Yard sale find


Very Active Member
60's CO buck. Laquered up!

i'll post score later today. going back to work. thanks for the replies. Have been looking a long time at sales and have never found one like this.
Not enough laquer to hit 187?!
Hint: it's thicker than it looks (antlers & laquer!)

Come up with some more scores before I spill the beans
Before the score was posted I thought maybe our own homer would toss out a score being an official measurer and all but then I remembered he scores mostly CA bucks. There’s no G3 or G4 to worry about ?
How much would you pay for it?
I wouldn't pay more than $20, but I'm not into other people's antlers. While they're cool to look at, they only have value to me as a memory of my adventures. (But, I have nothing against people who collect them as a piece of art, and realize they have value in that regard as well.) I was just curious how good of a deal you got on them.
Honorable mention to Butts for the 205" guess!
Less than $150.
I don't get the Kirt Darner jab either. Probably someone just being an a** (=the norm for you old codgers!)
Honorable mention to Butts for the 205" guess!
Less than $150.
I don't get the Kirt Darner jab either. Probably someone just being an a** (=the norm for you old codgers!)
After you restore it you can post it on here and tell everyone you killed it. Oh and add a few inches to the score
So, is Kirk still alive and kicking? Also, are the 60s genetics in CO any different than today's CO genetics?
I saw a real nice set of blacktail antlers for sale at a yard sale here in CA. I could see them as I drove by. I turned around and stopped to look. The guy confirmed they were a local blacktail and was asking $30. I passed and didn't tell him it was illegal to sell or buy in CA.
Can't find any sheds anymore (there are none left on the ground come May 1 each year when CO allows me to pick them up) so I feel o k "finding them" at yard sale. To each his own...
I feel you, I get most of my sheds off a friends ranch all the good ones seem to disappear by 1 May…

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