14 Day Quarantine?


Long Time Member
Does anyone happen to know exactly what the current 14 day quarantine means for nonres? From what I understand the 14 day quarantine is due prior to entering Wyoming. I imagine the same thing can hold true leaving the state of Wyoming so it would be necessary to self-quarantine while in Wyo? The newspaper article I read said "14 day self-quarantine for nonresidents or until the end of their stay". Does self-quarantine mean staying up in the hills and not inter-facing with anyone?

I was planning on turkey hunting Wyoming in the next couple weeks but am considering delaying my trip until hopefully the virus epidemic is over. The only stop I would make due to the virus is to a gas station (with rubber gloves and mask) to fill up and the rest of the time I would be alone in the field. Would this be considered "self-quarantine"?

It is unclear whether it is against the quarantine to stay in a hotel and be in contact with others...does the 6' rule apply? What about guided hunting and fishing trips? I'm sure there are quite a few guided turkey hunts right now? There are a lot of unanswered questions!

This same thing could hold true during the 2020 big game season if the virus bug drags on? Currently the WG&F is urging nonres hunters and fisherman to stay home but from what I understand it's still possible to hunt and fish in Wyoming. It may be worth a phone call to the WG&F and sheriff's office in the county where you plan on hunting/fishing to find out the exact logistics/rules?

Here's an article: https://www.gohunt.com/read/news/wy...tay-home-due-to-covid-19-quarantine#gs.3p2fgt
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I’m not normally like this. I apologize up front for not answering your question and for the brief rant...

South Eastern Idaho and Western Wyoming residents rely pretty heavily on the specialized medical services provided in the Salt Lake region. Utah has pretty much locked non-residents out from receiving essential medical services.

I don’t know how enforceable Wyoming’s quarantine order is right now; it should be turned into an enforceable order that closes the border to non residents that want to fish, camp, hunt, and horn hunt.

Is this a little “tit for tat”? Damn right it is...that said the medical system in Utah has gone way out of line...
Looks like outdoor activities in Utah are pretty restrictive, even to their own residents...

Jims...looking at the Casper Star Tribune...looks like the order reads non-residents have to self quarantine for 14 days upon entering the state.
Just google mark gordons coronavirus rules. I quit listening and reading it all.. its a very vague rules. What i saw was if you come in for less then 14 days you will self quartine for the remainder.

Yep pretty much doesnt answer your question

im just over it. What i do know is i am seeing more Montana plates ripping and roaring through powell and cody then Wyoming plates. 99 percent had 4 wheelers.
I bet what it comes to if things don't get better, is you getting a dr's note, which prolly requires testing availability. Which is a problem.

We have to show our kids immunization records to go to college, and you need weed-free hay here, so I don't think it's unprecedented to "show your papers".

I'm over it too.
South Eastern Idaho and Western Wyoming residents rely pretty heavily on the specialized medical services provided in the Salt Lake region. Utah has pretty much locked non-residents out from receiving essential medical services.
the medical system in Utah has gone way out of line...

Prove me wrong. Lets see the documentation that supports what you have said above. Or does "pretty much" give you an out?

I could find nothing in the Governor of Utah's orders to say that residents of SW WY or SE ID will be locked out of essential medical services. https://coronavirus.utah.gov/special-orders/
The U of U and IHC are still taking critical patients from those areas and including Western NV. Non-emergency and elective medical procedures have been suspended and that includes for residents of Utah as well.

So lets see the official document to support your claim.
From what I've been reading there is a lot of vagueness! What exactly is a 14 day quarantine? If I stay 6' from everyone I encounter for 14 days does this suffice?
Prove me wrong. Lets see the documentation that supports what you have said above. Or does "pretty much" give you an out?

I could find nothing in the Governor of Utah's orders to say that residents of SW WY or SE ID will be locked out of essential medical services. https://coronavirus.utah.gov/special-orders/
The U of U and IHC are still taking critical patients from those areas and including Western NV. Non-emergency and elective medical procedures have been suspended and that includes for residents of Utah as well.

So lets see the official document to support your claim.
You're required to have your "papers" to travel into Utah. Apparently there is an online site where you can print off a paper stating you are not sick, etc, etc that you must have to travel from any state into Utah unless you meet other criteria..
Gordon says you must quarantine upon entry into Wyoming before you can do whatever activity you intend to do. I'm sure there will be further clarification due to the vagueness.
You're required to have your "papers" to travel into Utah. Apparently there is an online site where you can print off a paper stating you are not sick, etc, etc that you must have to travel from any state into Utah unless you meet other criteria..

Not what we are talking about. He said "Utah has pretty much locked non-residents out from receiving essential medical services". I'd like to see where that comes from. Or is this just spreading garbage and lies that divides all of us? He didn't say people from SE ID and SW WY couldn't fish or drive or recreate. He said Utah is denying them medical care. I don't believe it. It sure sounds good though, for a NIMBY argument to keeps others out on a tit-for-tat.

As for the travel order- I tend think it is kind of odd, but it seems based on South Korea's success in fighting the virus. Which is to track where people have been to notify of potential exposure. You can read more about Utah's travel order here:
You can see it does not restrict travel or visiting Utah. I have not seen anything that requires a 14 day quarantine to visit Utah (although a couple local govt's require that). A guy from Evanston WY or Preston ID can still drive into Utah and shop Costco.
Not sure About Utah denying medical treatment to NR. I do know Utah is sending 100 medical professionals to NY to help with there issues??‍♂️
Here is simple guidelines for quarantine taken from the above Utah website: https://coronavirus-download.utah.gov/Health/10746_Quarantine_Public_Flyer_V6.pdf

I'm not exactly sure how anyone could give proof to a sheriff or anyone else that they've quarantined for 14 days prior to entering and/or leaving Wyoming or any other state?

I'd say a non-resident could probably quarantine for 14 days in their camp though that may not be much fun. Grab a tank of gas and a receipt when you come in the state for proof of entrance. I'd say Hwy Patrol and County Sheriff's are going to be asking you questions if you're contacted by them, just like any other State right now. I couldn't believe the amount of Idaho and Utah folks below Fontenelle Reservoir last week. What happens though if you do come down with this crud and have to either get admitted to a local hospital or get a hotel room with no one to help you. You going to haul ass back to your state of residency? Then, there's the issue of what you're going to do when you have to go back to your State of residency if you've been in another State for two weeks if your States' orders are not lifted by then. Works both ways doesn't it? You prepared to quarantine for another 14-days at your own home because you just spend two weeks in another state? What rules are in place for your State of residency? I do wish Wyoming was just a little more direct with their statements, but this situation is very fluid and we could hear new rules any day. Wyoming is not supposed to peak in C19 cases until the last week of April. Maybe that'll change.

Guiding non-resident clients is done in Wyoming unless they want to spend 14 days of isolation before their trip for now. I don't see that happening much. I was surprised when Gov. Gordon specifically called out non-resident shed hunters in one of his addresses. We've got a very limited hospital system in Wyoming. Hopefully by the end of the month some of these rules will be relaxed in the western states and we can all enjoy free travel from state to state again. East of the Mississippi, I don't see it happening. Crazy times.
I had company come down from Onieda County in Idaho and all they did was answer a Text which was voluntary.

No problem coming or going across the border.


In addition to the time change, of shed hunting beginning on May 1st, the Wyoming Game and Fish department reminds recreationalists of the state's orders that anyone coming to Wyoming from another state is currently required to self-isolate for two weeks because of COVID-19 precautions, before shed hunting, any open game seasons and fishing. https://health.wyo.gov/wp-content/u...ective_for_individuals_to_Self-Quarantine.pdf
So I'm guessing that if someone gets stopped by a sheriff in any state the sheriff will ask some questions and that's pretty much all that can be done to prove that someone self-quarantined for the 14 days? There doesn't need to be any virus tests or paperwork done prior to entering or leaving Wyoming?
I'd expect you'd probably have to give them enough information about where you've been for the last 14-days. You won't be getting a test before leaving Wyoming, the State cannot get enough supplies to test residents with symptoms. Wyoming is reporting cases on a 'Confirmed' and 'Probable' format.
So I'm guessing that if someone gets stopped by a sheriff in any state the sheriff will ask some questions and that's pretty much all that can be done to prove that someone self-quarantined for the 14 days? There doesn't need to be any virus tests or paperwork done prior to entering or leaving Wyoming?
Seriously, all these questions because you want to come to Wyoming and turkey hunt?
Just stay home Jim, it's bad enough the whole country is disrupted, but since we are, let's get this over with!
I agree jm77. We have few cases and no deaths so why not help us out by staying away at least for a while, turkey season lasts until May 20 and it gets better later anyway.
You could always let us know where you're going then the local law enforcement could have a talk with you on the quarantine and let you know their interpretation of it.
Here is simple guidelines for quarantine taken from the above Utah website: https://coronavirus-download.utah.gov/Health/10746_Quarantine_Public_Flyer_V6.pdf
And that document does not say visitors coming to the State of Utah must quarantine.

Still waiting for Deerfanatic to retract his trash lies to support his NIMBY comments. Guys like him are the problem in our society. Spreading rumors, lies and hate with an agenda. And I just spent last night in a Utah ER with my son for a TBI-- oh and there were WY residents being treated in the same hospital. Sucks to have to get first hand knowledge under those circumstances.

As for WY shutting down to non-residents, their State to do what they'd like. Just leave out the trash arguments to justify the closure.
And all you WY residents are welcome to visit much of Utah for your Costco needs, urgent medical care, some fishing, shed hunting, some turkey hunting, and even come to a drive-in movie. You're welcome.
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Tough time brings out the best or the worst in some people.

Stay home, be safe, be careful and don't put others at risk.

We, as hunters, are kind of a selfish breed but this is the time to pull together (figuratively speaking) while perfecting our "social distancing" skills and to me that means making a few sacrifices to protect others.

It's really sad that Wyo residents treat OYO nonres hunters with so much disrespect! It may be just a bird to you guys but I really don't see much harm with nonres driving to Wyo and camping out alone and spending quality time in the outdoors away from everyone? According to every 14 day quarantine and self-quarantine law I've seen this is 100% safe and legal! I'm not only talking about myself but other nonres that like to hunt on-their-own!

I am in the process of contacting local sheriff's office to see if it's possible for nonres to come enjoy Wyo's outdoors for a few days this spring with no contact with Wyo residents. What happens once big game seasons start this fall?

Buzz, I knew it was only a matter of time before you came on this post and started offending me! The reason I started this post was to follow the rules and find out exactly what the 14 day quarantine means to not only me but other nonresident hunters!
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Hey Sebastian...any other Wyoming laws you feel don't apply to you or aren't important?

§ 35-4-105. Escape from quarantine deemed crime; punishment.
Any person or persons confined in any quarantine established in this state under the provisions of this act who shall escape therefrom or attempt to escape therefrom, without having been dismissed upon the certificate or authority of the county health officer may be charged with a crime and shall be quarantined for tuberculosis or other emergent disease or condition that might pose comparable risk for transmission in the absence of strict quarantine, and confined to a site designated by the state health officer and the director of the department of health until such disease is cured or becomes inactive or noninfectious. Upon conviction of a violation of this section, a person may be punished by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) or imprisonment for not more than one (1) year.
Here's the Authority in Statute:

§ 35-1-240. Powers and duties.
(a) The department of health, through the state health officer, or under his direction and supervision, through the other employees of the department, shall have and exercise the following powers and duties:
(i) To exercise in Wyoming, all the rights and powers and perform all duties hereunder;
(ii) To investigate and control the causes of epidemic, endemic, communicable, occupational and other diseases and afflictions, and physical disabilities resulting therefrom, affecting the public health;
(iii) To establish, maintain and enforce isolation and quarantine, and in pursuance thereof, and for such purpose only, to exercise such physical control over property and over the persons of the people within this state as the state health officer may find necessary for the protection of the public health;

Hey Sebastian...care to point out the sub-section of 35-1-240 where you need to turkey hunt is an exception?

Where does it outline that Jim Sebastian is so special that he's allowed to not follow the quarantine set forth via the Governor and the existing statute granting that authority?

Please point it out, and I'll buy your NR turkey license...

From the WYGF:

ATTENTION: The Governor of Wyoming has issued a directive requiring any individual coming to Wyoming from another state or country for a non-work-related purpose to immediately self-quarantine for 14 days. For visits fewer than 14 days, that individual must self-quarantine for the duration of the visit.

Why do you always turn every post into a personal attack Buzz especially when it involves Jims? I feel this only a personal attack.

The initial question is a good question. What is a quarantine? I'm dealing with the same question with a hunt that I have in New Zealand which has the same 14 day quarantine. My outfitter has stated that he thinks the 14 day quarantine of the country would allow me isolation in a cabin on the south island backcountry. I'm still looking for the correct answer on this so that I'm following the guidelines we all are trying to follow. I read in Jims post that he just wants to follow the laws and restrictions of the great state of Wyoming.

a strict isolation imposed to prevent the spread of disease.
a period, originally 40 days, of detention or isolation imposed upon ships, persons, animals, or plants on arrival at a port or place, when suspected of carrying some infectious or contagious disease.

a system of measures maintained by governmental authority at ports, frontiers, etc., for preventing the spread of disease.

the branch of the governmental service concerned with such measures.a place or station at which such measures are carried out, as a special port or dock where ships are detained.
the detention or isolation enforced.
the place, especially a hospital, where people are detained.
a period of 40 days.
social, political, or economic isolation imposed as a punishment, as in ostracizing an individual or enforcing sanctions against a foreign state.

verb (used with object), quar·an·tined, quar·an·tin·ing.
to put in or subject to quarantine.
to exclude, detain, or isolate for political, social, or hygienic reasons.
Why do you always turn every post into a personal attack Buzz especially when it involves Jims? I feel this only a personal attack.

The initial question is a good question. What is a quarantine? I'm dealing with the same question with a hunt that I have in New Zealand which has the same 14 day quarantine. My outfitter has stated that he thinks the 14 day quarantine of the country would allow me isolation in a cabin on the south island backcountry. I'm still looking for the correct answer on this so that I'm following the guidelines we all are trying to follow. I read in Jims post that he just wants to follow the laws and restrictions of the great state of Wyoming.

The Wyoming game and fish is recommending people don't come here to hunt and fish from out of state...not look for loopholes to travel freely across the state during a PANDEMIC, while under a QUARANTINE.

How is that hard, for anyone, to understand?

Colorado has shut down turkey hunting in several counties. WA, ID, and OR have shut down seasons for everyone...care to guess why?

Because people cant follow the quarantine rules, social distancing, etc....so because some cant seem to get it right, they just close it to everyone.

If people, Sebastian included, would stay in their own state, follow the quarantine rules, etc. then it wouldn't be necessary for the draconian closures.

Again, its not rocket science...its common sense.
The Wyoming game and fish is recommending people don't come here to hunt and fish from out of state...not look for loopholes to travel freely across the state during a PANDEMIC, while under a QUARANTINE.

How is that hard, for anyone, to understand?

Colorado has shut down turkey hunting in several counties. WA, ID, and OR have shut down seasons for everyone...care to guess why?

Because people cant follow the quarantine rules, social distancing, etc....so because some cant seem to get it right, they just close it to everyone.

If people, Sebastian included, would stay in their own state, follow the quarantine rules, etc. then it wouldn't be necessary for the draconian closures.

Again, its not rocket science...its common sense.
This^^^^is a +1
The whole idea is to stop the spread of the virus, so no getting close to other people. That's what "self-quarantine" means to me. Come May 1st, I expect to be in Wyoming and I'll avoid putting anyone up there at risk. I'll bring my own food and drink to avoid any stores. I'll be self-quarantining on the hill and in my car.
I doubt anyone will be getting a ticket while out in the middle of nowhere hunting or hiking. But one might if they're in some store breathing all over everyone else.

Here's the definition: "to refrain from any contact with other individuals for a period of time (such as two weeks) during the outbreak of a contagious disease usually by remaining in one's home and limiting contact with family members"
The whole idea is to stop the spread of the virus, so no getting close to other people. That's what "self-quarantine" means to me. Come May 1st, I expect to be in Wyoming and I'll avoid putting anyone up there at risk. I'll bring my own food and drink to avoid any stores. I'll be self-quarantining on the hill and in my car.
I doubt anyone will be getting a ticket while out in the middle of nowhere hunting or hiking. But one might if they're in some store breathing all over everyone else.

Here's the definition: "to refrain from any contact with other individuals for a period of time (such as two weeks) during the outbreak of a contagious disease usually by remaining in one's home and limiting contact with family members"

I really hope the GF commission takes steps to keep NR's from coming here on May 1 to shed hunt...I'll be getting in touch with them today.
Buzz, you might as well include Wyo residents in your statements!

What you are saying is that someone that comes from out of state isn't self-quarantining if they are alone and camping out....never stop inside town and never get within a stone's throw of another human?

I'm not any different than a Wyo resident that takes a drive out in the country for a hike, turkey hunt, or day of fishing? I wonder how many Wyo residents will be shed hunting, turkey hunting, etc during the quarantine? Fishing season is also going on! You might as well ask the WG&F to lock nonres and residents from fishing this spring and summer?
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Read the definitions, quarantine does not mean drive all across Wyoming from another state, running around at gas stations, etc. and hunting turkeys.


Stay home.
Yep, you better call them. Maybe you can ask them to keep me out of the mountains this summer too.....ha ha ha

The Commission already has the authority to do that to your side hustle...no need for me to do anything.

Come here all you want for your own hunting, that is if you draw a tag that I can buy OTC every year.
The Commission already has the authority to do that to your side hustle...no need for me to do anything.

Come here all you want for your own hunting, that is if you draw a tag that I can buy OTC every year.
Gotcha! Sounds like everything is going as you want. Awesome
Gotcha! Sounds like everything is going as you want. Awesome

Wrong again, its not going the way I want, its going the way the outfitters want...to slam the brakes on your scouting service.

Who do you think came up with the statute?
From all the literature I've read any nonres is free to enter Wyoming to turkey hunt, fish, shed hunt, etc as long as they aren't known to have the virus! Nice!

Quarantine 14 days prior to leaving your state of residence and 14 days returning to your state of residence. Keep a safe 6' distance from anyone you may encounter. That's pretty much all it takes to safely quarantine! Obviously things could dramatically change in a hurry so keep tuned on the current local news.

If you happen to stop at a gas station while on your stay in Wyo it would be wise to wear rubber gloves and a mask over your nose and mouth. Get all your shopping done prior to leaving your town of residency. Camp out in the hills and keep 6' from anyone you may happen to encounter! Other than that all is fair and legal!

Good luck hunting, fishing, and shed hunting in Wyoming guys! If you fill your turkey tag early in Wyo head down to Colo where you can buy an OTC turkey tag in certain units and shoot another gobbler! There are a couple counties currently closed in Colo but you are welcome to hunt elsewhere as long as you keep the quarantine guidelines mentioned above!
Common sense...not so common anymore.

Maybe by fall we can have a total lockdown because people cant follow the rules.

Wrong again, its not going the way I want, its going the way the outfitters want...to slam the brakes on your scouting service.

Who do you think came up with the statute?
OK, not what you want. I shouldn't have even brought that up in this thread about 14 day quarantine.
Back to the quarantine. Not everyone is going to agree on what we all should be doing. Debates are good, please all just avoid taking it to a personal level when others don't share your opinion.
Quarantine 14 days prior to leaving your state of residence and 14 days returning to your state of residence. Keep a safe 6' distance from anyone you may encounter. That's pretty much all it takes to safely quarantine! Obviously things could dramatically change in a hurry so keep tuned on the current local news.
Yeah, your wrong.

Directive to self-quarantine for 14 days - Wyoming Department ...health.wyo.gov › wp-content › uploads › 2020/04 › Governors_Direc...
For anyone to answer:

In your opinion when considering the following:

1. The President of the United States issues a declaration of Emergency in 50 states.

2. When the Governors of all 50 states have declared disasters in their states.

3. When we have 576,695 positive cases of covid19 resulting in 23,068 deaths .

4. When the Governor of Wyoming issues a 14 quarantine for all but those that are working when entering from out of state.

5. With 270 cases in Wyoming and limited medical capacity in rural areas, in particular areas near good turkey hunting and shed antler hunting.

6. When congress passes emergency funding to the tune of 2.2 trillion because of the pandemic.

7. When the WYGF is asking NR's to not come here from out of state to hunt and fish.

8. A whole host of other measures from State and Federal regulations and rules.

Who thinks it would be a good idea to disregard all that, pretend like nothing is wrong, put others, and themselves at risk, to hunt a turkey, catch a fish, or pick up a shed while crossing state lines?

Who thinks a better approach might be to consider others over your personal wants?
As I read the order, it is not banning travelers from Wyoming, otherwise there would be no point in mentioning the hotel, rental and BNB information, because if they didn't want outside visitors, hotels rentals and BNB's would all be closed and not need to notify anyone, because they'd all be closed.
As I read the order, it is not banning travelers from Wyoming, otherwise there would be no point in mentioning the hotel, rental and BNB information, because if they didn't want outside visitors, hotels rentals and BNB's would all be closed and not need to notify anyone, because they'd all be closed.

What about people that are here for WORK, those specifically exempted from the quarantine order, that's why the hotels and such are still open. NOT to accommodate turkey hunters, antler pickers, and fishermen.
Regardless of how anyone feels about the quarantine directive, I think it is hard to deny that the Governor is telling people to stay away from Wyoming, unless it is work related. The Directive is intentionally general and IMO not very well worded. However, Wyo wants NR to stay away. Some will try very hard to twist and find loopholes to satisfy their own wants. That's to be expected, there will always be a few in the group. Doesn't change the fact that Wyoming is telling people to stay away.
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This whole thread was started is based on the idiotic premise it is possible to travel to WY and KNOW you absolutely can stay away from people and absolutely know you can avoid becoming an infection vector. That is not possible.

“Quarantine 14 days prior to leaving your state of residence and 14 days returning to your state of residence. Keep a safe 6' distance from anyone you may encounter. That's pretty much all it takes to safely quarantine!”

How absurd. Staying 6 feet from people supposedly prevents the DIRECT spread via exhaled/inhaled droplets. (When all parties are standing still in a non windy spot.) 6 feet addresses nothing about the spread via touching things that can hold the virus for days. Every thing you touch can become infected with the virus and everything you touch can latch the virus on you that you can then spread by touching something else or by infecting you so you are a full-blown carrier and spreader of disease.

One cannot travel to hunt another state and truly guarantee they will not contact other people. JUST NOT POSSIBLE so why pretend it is. Gas station? Who is to say your gloves are not covered in the virus before you touch that pump? Who is to say you do not trip and get injured right there and need attention. How can you control if someone blazes right inside of 6 feet of you? Facemask? Those available to regular folks do NOT prevent transmission of virus, just minimize to some degree. And how can it be known your facemask does not already have virus on it, or that it will not pick up and transmit to other surfaces virus eventually.

Can you certify you will not have engine trouble or sickness or injury or have your camp robbed, or food stolen by bears or any other thing that would force you to be in contact with others? No? Stay the hell home.

And yes IT IS JUST A (damn) bird, actually. And with a brain the size of a pea? Not even marginally worth debating how to sneak into the state. No such thing as a once in a lifetime turkey hunt.

A drag but it really easy to understand why WY asks nonres hunters to stay home. And why nonres should comply and not look for weaselly loopholes to exploit and with irrational assurances they will go only to a remote spot and guarantee they will not encounter a reason outside their control to interact with others.
I saw a ton of shed hunters out in the central mountains Saturday, there were 3 and 4 guys in trucks together coming into a county that has big road way signs that say no non-essential travel. This little county has the highest virus concentration in Idaho. I guess with everyone off work they are going to come no matter what. How could you win the shed contest on MM or get paid by Utube for crying over finding a 170 class white Deer Horn If you did not go. I agree Buzz, my father lives in Wyoming, he’s 87, lives in a small town with no Wuhon virus around,they have all locked down and they damm sure don’t want people dragging it in like they did where I live. I would rather hunt this fall than have everything shut down for 12 to 18 months because people get self compliant. I feel very fortunate that I can get out in the mountains here but I live here. Custer County north of Blaine County Idaho has asked that no Blaine County residents come to Custer County to hike, camp or Steel Head Fish this spring, they have a lot of senior citizen’s and no hospital. I totally respect their decision.I will stay out evan though there’s some of the best Wolf hunting in the lower 48 and I will stay out of Wyoming because I respect Buzz H. and my father.
Hoping the Governor responds to my inquiry on this very matter. I asked for clarification on hunters , etc coming for shorter than 14 day stays and if they must stay for the duration for self quarantine.
First, 3 or 4 guys in the truck are obviously not obeying the self-quarantine rules or law!

Obviously many hunters, fisherman, shed hunters, etc are often in small groups with buddies which is definitely taboo with the current virus situation! We all need to take a reality check and make sure we are all doing our part, not breaking any rules, and causing virus spread problems!

This may drag on for months! It will be interesting to see what transpires once big game seasons open or close throughout the US this fall. I'm glad I brought this post to every nonresident and resident's attention because these same issues will likely be brought up this coming fall. Many of these questions seem unanswered by vague wording and regulations!

So what about the hoards of big game hunters this fall? I think a lot of hunters are going to be uncertain about the 14 day quarantine and other regulations unless more details are provided on exactly what are safe and unsafe practices while in town, out in the country, and around others?

If we save a life with this post by bringing attention to the considerations and concerns in regard to the virus it will be well worth the harassment I've had dealing with Buzz trying to piece this thing together! I will be the better man and believe this post can be used as a constructive way for nonres and res to share with others their concerns and help each other through these challenging times. It really shouldn't be a Wyo resident or nonresident thing....it should be a safe and responsible hunter thing!

Stay safe and please use your head on your trips afield! We all deserve hard-earned time off work and to enjoy it safely in the outdoors!
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If we save a life with this post by bringing attention to the considerations and concerns in regard to the virus it will be well worth the harassment I've had dealing with Buzz trying to piece this thing together! I will be the better man and believe this post can be used as a constructive way for nonres and res to share with others their concerns and help each other through these challenging times. It really shouldn't be a Wyo resident or nonresident thing....it should be a safe hunter thing!

I'm not understanding Jim, if you are so concerned about saving lives, why did you say what you said about coming into Wyoming? This whole crazy Covid19 thing needs to go away ASAP. I want to coach my kids in baseball this summer. It is their last year in their division and they are blossoming. I want to hunt this fall without restrictions too.

How do we do this? Stay home and stay in your own state. Let's get it over with now, not drag it on all year, because guys think they have it all figured out how they can get around the rules!
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A recent declaration from Eastern Idaho Medical Center and University of Utah Hospital—both better equipped to handle more medically complex cases—announcing they would not accept patients from outside states also seems to have fanned the flame that it’s every community for itself.

Fake news? Maybe? I get the idea of elective medical treatments postponed. That said I have seen first hand avoidance to help treat issues far beyond a standard knee replacement, but short of emergency trauma surgery.

Sorry for highjacking your thread Jims...and for the record, I really don’t care if non-residents come up to go fish, horn hunt, camp, etc...just practice the proper social distancing doing those activities. The same that have always been in place like:

-Stay 100’ apart at fishing holes
-Stay at least 0.1 miles apart from other campers (preferably 0.25 miles) except in camp grounds.
- if you see a dude hunting a point, go find a different point to hunt
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If you are from Colorado, you can get arrested in your own state. I'm surprised someone from Texas isn't organizing a civil disobedience field trip to Wyo right now.
Holy Smokes. A guy asks a few questions about what the law is so he can be sure to not violate it, and the next thing you know he is in so many words being called a selfish jerk.

If it’s legal, and you know you can protect yourself and others, I would not hesitate. It sounds like you had a pretty responsible plan to me.

Hope you kill a big one jims!

I sold an item to a fellow from Rock Springs, during the price negotiations I told him I would drive and meet him @ the Pilot Gas Station in east Evanston if he would go the extra $20.

I drove up yesterday morning and we completed the transaction and I drove back home.

There are Plenty of notices about the 14 day as you are entering Wyoming via Echo Canyon/I-80.

Anyways, I hope this gets lifted or reduced modified as I am up in Wyoming Mothers Day week 11th-----

Holy Smokes. A guy asks a few questions about what the law is so he can be sure to not violate it, and the next thing you know he is in so many words being called a selfish jerk.

If it’s legal, and you know you can protect yourself and others, I would not hesitate. It sounds like you had a pretty responsible plan to me.

Hope you kill a big one jims!

The point is we have a 14 day order in place and he does not want to abide by it . He is coming up from Colorado, the state basically doesn't want any of us down there but he thinks it's fine to come on up .
Just looking for a little common courtesy.
Turkey season goes until May 20, why not wait a bit til the toms are not henned up and the snow is gone and the virus conditions are lifted.
We have plenty of turkeys for him or anyone to hunt, but now is not the time for NR to come into our state unless necessary.
To sooth some minds, I'm postponing and possibly even cancelling my Wyo turkey trip to hopefully let the virus conditions improve. At this time I just think it is the right thing to do! The only reason I brought this post up was because the quarantine regulations were very vague. Thanks to those that have provided helpful information rather than directly raging and harassing me!

FYI, I would not be breaking any laws quarantining 14 days prior...during...and after such a trip in both states. I've been safely quarantining here in Colo the past 3+ weeks! I haven't even gone to a grocery or any other store for 3 weeks!

A Wyo friend contacted both the local Wyo sheriff's and health offices and they said that they request that hunters stay home.....this is true for both Wyo res and nonres! They said as long as people are abiding by the quarantine rules it's fine but they prefer that people stay home and isolate.

If I was a Wyo resident I would be more concerned with the hundreds of Wyo residents that are currently shopping, turkey hunting, fishing, and rambling around town, etc and ARE NOT following the quarantine rules by driving, hunting, and fishing side-by-side than 1 lone hunter that plans on camping and hunting solo without running into a sole that is 100% abiding by all the rules and regulations...and has quarantined for over 3 weeks!

Stay healthy guys and safely enjoy the outdoors alone when you have the chance! Be sure to safely abide by the rules and regs that are in place in your area!
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To sooth some minds, I'm postponing and possibly even cancelling my Wyo turkey trip to hopefully let the virus conditions improve. At this time I just think it is the right thing to do! The only reason I brought this post up was because the quarantine regulations were very vague. Thanks to those that have provided helpful information rather than directly raging and harassing me!

FYI, I would not be breaking any laws quarantining 14 days prior...during...and after such a trip in both states. I've been safely quarantining here in Colo the past 3+ weeks! I haven't even gone to a grocery or any other store for 3 weeks!

A Wyo friend contacted both the local Wyo sheriff's and health offices and they said that they request that hunters stay home.....this is true for both Wyo res and nonres! They said as long as people are abiding by the quarantine rules it's fine but they prefer that people stay home and isolate.

If I was a Wyo resident I would be more concerned with the hundreds of Wyo residents that are currently shopping, turkey hunting, fishing, and rambling around town, etc and ARE NOT following the quarantine rules by driving, hunting, and fishing side-by-side than 1 lone hunter that plans on camping and hunting solo without running into a sole that is 100% abiding by all the rules and regulations...and has quarantined for over 3 weeks!

Stay healthy guys and safely enjoy the outdoors alone when you have the chance! Be sure to safely abide by the rules and regs that are in place in your area!
Thank you for your concern and your decision.
Those birds will be looking for hens later in May.
So Utah provides health services to non-residents from WY because WY doesn’t have enough resources to take care of their own? Hey Buzz, do they cap the number of non-residents at 10 percent and charge them 10Xs as much?
So Utah provides health services to non-residents from WY because WY doesn’t have enough resources to take care of their own? Hey Buzz, do they cap the number of non-residents at 10 percent and charge them 10Xs as much?
No, it’s generally OTC unlimited for Wyoming residents and normally we get preferential treatment and bonus points for actually paying for our health care and not being local uninsured and Medicare recipients. LMAO.:cool:
No, it’s generally OTC unlimited for Wyoming residents and normally we get preferential treatment and bonus points for actually paying for our health care and not being local uninsured and Medicare recipients. LMAO.:cool:

That's funny since Wyoming is a welfare state and doesn't actually pay their own way. Good to know its because the residents are spending so much money in other states ;)
I’m not normally like this. I apologize up front for not answering your question and for the brief rant...

South Eastern Idaho and Western Wyoming residents rely pretty heavily on the specialized medical services provided in the Salt Lake region. Utah has pretty much locked non-residents out from receiving essential medical services.

I don’t know how enforceable Wyoming’s quarantine order is right now; it should be turned into an enforceable order that closes the border to non residents that want to fish, camp, hunt, and horn hunt.

Is this a little “tit for tat”? Damn right it is...that said the medical system in Utah has gone way out of line...

Ya... nobody has been denied medical care related to this corona BS. So EAD there bud. Dont forget how much the NR pays during off seasons times in those border towns. Go ahead and cut off your nose to spite your face.
I wonder if an extension of the Quarentine Directive beyond April 30th isn't headed our way.

We'll see. Unfortunately, its headed that way. Wyoming is peaking behind other states around us. State says we're still a couple weeks out. Colorado is still around 400 cases/day. South Dakota is having trouble in Sioux Falls closing 10% of the pork supply industry. Idaho and Utah cases have fallen to around 30 cases/day which is great. Wyoming extended Teton County's request for Stay at Home orders. I'm looking forward to High Noon on May 1st. ;)
I wonder if it would be work related for me? I do use all those photos for this website and it’s my job.

Go find that loophole. I still cannot imagine they can stop you? Is this communist Russia? Or Michigan? Michigan saying you can't visit family? What you can buy in a store?
Just google mark gordons coronavirus rules. I quit listening and reading it all.. its a very vague rules. What i saw was if you come in for less then 14 days you will self quartine for the remainder.

Yep pretty much doesnt answer your question

im just over it. What i do know is i am seeing more Montana plates ripping and roaring through powell and cody then Wyoming plates. 99 percent had 4 wheelers.
Just cancelled short term fishing NR permits today..best suggestions already mentioned include reading Governor Mark Gordon's order. Unless going to work, not much way around it.......
Curious as to Utah's travel declaration form. So if your a Utah resident and leave the State of Utah but then return the same day do you have to submit the travel declaration form? Lots of western Wyoming residents like to go shopping around the Park City and Salt Lake areas which they still could but is definitely not worth even trying right now.
I would rather be part of the Solution than possibly part of the problem so I don't really care about a turkey hunt nor shed hunting until we get more of an All Clear option.


Well...that’s a commendable attitude.

That must also mean you are truly sheltering in place and having someone (wife, child, friend, etc....) else take care of acquiring all of you essential needs because going to your local grocery store and other is probably as dangerous as what jims described.
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I think that's what we're all doing and since we've never had a covid19 pandemic, I don't believe anyone can be certain about much of anything...even the experts.

You nailed it Buzz....and that’s exactly why one needs to exercise some of their own judgement in combination with what the experts are telling us.

You should never just BLINDLY TRUST what those in power are telling you.
I'm a Bachelor so I do all my own errands of course.

Early morning groceries once a week, early morning hikes, not another person around when I'm up hiking, a 1/2 tank of gas last me almost 3 weeks now.....

There is a lot of confusion, that's for sure.

I certainly respect my surrounding states request to protect the citizens with in as I do my states request to stay in your own county ect..

We should do what we feel most comfortable with doing for me anyways.

You nailed it Buzz....and that’s exactly why one needs to exercise some of their own judgement in combination with what the experts are telling us.

Most aren't fully capable of or responsible enough to use good judgement...

That's why decisions get made, like the WYGF shutting down NR short term fishing licenses.

The Governor and GF have asked that NR stay out of Wyoming or observe the 14 day quarantine, poor judgement leads to more drastic restrictions...

The few that cant use good judgement or follow the rules and common sense make it tough on those that can...

Rules and laws aren't made for the majority...but rather the few that cant use good judgement, the way its always been.
Most aren't fully capable of or responsible enough to use good judgement...

That's why decisions get made, like the WYGF shutting down NR short term fishing licenses.

The Governor and GF have asked that NR stay out of Wyoming or observe the 14 day quarantine, poor judgement leads to more drastic restrictions...

The few that cant use good judgement or follow the rules and common sense make it tough on those that can...

Rules and laws aren't made for the majority...but rather the few that cant use good judgement, the way its always been.

I agree with most of what you say, but when I talk about exercising judgement, I am not referring to breaking laws.
If people used good judgment we wouldn't need rules, regulations, and laws...but here we are.

If you did go Turkey hunting and don't stop for gas or other services, your likelihood of spreading COVID is basically nonexistent. However, there is always the possibility that something unexpected (vehicle problem, health issues, etc) could require you to interact with Wyoming residents. The social tolerance for a guy going turkey hunting far from home right now is very low. Personally I don't think it causes a great risk of spreading COVID even if you had to stop for gas a time or two (with good hand hygiene). I think you are making a good choice by not going but you won't get any judgment from me if you change your mind and do go and act in a responsible manner.


COVID is still going to be with us this fall. Even if all of us followed the strictest orders (Michigan) until June 1st. Are the psychological effects and economic effects of strict orders like Michigan's for the next 6 weeks really worth the benefit of slowing the spread? Personally I think there needs to be a balanced approach.

This virus will hit us with a second wave quickly if we go back to the way we use to act. We are going to have to create a "new normal" as we open up the economy. This virus isn't going away until a majority of people become infected and recover or we have a vaccine that is effective. Even next year at this time we will be dealing with this virus. Fortunately, I don't think it is going to be as bad as the media has been hyping it up to be.
Lots of good information and back and forth here. Do I think this will last much longer? No, I don't think so. Why do I feel that way? Wyoming and all the other states are financially bleeding to death through all of this. When you shut the economy down and people are out of work, sales tax revenue drops and that includes lodging tax. People who don't have jobs, don't pay their vehicle registration fees in Wyoming on time. When folks don't drive, no gas tax is collected. When people don't have jobs, they don't pay their real property taxes when they come due on May 10th. The G&F will feel the pinch with no revenue from NR fishing licenses. The longer this continues, the G&F may not receive as many NR and resident applications for tags in May. I could go on and on. Follow the money and you will see what drives this country and it's leaders.

Federal bailouts are a small bandage on this bleed out. We have a huge deficit and printing more money to bail out the states isn't going to work long term. Wyoming is already singing the blues financially. Just google it. We have a slight rainy day fund that is better than most states. However, it is near the collapse. States like California, New York, New Jersey, Washington and Michigan and others are insolvent already. The media won't tell you that. California is buried in unfunded pension debt. State of Wyoming employees are already being laid off. That includes my wife, who was laid off after 21 years of working for the local school district. It is no big deal with her super unemployment benefit as she was going to retire in June anyway with a defined benefit pension (assuming that wasn't wiped out). Does anyone believe that getting a few grand from the federal government is going to keep Wyoming afloat for any period of time? That government cheese is not enough. The bonus unemployment checks are also not enough. The governor will be criticized either way he goes on the decisions before him. He will follow the money and not the the science. The science folks are less likely to assault him physically.

Do I think science is in control here? Maybe, for a little while longer but not long term. The economy will dictate how this goes. There is a reason why many state governors have not closed pot shops and liquor stores. They have done it to maintain some flow of revenue and to keep many of the citizens from acting up. The natives are restless in just about every state.

Montana is not trying to keep out Wyoming residents despite the coronavirus and it's quarantine. We spend money there. I saw a bunch of Montana anglers fishing at Hogan and Luce Reservoir this week. I assume they all got their NR fish licenses early. I run into more Montana residents up the Clarks Fork Canyon than I do locals. I don't know what this state will do when the Utards start arriving in droves. It may depend on how much money they have. If you ignore the quarantine, make sure you spend lots of money when you get here. I know that Wyoming has been ignoring what has gone on in Jackson with all the jet setters flying in from the East and West coast to escape the coronavirus hell of those states. Teton County is a hotspot for coronavirus.

I am socially distant under most circumstances. I am anti-social by nature and an a-hole by choice. Self distancing has not been hard for me. I would tell you to follow the money, if you want to know what will happen with the quarantine. Blast on. just sayin...mh
Most aren't fully capable of or responsible enough to use good judgement...

That's why decisions get made, like the WYGF shutting down NR short term fishing licenses.

The Governor and GF have asked that NR stay out of Wyoming or observe the 14 day quarantine, poor judgement leads to more drastic restrictions...

The few that cant use good judgement or follow the rules and common sense make it tough on those that can...

Rules and laws aren't made for the majority...but rather the few that cant use good judgement, the way its always been.
Hey Buzz, Sounds like the same logic that the left uses to ban guns? Hmmmm.

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