Life of SS!....


Long Time Member
I think this clip is SS! in a nutshell. I think he knows God but doesn't know how to address or express it. I think he has Democratic tendencies but lashes out at California Republicans to hide those tendencies from others. I think he may be a Capricorn but won't admit to it because they are soft and humble. I haven't lost hope on you, SS! I know you are in there somewhere, my friend.

Lets all say an Our Father and 10 Hail Mary's for him tonight.
Pretty sure he’s frenchy, he is barely legible most of the time
He is both....just at different times. He struggles with who he is so sometimes he feels he has to be Ricky but what we see here on MM usually is Cal....feeling the need to defend himself and protect his inner-feelings.
I think this clip is SS! in a nutshell. I think he knows God but doesn't know how to address or express it. I think he has Democratic tendencies but lashes out at California Republicans to hide those tendencies from others. I think he may be a Capricorn but won't admit to it because they are soft and humble. I haven't lost hope on you, SS! I know you are in there somewhere, my friend.

Lets all say an Our Father and 10 Hail Mary's for him tonight.
Damn Wizzy I call you a liberal (which you are) and you get all emotional on me? California republican is a fancy word for liberal ???

I hope you know every post is just a joke. Except for this one, but also including this one.

Like a true conservative my money funds school shootings. Your CA money funds the liberal agenda. Our sides can never get along but we can still be civil to each other…
Damn Wizzy I call you a liberal (which you are) and you get all emotional on me? California republican is a fancy word for liberal ???

I hope you know every post is just a joke. Except for this one, but also including this one.

Like a true conservative my money funds school shootings. Your CA money funds the liberal agenda. Our sides can never get along but we can still be civil to each other…
You just proved my point in this post, Cybil.
So ironic but I was looking on the internet for diaphragm elk calls and I came across a pic of SS! doing what he loves best....only with a bugle tube this time.
This place would be like an old womans bible study if SS wasn’t around to goose you prudes once in a while.

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