and the vipers are clearer and crisper in my opinion. I am one satisfied customer.
I have the 15x vipers, the skyline 80 and the skyline 80ED and love all of them. The swarovski sts80 HD is more clear from edge to edge, but not enough to spend a $1200.00+ difference. My 15X viper are awesome. I compare them to my brothers Swarovski's and no difference.
the Razors are just awesome

Looking to get another pair of Binos. Having been kicking around the idea of the vortex Viper and Razor. I was set on the Swaro SlC but unable to get a pair under $700 on ebay. Really need to stay in the $300-$500 range. Are these real deal.
I make my living using them. The only problem I have is evryone is now looking at them-that means the price will go up soon. They are in the same catagory as Lieca, Swar's and Zeiss in my opinion. Lifetime waranty, multy coated, fog and waterproof, great feel and super clear edge to edge.

I really don't think you can go wrong with the vipers. I love my 10X42. They have exceeded my expectations just as maddglasser has said. For that price range they are awesome. Doug at cameraland can get them for you for $450.

Vipers are good but the Razors are just awesome for the money and I have swarovski EL's 10x 42's

I been looking for a second pair of binos for general use and the Cabelas Euro's are also very nice there made by Meopta a Eastern Europeon company

But The Vortez Razors are again just awesome for the money

Don't the vipers and razors use the same glass? Just a different housing? If so. Than why are we seeing guys say one is better than the other?
I don't know if its the same glass or not but if it is this reminds me of when I was reading reviews on the Chevy Colorado verses the GMC Canyon. Same truck, but the reviews are way more positive on the GMC than the Chevy. I think its because of the perceived value of the GMC over the Chevy?

I don't know anything about how they are made...all I know is when I compared them at dusk, the vipers were easily the better glass. I don't know if there was something wrong with the razors because they were someone else's. I would assume they would be just as good as the vipers brand new....who knows.
I just got the Diamondbacks myself and I can't believe the quality of the optics that Vortex puts out for the dollar. It was always my ambition to own a pair of $1800 binos but that feeling has long sense left. No need. I will certainly invest the money elsewhere. Thanks Vortex!
I have the 12X42 Vipers, got them last year for 300.00 from a guy in AT. I sold my old Pentex CFP 10X50 and have never looked back. Vipers are superior in everyway. Best investment I ever made. Used them on my elk and mule deer hunts and it was a joy using them for hours at a time without eye fatique. Most likely the last pair I will ever have.
According to Vortex the razors have a different features such as housing and prisim allignment BOTH the vipers and Razors are roof prisims but the Razors are a little longer and have a different focus.

Also Vortex claims the Razors are to be a little sharper because of the design when I asked about glass they said same glass but wouldnt say anything about the coatings.

They told me they that all the higher end binoculars in general will go up in price quite a bit for small differences or slight improvements kind of similar to say the Swarovski SLC VS El's a few differnce big price difference.

When I asked the person I was speaking to their opinion they said they liked the Vipers better than the Razors. I wear glasses so maybe the Razors worked better for my eyes???

Vortex also stated that everyones eyes are different so that why there are so many difference in opinion.

I already knew this but to put it that way.. Opinions are like noses everyone has one.

So overall even the Vortex people I talked with seem to like the Vipers better for the money but I still like the Razors a bit more than the Vipers.


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