shadow banning


Long Time Member
I have no issues with it……ban em to their face if you want. In fact, I don’t think ANYONE who uses social media should be encouraged to vote or participate in political dialogue.

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I am fine with companies behaving the way they choose. What I'm not fine with is lying about it.

If you are a liberal leaning or conservative leaning business, you have the right to be what you are without government interference. A cake maker should be able to make cakes for who they want. A social media platform should be able to choose what they propagate.

Of course, Twitter showed itself to be complete liars by claiming to be unbiased when they were totally biased. One might claim they gained or held onto users through those lies. THAT is a problem.
A private company can have whatever speech they choose. It's better when they're upfront about it, however. People thought they were getting straight news from Twitter when they weren't, that's the problem.

For example, Fox dropped their "Fair and Balanced" tagline when they stopped being a real news organization.

Fox's CEO said openly they're the "loyal opposition" to the Biden Administration.

Fox's attorneys said of Tucker Carlson, "any reasonable viewer 'arrive(s) with an appropriate amount of skepticism' about the statement he makes," and that the "'general tenor' of the show should then inform a viewer that [Carlson] is not 'stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary.'"

Trump's Chief of Staff, John Kelly, said, "If you only watch Fox News, because it’s reinforcing what you believe, you are not an informed citizen.”

My point is that everybody knows where conservative propaganda comes from and that Fox isn't real news and information, even their attorneys admit it in court. If Twitter wants to trade in liberal propaganda, they should at least be honest about it.

If the public doesn't like it, they can go somewhere like Truth Social to be fed their daily dose of conservative propaganda again.

It's best when people know who to believe and whom not to believe.

I'm still waiting for the first conservative who's upset about Twitter putting a finger on the scale of political information to have the same anger about Fox openly doing the same thing... they seem to only want information they agree with reported though.
I have no issues with it……ban em to their face if you want. In fact, I don’t think ANYONE who uses social media should be encouraged to vote or participate in political dialogue.

Then why are you participating in political dialogue on a social media platform. ?

Jack Dorsey of Twitter lied to congress. Social media and the media stole our freedom of speech.
I'm still waiting for the first conservative who's upset about Twitter putting a finger on the scale of political information to have the same anger about Fox openly doing the same thing... they seem to only want information they agree with reported though.
Twitter had James Baker a former Russian Collusion FBI instigator on their board suppressing information. Interfering in an election.

So you must watch CNN. Anderson Cooper? Don Lemon? Give me a break with your Rachael Madcow of MSNBC. Are those outlets reporting news? You are the definition of the pot calling the kettle black.

WHAT ABOUT THE OVER 50 INTELLIGENCE OFFICERS AND THEIR LETTER ABOUT THE HUNTER BIDEDN LAP TOP? This is the government flat out meddling in a presidential election Completely illegal.
Then why are you participating in political dialogue on a social media platform. ?

Jack Dorsey of Twitter lied to congress. Social media and the media stole our freedom of speech.
I am a troll, It’s what we do.

Please tell me who stole it, and where your freedom of speech was stolen from.

Social media has provided so much freedom of speech that you can literally find someone somewhere talking about anything you can imagine. At least here in America where we are still free, thanks to things like our constitution.:rolleyes:

Your confused because some platforms ban or suppress stupid speech. Like trumps TRUTH cesspool :ROFLMAO:
A private company can have whatever speech they choose. It's better when they're upfront about it, however. People thought they were getting straight news from Twitter when they weren't, that's the problem.

For example, Fox dropped their "Fair and Balanced" tagline when they stopped being a real news organization.

Fox's CEO said openly they're the "loyal opposition" to the Biden Administration.

Fox's attorneys said of Tucker Carlson, "any reasonable viewer 'arrive(s) with an appropriate amount of skepticism' about the statement he makes," and that the "'general tenor' of the show should then inform a viewer that [Carlson] is not 'stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary.'"

Trump's Chief of Staff, John Kelly, said, "If you only watch Fox News, because it’s reinforcing what you believe, you are not an informed citizen.”

My point is that everybody knows where conservative propaganda comes from and that Fox isn't real news and information, even their attorneys admit it in court. If Twitter wants to trade in liberal propaganda, they should at least be honest about it.

If the public doesn't like it, they can go somewhere like Truth Social to be fed their daily dose of conservative propaganda again.

It's best when people know who to believe and whom not to believe.

I'm still waiting for the first conservative who's upset about Twitter putting a finger on the scale of political information to have the same anger about Fox openly doing the same thing... they seem to only want information they agree with reported though.
Grizz- I think you debunked your own point. FOX is conservative and doesn't pretend to be balanced. No anger required.

CNN? Not so much. Don Lemon actually had the audacity to claim his show wasn't liberal. OMG!

Twitter? Clearly lied.

Now if you point to a news source or social media giant that claims to be neutral but behind the scenes is secretly conservative, I'll back ya...
A private company can have whatever speech they choose. It's better when they're upfront about it, however. People thought they were getting straight news from Twitter when they weren't, that's the problem.

For example, Fox dropped their "Fair and Balanced" tagline when they stopped being a real news organization.

Fox's CEO said openly they're the "loyal opposition" to the Biden Administration.

Fox's attorneys said of Tucker Carlson, "any reasonable viewer 'arrive(s) with an appropriate amount of skepticism' about the statement he makes," and that the "'general tenor' of the show should then inform a viewer that [Carlson] is not 'stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary.'"

Trump's Chief of Staff, John Kelly, said, "If you only watch Fox News, because it’s reinforcing what you believe, you are not an informed citizen.”

My point is that everybody knows where conservative propaganda comes from and that Fox isn't real news and information, even their attorneys admit it in court. If Twitter wants to trade in liberal propaganda, they should at least be honest about it.

If the public doesn't like it, they can go somewhere like Truth Social to be fed their daily dose of conservative propaganda again.

It's best when people know who to believe and whom not to believe.

I'm still waiting for the first conservative who's upset about Twitter putting a finger on the scale of political information to have the same anger about Fox openly doing the same thing... they seem to only want information they agree with reported though.
Do you honestly believe msnbc, cnn, cbs, etc, etc are any different? They somehow are the ones who report the truth?
I am a troll, It’s what we do.

Please tell me who stole it, and where your freedom of speech was stolen from.

Social media has provided so much freedom of speech that you can literally find someone somewhere talking about anything you can imagine. At least here in America where we are still free, thanks to things like our constitution.:rolleyes:

Your confused because some platforms ban or suppress stupid speech. Like trumps TRUTH cesspool :ROFLMAO:
You obviously haven’t been paying much attention to the Twitter releases.

When the largest information platforms are shadow banning and hiding (aka, censoring) speech/people it has a huge affect on what happens in this country. There is absolutely no denying that unless you lean left, then all that stuff is ok.

For instance, if the truth about Covid, lockdowns, and the vaccines wouldn’t have been censored don’t you think this world would be in a better place right now?
Do you honestly believe msnbc, cnn, cbs, etc, etc are any different? They somehow are the ones who report the truth?
Yes, none of the media outlets except Fox is reporting. Why do you think that is. My tin foil hat tells me it is because they are all complicit in following the same FBI orders. We have become a country run by the FBI. Not the American people.
You obviously haven’t been paying much attention to the Twitter releases.

When the largest information platforms are shadow banning and hiding (aka, censoring) speech/people it has a huge affect on what happens in this country. There is absolutely no denying that unless you lean left, then all that stuff is ok.

For instance, if the truth about Covid, lockdowns, and the vaccines wouldn’t have been censored don’t you think this world would be in a better place right now?
So now the republicans can’t win because the mean democrats took away our social media bedpans?

God help us…..we used to be the party of hope. Now we‘re bunch of whiney ass babies. Thanks trump (y)
Yes, none of the media outlets except Fox is reporting. Why do you think that is. My tin foil hat tells me it is because they are all complicit in following the same FBI orders. We have become a country run by the FBI. Not the American people.
How the hell would either of you know what’s on mainstream media?
So now the republicans can’t win because the mean democrats took away our social media bedpans?

God help us…..we used to be the party of hope. Now we‘re bunch of whiney ass babies. Thanks trump (y)
I’m assuming you’re trolling because I don’t think anyone would be this ignorant but I’ve been wrong before.

When 90% of the idiots in this country get their info from social media, yes, it’s a problem when that info is one sided.

The censoring is about more than just election propaganda. Like I said, the info about Covid was just as bad, if not worse. If we could have had open and honest dialogue our country might not be in the situation it is. Although that probably doesn’t matter to you.
Yes, none of the media outlets except Fox is reporting. Why do you think that is. My tin foil hat tells me it is because they are all complicit in following the same FBI orders. We have become a country run by the FBI. Not the American people.
Of course they are. It was easy to see during Covid when every major msm outlet was saying the exact same thing…literally word for word. Those were the talking points handed to them by the pedo and ho administration.
Please explain how making people get information they don’t want is different than censorship.

Trump didn’t lose because of censorship, he lost because America had enough of his ****.

I can’t wait to get my twitter neurallink. Gunna make everything better (y)
Please explain how making people get information they don’t want is different than censorship.
?? Do you know what shadow banning is? Do you understand how social media works?I’m asking because your moniker, bluehair, usually refers to an elderly person and I know technology can be lost on that generation.

The only way to make a decision on something is to have both sides presented and available to all. Some people might not change their mind but some will. For instance, polling after the election found ~10% of those polled would have changed their mind if they would have known about little snorters laptop. Many people would have had a more sound argument against a mandatory vax if all the info was available?
I think Shadow Banning is trump’s buddy Steve Bannings dog? But go ahead and explain it to me. Speak up though cause I’m a little hard of hearing.

10% huh? And 87.3% of all statics are pulled right outa someones ass.

Only a fool believes hunter’s laptop has lead to the collapse of America and the necessity for martial law, without ever considering that the shitstorm of corruption that always swirls around trump might have something to do with it :ROFLMAO:

There is more court testimony about trumps penis than 97.83% of all Presidents. Look it up :ROFLMAO:
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10% huh? And 87.3% of all statics are pulled right outa someones ass.

Only a fool believes hunter’s laptop has lead to the collapse of America and the necessity for martial law, without ever considering that the shitstorm of corruption that always swirls around trump might have something to do with it :ROFLMAO:

There is more court testimony about trumps penis than 97.83% of all Presidents. Look it up :ROFLMAO:
Who said anything about downfall of America? This is about getting all the info out into the open without interference. If you think that is a bad thing then I guess we’ll just have to disagree.

Enjoy your day.
Grizz- I think you debunked your own point. FOX is conservative and doesn't pretend to be balanced. No anger required.

CNN? Not so much. Don Lemon actually had the audacity to claim his show wasn't liberal. OMG!

Twitter? Clearly lied.

Now if you point to a news source or social media giant that claims to be neutral but behind the scenes is secretly conservative, I'll back ya...
I didn't debunk my point, I proved my point and it's the same one you're making. I said...

"People thought they were getting straight news from Twitter when they weren't, that's the problem."
Do you honestly believe msnbc, cnn, cbs, etc, etc are any different? They somehow are the ones who report the truth?
I didn't say anything about anybody else. I offered the conservative analog of somebody putting their thumb on the scales to show the indignation is only directed at those they politically disagree with.

It's like the people talking about Hunter getting money while ignoring $2 Billion funneled to Jared Kushner.

People seem to be okay with corruption and propaganda as long as they only have to see what they want to see.
OK, but it doesn't make sense to wait around for conservatives to be angered by FOX for being what it openly is, vs Twitter that lied about it. That is what I was referring to. My indignation is about the lie.

Now, if you would have been waiting for a conservative to admit FOX is biased, wait no longer- they are. But I know it and am OK with it- not angry about it. I wouldn't expect a liberal to be pissed about MSNBC or CNN either.

The "posers" out there aren't the conservative media- they are open about it. At least the ones I read and listen to.
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I didn't say anything about anybody else. I offered the conservative analog of somebody putting their thumb on the scales to show the indignation is only directed at those they politically disagree with.

It's like the people talking about Hunter getting money while ignoring $2 Billion funneled to Jared Kushner.

People seem to be okay with corruption and propaganda as long as they only have to see what they want to see.
It isn't a thumb on the scales. It is the three letter government agencies, CIA FBI, Big tech and the media's big foot on the throats of free speech. Phuc them all.

Jack Dorsey lied to congress. The extreme liberal bias from big tech meddled in the election. With direction from the F.B.Lie.. Who was in charge of the 50 intelligence officers who distributed the false letter regarding Hunter's laptop? This is third world country BS.

Did the FBLie suppress the Jared Kushner story? No they didn't.
When will CBS , NBC , ABC report on this story? No they will not. Know why? BECAUSE THEY DID THE SAME THING. They were all in on the greatest election interference in our nation's history.

Trump is right. The election was STOLEN. Unfair and a complete joke. FJB
It isn't a thumb on the scales. It is the three letter government agencies, CIA FBI, Big tech and the media's big foot on the throats of free speech. Phuc them all.

Jack Dorsey lied to congress. The extreme liberal bias from big tech meddled in the election. With direction from the F.B.Lie.. Who was in charge of the 50 intelligence officers who distributed the false letter regarding Hunter's laptop? This is third world country BS.

Did the FBLie suppress the Jared Kushner story? No they didn't.
If you think this has anything to do with "free speech" then you haven't read the First Amendment.

Hint: It's the first five words. A private company can do whatever the heck it wants. Getting Congress involved or passing legislation regarding speech of a private company is the part that's unconstitutional, not the other way around.

But, of course, like I said above and Trump Truthed about a few days ago regarding terminating the Constitution... people are okay with corruption and propaganda as long as they agree with it.
When will CBS , NBC , ABC report on this story? No they will not. Know why? BECAUSE THEY DID THE SAME THING. They were all in on the greatest election interference in our nation's history.

Trump is right. The election was STOLEN. Unfair and a complete joke. FJB
Haha, a real live election denier!

Well, we know where you're getting your talking points...

The stories were as easy to find as a Google search...

If you think this has anything to do with "free speech" then you haven't read the First Amendment.

Hint: It's the first five words. A private company can do whatever the heck it wants. Getting Congress involved or passing legislation regarding speech of a private company is the part that's unconstitutional, not the other way around.

But, of course, like I said above and Trump Truthed about a few days ago regarding terminating the Constitution... people are okay with corruption and propaganda as long as they agree with it.
What the FBI did was an illegal overreach. Over 50 intelligence officers lied on a letter they signed and presented to the american public. Interfering with our US Election. Third world county BS.

You are an election interference denier.
Haha, a real live election denier!

Well, we know where you're getting your talking points...

The stories were as easy to find as a Google search...

Stolen election. Brandon, the big guy is an illegitimate POS. Glad you liberals have google to search. Is it a fair and balanced search? I think not. Why don't you search Joe Biden's showers with his then teenage daughter Ashley. Or the incestuous relationship Hunter and had with Jim Biden's daughter.

The mess he left behind in Afghanistan. Worst POS ever. Let's go Brandon.
Looks like the other obama played a hand in getting Trump banned.

"Now is the time for Silicon Valley companies to stop enabling this monstrous behavior—and go even further than they have already by permanently banning this man from their platforms and putting in place policies to prevent their technologies from being used by the nation’s leaders to fuel insurrection," obama wrote in a lengthy statement posted to Twitter on Jan. 7.

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