Colorado's Wildlife demise.


Long Time Member
Having witnessed first hand how the big game herds in NW Colorado have tanked demonstrates Colorado's give-a-chit priorities.
I truly feel bad as this is happening all over. Oregon vast mule deer herd of the 80s are all but gone because the fish and game won't do what's necessary. Colorado is ending up having the same fate as are other states. Very sad.
If a state like Colorado wants to introduce wolves into their state, they should have to get the states directly touching them to approve. Introductions directly effect those neighboring states and their residents.
Utah cant even get rid of daylight saving time unless the state around them do the same.
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If a state like Colorado wants to introduce wolves into there state, they should have to get the states directly touching them to approve. Introductions directly effect those neighboring states and their residents.
Utah cant even get rid of daylight saving time unless the state around them do the same.
Well said
If a state like Colorado wants to introduce wolves into their state, they should have to get the states directly touching them to approve. Introductions directly effect those neighboring states and their residents.
Utah cant even get rid of daylight saving time unless the state around them do the same.
NM would have a wet dream with support of introducing wolves into CO.

The locals on the northern part of the state would keep them in CO as well...
That worked out really good here in Montana. Local badasses were gonna shoot them all. Wolves were never re-introduced here. Now we have hundreds. The badasses failed. mtmuley
Different mix in northern NM vs. northern MT. Google the Tierra Amarilla courthouse raid in the 1960's...
If a state like Colorado wants to introduce wolves into their state, they should have to get the states directly touching them to approve. Introductions directly effect those neighboring states and their residents.
Utah cant even get rid of daylight saving time unless the state around them do the same.

All they needed to do is get approval from the counties they intend to introduce them into. Never woulda passed.
I understand wolves. Local population don't mean squat. mtmuley

C'mon mtmuley, I've seen the UTube videos. Guy gets set up, howls a couple times, wolves come in, bang flop, bang flop. How hard can it be??????
C'mon mtmuley, I've seen the UTube videos. Guy gets set up, howls a couple times, wolves come in, bang flop, bang flop. How hard can it be??????
Yeah. It's easy. Those badass dudes from New Mexico ought to get their ass up here and show us how it's done. mtmuley
I have no idea if they could put a dent in the wolves, but having spent some time in Northern NM, they are definitely the roughest culture I have been around. In fact, it’s not even close.
I have no idea if they could put a dent in the wolves, but having spent some time in Northern NM, they are definitely the roughest culture I have been around. In fact, it’s not even close.
Having spent LOTS of time over the last 20 years in and around TA, Espanola, Dulce, Chama, and Questa, I would say the boys in Montana don’t need to worry about them fixing their cars just to drive all the way up there to woop someone‘s azz.

Roughest culture implies something different than what I think of. But I bet Cuba can kick TA’s butt.
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Thanks for the laugh. No idea? Hunters in Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Washington and Oregon didn't stop it. And you can? Been through it. Get ready. Funny stuff. mtmuley
Scary..... mtmuley

Glad you know so much about Rio Arriba County. You do realize they see you as a trespasser when hunting public ground because it's "their back yard".

Oh wait, no, you don't...
Good luck with the wolves roadrunner. Can't wait till about 10 years from now. I guess folks your way are the baddest of the bad wolf killers. Oh wait, no they aren't. mtmuley

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