It was a failed experiment


Long Time Member
It's time to admit the idea of gun free zones is a horrible experiment. End it. The government has proven in more cases than not they are incapable of protecting unarmed gatherings from murderers.

They are nothing but shooting galleries for crazies.

End it. Now.
I personally think if a teacher is able, confident, and trained by all means cary a weapon.
I personally think if a teacher is able, confident, and trained by all means cary a weapon.

If the dude mopping the floors wants to pack a gun let him.
But if that dude who mops floors gets made he may shoot up the!!!!! Because anyone who gets ever gets annoyed could shoot up the place if they have a gun!!!

Yep. Hopefully a good armed guy will be there to kill him.

We know it is less likely that an officer will be able to stop it. That may be a factor of juxtaposition, training, or possibly cowardice.

But the chances of a armed, trained, and motivated officer being available to kill the bad guy aren't good enough.
I Say Arm Them To The MAXIMUM!

And Then Them Low-Life Punk-Asses Will Think Twice about Entering a School!

I Looked at a Double Barrel AR today that Would Scare 440 to death!
Get the retired vets and police officers at the school to protect the kids. Hell anybody competent enough to carry that wants to be there.
If my wife could carry at school, I would do my best to see she did. She has already had a CWP so it seems like it would be easy.
I understand what Tri is saying but this could get very confusing. If Tri came around the corner and saw a guy pull a gun out to show someone, he might pull his gun and take him out. But if another guy comes around the corner and sees Tri shooting someone, he could pull his gun and shoot Tri. Then a third guy could show up.... This could all end in a 3 week shoot out over a simple misunderstanding. :)
I read a report which indicated the school in Uvalde had not allowed, maybe not offered, teachers to be trained.

That same report indicated that, of the school districts near there who had been given that opportunity, there were no such attacks since training implementation.
I read a report which indicated the school in Uvalde had not allowed, maybe not offered, teachers to be trained.

That same report indicated that, of the school districts near there who had been given that opportunity, there were no such attacks since training implementation.
Uvalde is close to the border and maybe none of the teachers are legal immigrants, and so not allowed to purchase firearms. Just teaching them to lock the doors was obviously a failure.
Uvalde is close to the border and maybe none of the teachers are legal immigrants, and so not allowed to purchase firearms. Just teaching them to lock the doors was obviously a failure.
Yes....I read another story today (dunno if it is true) which indicated that a teacher blocked her door with a rock and that door is the one he used to enter. But, the shooter did not shoot her.
Yes....I read another story today (dunno if it is true) which indicated that a teacher blocked her door with a rock and that door is the one he used to enter. But, the shooter did not shoot her.

I wouldn't trade places with the teacher or the police chief for all the tea in China. If I had to imagine they are already loading Uhauls.

That poor town will be messed up for a long time. Hopefully the citizens will look to God and not politicians.
We have more guns than any nation and we have more gun violence than any nation , and more gun violence in America than anytime in history. the only logical solution is more guns.

I love it, it's like George Carlin has come back from the dead.
We have more guns than any nation and we have more gun violence than any nation , and more gun violence in America than anytime in history. the only logical solution is more guns.

I love it, it's like George Carlin has come back from the dead.

The only 2 nations larger in population are China and India. China is a communist totalitarian regime and India is a non hunting mono culture that %2 of the population controls the other 98%.

So it kind of makes sense that the 3rd largest country for population in the world, with some civil liberties, would have the highest nber of homicides.

Feel free to look at South Africa, Mexico, and Nigeria. Violent crime rates are absolutely terrifying there. I don't think anyone can tell what the gun laws are in Nigeria because it is damn near anarchy but the other 2 have extremely strict gun laws.

Nobody else in the world has the drug problem we have. 107,000 people were killed by fentanyl last year in the USA.
We have more guns than any nation and we have more gun violence than any nation , and more gun violence in America than anytime in history. the only logical solution is more guns.

I love it, it's like George Carlin has come back from the dead.
We have more drug problems than any nation, we have more drug related deaths than any nation, yet there solution was to make these drugs seems to be working great.

Taking guns out of the hands of people whom use them properly and have even the smallest amount of common sense with a firearm is stupid. It's even dumber to put more restrictions on said guns when this kid was 18 and from my knowledge had no legitimate background that would have kept him from purchasing said firearm that he used in the shooting. Because if the restrictions that we have now don't stop him from buying a gun, then not much else will. You don't see a heroin addict not getting THIS ILLEGAL drug.
When You Realize We've Got More Un-Educated Idiots In This Country It Just Might Sink in To Your THICK F'N SCULL that it's NOT The Guns Fault!


We have more guns than any nation and we have more gun violence than any nation , and more gun violence in America than anytime in history. the only logical solution is more guns.

I love it, it's like George Carlin has come back from the dead.
We have more guns than any nation and we have more gun violence than any nation , and more gun violence in America than anytime in history. the only logical solution is more guns.

I love it, it's like George Carlin has come back from the dead.

We have more gov't sanctioned murder in America than any time in history as well.

So what's your point?
Hey 440?

With The Amount Of Time They Let This Last JOKER Have Before Going After Him He Coulda Wiped 100's of Students Out With A Single Shot Weapon!

Sorry,I Forgot,I'm Sure Single Shot Weapons SKEER You As Well!
Hey 440?

With The Amount Of Time They Let This Last JOKER Have Before Going After Him He Coulda Wiped 100's of Students Out With A Single Shot Weapon!

Sorry,I Forgot,I'm Sure Single Shot Weapons SKEER You As Well!
Heck the time that kid had, he could have done it all with a kitchen knife! Or ever worse an assault knife!!! You know the ones that are big and scary looking!!!
hh wolf.jpg

I can tell that by reading your post, perfect example.

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