Gross score this buck


Very Active Member
I found this buck scouting this past year and a relative ended up getting it on the last day of the muzzy hunt.
Guess the gross score.

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I have a rack that looks like this guy's twin and he scores 174 5/8". So I'll go with that. Nice buck.! Any pics of him on the ground.?
I killed one just like him that was 27.5" wide scoring 178" and change. Even has a similar double eyeguards just on the opposite side. ------SS

He is kind of a deceiving buck, good mass, but his beams and g2s look a little on the short side, I got 164 6/8 gross.
Width is hard to see in these pictures but I bet he's only 22" wide outside. I gave him 19" for spread credit.
Please folks don't get me wrong as a low baller, I'd have that thing on my wall in a second if I had a chance at him. I'd never pass him up anywhere but a Henry's or Pauns tag. I'm more of an elk guy and he's way bigger than any buck I've ever killed.

Just sayin for reference Ridge. He's one super great looking buck and hope you're stoked to have had the chance at him !!!

Cheers, Pete
Well Ridge!

You Have a Bid at 220"!

Not Even Close To 220"!

Had A Guy This Year All Wound Up Cuzz He Knew Where a 20" 4 Point Was!

He Even Pulled His Phone/Map Out & Showed Me Exactly Where He Seen Him!

He Was Pumped!

And Thought I Should Go Shoot Him!

I Didn't Even Go Look For Him!

Just Kinda Sad that a 20" 4 Point Has Become Today's Big!


I'M Not Relating any of What I Typed To The Buck Above You Posted!

Just Sayin!
Well Ridge!

You Have a Bid at 220"!

Not Even Close To 220"!

Had A Guy This Year All Wound Up Cuzz He Knew Where a 20" 4 Point Was!

He Even Pulled His Phone/Map Out & Showed Me Exactly Where He Seen Him!

He Was Pumped!

And Thought I Should Go Shoot Him!

I Didn't Even Go Look For Him!

Just Kinda Sad that a 20" 4 Point Has Become Today's Big!


I'M Not Relating any of What I Typed To The Buck Above You Posted!

Just Sayin!
Take A Close Look at the Buck in the Last Pic!

A Pin Headed Young Buck that Never Achieved a Roman Nose!

But alot of People Have Never Seen a Roman Nose on a Buck!

Most Bucks Don't Live Long Enough To Ever Get One in Today's World!

Carry On!

Go Ahead!

Tell Me He's 12 Years Old!
Take A Close Look at the Buck in the Last Pic!

A Pin Headed Young Buck that Never Achieved a Roman Nose!

But alot of People Have Never Seen a Roman Nose on a Buck!

Most Bucks Don't Live Long Enough To Ever Get One in Today's World!

Carry On!

Go Ahead!

Tell Me He's 12 Years Old!
Why do you feel the need to be soooo extreme on your coments?
Nobody in their right mind is saying this buck is over 6 and nobody has says so.
I personally think it's probably 5 but maybe 4.
FWIW, personally I was going to let this buck go this year because I was focused on the wide buck or something of it's equal.
The guy who shot it was pretty excited about it, so I was happy for him.
The buck was feeding broadside from left to right when he shot it and he only could see its right antler, which is bigger than its left side. So he was a little bummed about that but he's still going to get it mounted.
Take A Close Look at the Buck in the Last Pic!

A Pin Headed Young Buck that Never Achieved a Roman Nose!

But alot of People Have Never Seen a Roman Nose on a Buck!

Most Bucks Don't Live Long Enough To Ever Get One in Today's World!

Carry On!

Go Ahead!

Tell Me He's 12 Years Old!
Most bucks wouldn't live to 12 years old if they died of natural causes.

Most bucks will reach there maximum potential between 5-8 years old. once they reach max they level out for a few years and eventually start heading the other way. I'm sure there are some exceptions, but 75% of bucks will never make it past pisscutter status no matter how old they got.
This buck is awesome. I don't really care what it scores, I was just guessing and playing along. I like playing that game. I'd kill this deer any day of the week and be stoked about it. When I see folks like Bessy trying to talk about how young it is with all this "JUDAS, MOTL!!!" crap, I wonder how many deer he has on his wall bigger than this one?

Show em if you got em, bessy. You clearly know what a big deer is and know when Utah used to have big deer. Show em if you got em!
Hey Niller!

Not LOW-BALLING anybodies Buck!

Even Ridge Said He'd Let Him Grow!

But That Ain't Happening!

I Said The Buck is Young!

And He Is!

But He's As Old As He'll Ever Get!

He's A Buck That Had Potential!

Another 2 Years & You Woulda PISSED Your Pants & Probably Never Hit Him!:D

You Best Take Another Look at Your PAUNS Buck Niller!

Maybe Re-Live The Hunt!

And Wish You Had That Opportunity again!

And I Hope You Get That Opportunity again!

But It Ain't Looking Good!

And If You Can't See That With Your Own Eyes You Might wanna Open Them Eyes & See The Light!
If The Truth is Extreme!

I'm Extreme!

Why do you feel the need to be soooo extreme on your coments?
Nobody in their right mind is saying this buck is over 6 and nobody has says so.
I personally think it's probably 5 but maybe 4.
FWIW, personally I was going to let this buck go this year because I was focused on the wide buck or something of it's equal.
The guy who shot it was pretty excited about it, so I was happy for him.
The buck was feeding broadside from left to right when he shot it and he only could see its right antler, which is bigger than its left side. So he was a little bummed about that but he's still going to get it mounted.
Bessy, tooth data folks tell me my Pauns buck was 3.5 years old. MOTL! JUDAS!

(I know they erred, but that is what the official record states...)
This was definitely an interesting buck to score. Depending on which angle you looked at, he looked smaller or bigger. His right antler was that of a low to mid 180" buck and his left side was of a mid 160" buck. He ended up gross scoring 174.5". His mass was more impressive in person than what the trail cam pictures showed. I'm guessing his basses were close to 6". This kill shot shows his mass and head size a little better.
This was definitely an interesting buck to score. Depending on which angle you looked at, he looked smaller or bigger. His right antler was that of a low to mid 180" buck and his left side was of a mid 160" buck. He ended up gross scoring 174.5". His mass was more impressive in person than what the trail cam pictures showed. I'm guessing his basses were close to 6". This kill shot shows his mass and head size a little better.
View attachment 58051
Right side inches +
Left side inches
+ inside spread = score.
QUOTE="Butts, post: 2007181, member: 7764"]
Will he let you score the buck and post measurements?
He lives 6 hours away and it's not that important to me to double check his scoring precision. Good grief, what are you getting at?
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Right side inches +
Left side inches
+ inside spread = score.

I think you’re misunderstanding what he’s saying by comparing the two sides. He’s saying if both were equal like the right side he’d have been 180s, and if both were equal like the left side he’d have been 160s. But they weren’t equal, and came out in the middle of the two hypothetical scores because of it.

Trail cam pics are always hard to judge. The mass really shows on the dead pic. What a cool buck!
So I did some digging and found this picture from 2018. I'm pretty sure it's this same buck. In 2018, I'd put him at 3 years old. So that would put him at 6 this year. My cousin also has a biologist look at its teeth and he thought it was either 5 or 6.

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