Jeff and the Mtn Lion (Video & Pics)

  • Thread starter coolspringoutfitters
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LAST EDITED ON Jul-24-08 AT 02:38PM (MST)[p]
OK, so here are the photos...Check them out and then read the story.


So I went out this morning to check on my trail cameras. They are a ways out there and I didn't want to hike in the heat, so I went early. I came over the ridge to where my first camera was and looked down the ridge to see if there were any deer in sight. There wasn't any, so I looked up the hill. There is a lot of grass and stuff and out in the middle there was something that didn't look quite right. I pulled up my binos and looked. Just as fast I dropped them and grabbed my pistol and my camera. Just 50 yards away was this big old cat. We stared at each other for about 5 minutes. I was thinking "what do I do?" I recorded him for a while then decided it was his move to make or mine. I put the camera down and yelled a couple of times at him. He didn't move. So, I did what I thought was best. I fired off a couple of warning shots. The first one he just tilted his head, the second one he took off. It was VERY creepy to go right where the cat had gone to check on my cameras. I checked the first two and on the way to the third, I came across the tom's tracks. Then I realized that I might have him on film. So, these pics are from a camera, they were taken about 10 minutes before we "met"(the time is off 2 hours). Going back out of there was a little creepy too. I kept looking back, thinking about him.
I have seen bears in the wild but this was my first cat(that wasn't treed) and we were a little too close for comfort.
Let me ask you, what would you have done???

Here's the video, sorry about the quality, I had to reduce it a lot to get it to fit. And of course I was freaking out while filming.

Here is the Youtube link, it might be a little clearer.

It's all about the good times...
LAST EDITED ON Jul-24-08 AT 03:28PM (MST)[p]I suppose some idiot might complain about the quality, but I wouldn't be that type of idiot. No need to say you're sorry.

Thanks much for going through the trouble to put that up. That is a cool video. I completely understand the difficulty of holding the camera steady in a situation like that. I had a 7-point bull elk that I was once filming through some trees turn and come walking almost right up to me before it noticed something funny trying to hide in the knee-high grass. Got about ten minutes of footage of him stretching his neck trying to figure out what I was, the only recorded sound being the wind and my hoarse breathing. When I showed it to my wife she started in on me about how I wasn't holding the camera steady enough. I guess you had to be there... ;-)
Creepy video. You have balls of steel to even video that lion that close.
I don't know what you are talking about... I had just hiked 2 miles. I was out of breath, that's all. LOL can you blame me?

It's all about the good times...

About half way through that clip... I can actually audibly hear you pass the peach pit. Thanks for sharing... I hearby rename you... Balz 'o' Steel


"Helping turn good tags, into great ones." -
Gotta hand it to you thats awsome. about the time I noticed him that close and aware of me being there I would have dropped a levi bomb. Thanks for shareing
Good Luck and Great Memories
Thanks for the effort.

It didn't seem bad to me......except that I like to see kill shots on game videos....LOL
Fine, the real reason it was shaking so bad is that I only had one hand. The other one had a pistol in it and that wasn't about to change just so I could get a steady pic.

Jeff (Balz o Steel?)

It's all about the good times...
MOMMA!!I would have been taking the video from the fetal position..thumb inserted in my mouth. That puddy tat don't look scared. That's a cool experience I hope I never have.
That's a pretty cool experience!

You know you're not gonna get CS to go out with you now:)

I've been lucky to see a few out and about w/o dogs, but I've never had a camera with me.
I actually found a decent buck to go after on the archery hunt really close to where this happened, CS said I could borrow his blind. He suggested that I sleep in it overnight and wake up for breakfast with my new friend (the lion). I didn't think about it before, but he said that I could borrow it, he didn't want to come with me...Wonder why?


It's all about the good times...
The reason... I am not joining you is because I found UTODDS honey hole and I am going to kill myself a bull elk opening morning. It will take me probably the whole hunt to pack it out of that hole.

That and... I don't like lions, bears and crabclawed bucks :) oh my.


"Helping turn good tags, into great ones." -
Excuses excuses. Fine, I will come with you, we can both kill big smellys


It's all about the good times...
LAST EDITED ON Jul-25-08 AT 08:36PM (MST)[p]CS and CSO....I have some bad news to report to you...the secret honey hole has sadly burned to the ground. It seems that a survelance camera that was placed on a trail leading into the honey hole somehow fell to the ground. Refraction from the sun hitting the lens of the camera just right cuased a massive fire and POOF..the whole area now looks like an ashtray. Not an animal for miles..even the Nomad left town for the Basin. I'll be hunting ol 'number 11' elk on the Manti. Sorry to break the bad news.

P.S According to police, the camera has some writing on the side. What was not burned off read: CS#12 V P O TICS TU N G GO D AGS IN O G E T ONES. SE' H BLA SPAN L.

Weird stuff man.
Is there a reward? I think I know whose camera that is. If there is I will split it with you. (the owner and I aren't that close HEHEHE) do you need company for the manti? It sounds like I need a new place to hunt.

It's all about the good times...
CSO..I think there may be a reward for the capture of the little devil/s. I think it may have been some sort of gay reformation group or something. I think the writing on the camera said "Turning good Fags into STRAIGHT ones". But I could be wrong. You would be welcome to come hunt double unicorn bulls with us! I know Cowslayer wants to earn enough Big Stinky credit to legally change his name to Bullslayer..but I am after steaks man!
The camera was a moultre $99 camera from Cabela's. It takes a lot of landscape pictures (no wildlife) but the pictures it does take are awesome great.



It's all about the good times...

I hear that if you have them facing the sun or something with the sun hitting them (say a branch, grass, bush etch) the wind can activate the camera because the item is warm from the sun hitting it and it is moving? Maybe that is the issue?
Anyway nice pictures.

This one is set up facing north. All I can think of is that the sun bakes the plants, they move and the camera senses it. It took 1700 pics over three weeks and there were only about 30 that were of animals. Its pretty annoying, but the quality of the pics are good. I guess I just need to keep the batteries charged...


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