WooHoo I'm A Donor


Long Time Member
Just sent money out to Bernie and Kasich. Bernie's minimum donations start off at $5.00 and Kasich starts off at $25.00.

Needless to say, they both got money, Bernie got more.
The funny part about your bragging, is that if Hillary does beat out Sanders, you will vote for her.

You fellas really don't understand what it means to be an Independent voter. Why be a slave to 1 party? Independents are a larger group than either party, why do you think that is?
If independents are a larger group then the other two parties, why haven't they won any election for president?

Being and Independent means zero party affiliation, candidates can run as Independents but that does not mean they have any relationship with non-affiliated Independent voters.

Most Indies still vote among traditional party lines with the majority historically leaning to the right.

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