Archery tag in Idaho


Very Active Member
So if I do not draw out in Colorado this year I plan on hunting Idaho for deer. Tell me if I got this correct. If I apply for a limited tag and do not get it I will still receive a general deer tag correct? Also, how do the archery tags work? Is it like Wyoming where I can just buy an archery tag for the same unit I have my rifle tag, and it just allows me to hunt the earlier archery season? Also, I read where you have to have bow hunter safety if you want to archery hunt? It looked like there was a few ways around that does, anyone know the details? Thanks for any help.
General tags are sold out already, but you can get a reissued general tag, they come out weekly or biweekly something like that. As other states draws come out people will turn theirs back in.
Bow hunter safety means you can prove you had an archery tag in past.
There are unlimited first choice archery only draw tags in some units if you want a sure thing.

just looked, these two are archery first choice only
unit 54 with a limit of 59 NR
unit 72 First choice only
These last three are not first choice and unlimited
unit 68a
unit 70
unit 53
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Is 73 archery, OTC? Rifle 73 is not a general tag, correct? If I go 73 archery then I'm tied to 73 archery correct? That's not one of the general tags right?
Is 73 archery, OTC? Rifle 73 is not a general tag, correct? If I go 73 archery then I'm tied to 73 archery correct? That's not one of the general tags right?
NO. There are no OTC tags left for NR. Unless and until you get online a claim a tag that gets turned in. You will have to choose either 73 any weapon OR 73 unlimited archery. You cannot put in for the unlimited tag as a second choice(unless Idaho is like Montana this year;)). The unlimited tag is limited for NR too, 240 tags, not sure if that fills or not.
Do you know the odds on 73 any weapon? Sorry, I am sure I can get on their website and figure it out. I just know when I hunted 73 years ago I would get the any weapon hunt as long as it was my first choice. Sounds like that is gone correct?
Yeah, may be a little late to plan on having an Idaho tag. Might still get one but turned in tags have a lot of competition online. Idahos starting to do a good job not being the whole country’s fall back plan for when they don’t draw

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