Social distancing


Very Active Member
I don't think these guys got the memo ! Look closer than 6 ft. ? Went to the hills to hike around with my 5 year old , she fell asleep so we didn't get to far. So me and my wife just sat and glassed. Trying to keep my mind off draw results.



Nice to get out and do something away from this twisted sense of "the new normal?" whatever that's supposed to mean.

Draw results are almost everything we have to look forward to these days it seems like. Can't even go into a Sportsman's anywhere in the state to just look around and pretend things are halfway normal.

The three SW's in NM are closing "until further notice because of local mandates".

MLG has no idea at just how bad she is making the economy in NM. Someone needs to rein her in...
Yes this sucks and it's gonna kill the economy, but what are we to do? Continue to pass this crap around to everyone and contaminate the entire state. Look at New York over 1200 dead from this virus and counting. It's a tough time non of us have ever gone threw something like this. Just hope and pray that we get threw it soon in order to get back to some normality.
Hasn't affected me that much my closest neighbor is half mile away and I go to town every two weeks.... But I do miss my kids not coming home to see their old man.
Jack, I've never met you , but the posts I've read or comments you make remind me of my dad. Hahaha
Me and the family have lots to do around here to keep occupied. We really hardly go out so this " social distancing" hasn't been to big a deal. My wife is even learning to use OnX maps now ? she's looking forward to hunts, and draw results so that makes me happy. The little one wants to go OTC
"BARBER" sheep hunting ??. God bless , if anyone goes to the hills put up some pics. It sure does help.
I cant wait to actually do some real social distancing this fall.
Hoping the draw results come out early this yr. Would be pretty considerate of gnf to do so with our current situation. Maybe if we all start calling them to please release refunds asap..... :)
I believe with our g&f is always good about results. I do also feel the 15th is very doable and that they will take this time into consideration. I feel for all of us, I know I got close to a couple thousand tied up between three people. I REALLY feel the NR pain. I can't imagine the hurting on their check books through all this. I know people that have from 4-16k tied up ?
I cant wait to actually do some real social distancing this fall.
Hoping the draw results come out early this yr. Would be pretty considerate of gnf to do so with our current situation. Maybe if we all start calling them to please release refunds asap..... :)

I hear ya buddy! I'm just hoping they keep all my money haha.
Social distancing: I'm really growing to hate that phrase. I just want G&F to keep all my money and then I'll remove myself ASAP from the rest of civilization to go scout whatever wilderness G&F tells me I'll be hunting. Doing my part to help stop the spread...
I hope they do keep all your money.. Then I wont feel horrible for drawing my 2nd choice elk tag lol.

???? That could very well effect our friendship man! Hahaha jk hope you do draw it!
Roadrunner that sounds like all you need is the green light! Idk of your off work but if you are and you draw , DISTANCE yourself from your house and go find em!
Hey Geno, that looks like you that time I videoed you up on Goldhill, except you had dandelions behind your ears cuz you don't have the hair to hold them either! Lol
Nice to get out and do something away from this twisted sense of "the new normal?" whatever that's supposed to mean.

Draw results are almost everything we have to look forward to these days it seems like. Can't even go into a Sportsman's anywhere in the state to just look around and pretend things are halfway normal.

The three SW's in NM are closing "until further notice because of local mandates".

MLG has no idea at just how bad she is making the economy in NM. Someone needs to rein her in...

umm I think MLG knows the economic impact, I think she has her mind more on the fact that NM has only 1.8 hospital beds per 1000 people versus the national average of 2.4 per 1000 people. I know there are people that don’t care and think this whole thing is a hoax. So forgive me if my son having Reactive Airway Disease has my priory directed to hoping there is a hospital bed available for him if he needs it.
this is not the the first time Americans have faced difficult times. And please don’t mistake me as a democrat or anything like that. I am a patriotic American with Conservative values that has served for 21 years.
umm I think MLG knows the economic impact,

ummm, I don't think she fully does especially when she has been trying to quash the very industries that give the state the funds for the kind of budget it has, and needs. Towns that have independent income away from resource extraction hurt, but the towns that depend on it with the really low prices right now hurt even more when local businesses are forced to (temporarily) shut down. Unemployment filings this morning were 6.6 million. That's 6.6 million households with no income. That is 3 times NM's entire population.

Nobody has ever questioned the impact this virus can have on people like your son. My dad has scared tissue in his upper respiratory area from a condition from last year. But, he also doesn't believe the world needs to shut down just for him. This virus hasn't shown to have the impact that is being implied by many, particularly the "mainstream" media. Perhaps the numbers by the end of the month will show that, hopefully not. Maybe shutting down the world has paid off. Maybe people avoiding one another in the grocery store like they had the plague has paid off as well.

14,011 tests so far and 13,648 are negative. So, I remain somewhat skeptical on certain things about it.

And, I hope you don't think I think this is a "hoax". And, I hope you understand we are suffering the consequences for a lack of elected leadership doing the real job they were put into office for and not ramming through idiotic legislation like red flag laws. I also hope you don't feel that serving for 21 years in whatever capacity makes you more of a patriot than anyone who hasn't. People who value a hard day's work, are active in the public square (pay attention to politics), and respect the law of the land are no less patriotic.

82reddevil: I'll pray for your son that he doesn't get the virus... Nothing worst than having to watch our kids struggle. I too have severe asthma and understand the risks involved.

It is very risky the way our economy is being led though. I work every day still being self employed with high caution for sure. We need to keep this Amerucan wheel turning though or else we could see a complete collapse and that would be a mess in our society. Wish everyone the best through this and were all in the same boat in the end.

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