China got us!


Founder Since 1999
China got us via Amazon. The wife order TP online, we got a 12 pack.
Checkout the size of those rolls!!
I guess smaller people have smaller butts.

Normal U.S. 9 pack vs China 12 pack
We got ripped off!!
If You Bought From AMAZON You Bought From CHINA!

Thieving BASTARDS!

Another trick With AMAZON is Quickly Taking Your Order/Money!

Then Sitting on it for 4-6 Weeks Collecting Interest On Your Money And No Hurry to Tell You It's BACK-ORDERED!

The GOUGING that's went on with TP is beyond Comprehension!

But Pull them F'N Cinches Up Tight!

Now You're gonna Get GOUGED on Meat!
No, Amazon got you.
Pretty amazing that everybody thinks what ever they order on their computer is just going to magically appear at their door.
Does chineese tp wipe bi-directionally? Not to be overly dramatic, but this thread is everything thats wrong with America righ now.

Hand rolled rolls of Chinese toilet paper rolled by child labor and imported because of a shortage caused by a virus from some guy who wipes his azz with a stick who ate a bat, ordered online in a country in lockdown and delivered to your doorstep courtesy of taxpayer subsidies.

Beautiful. Only thing that would make it better is when it's a Tesla delivery truck.
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That's Everybody!

We've all Bought Shhiittt We've Paid Too Much for and Bought it From China!

IMO if We've Bought One Damn Item from China it's too many!
Back in March my state ordered 100,000 N95 masks from China for $567,000. Which was about five times the normal price. When they received them 50,000 were N95s and 50,000 were something else with ear loops which isn't an N95 because they don't seal around the edge of it.
They were all given out mostly to first responders. So they took us for a quarter million dollars worth of masks.
Think amazon is going to rebate Prime customers now that 2 day shipping isn't happening?

Class action?
Had to go in for an eye appointment yesterday thru V.A....said I had to wear a mask....whipped out my red bandanna hanker-chef and walked in..nobody said nuthin...

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