Paunsaugunt or Henrys??


Active Member
Ok I've seen other threads on this subject but things change year to year so my question is .
My wife has 23 deer points going into this year's draw.
I've always put her in for Henry's because I've been down there a few times hunting with freinds and the deer numbers are fantastic and I've never really hunted the Paunsaugunt but it has been getting better and better from year to year on the Paunsaugunt and the henrys has kinda flat lined the last few years.

My feeling is the low water in the Henry's has really led to some under development of antler growth the last several years where the Paunsaugunt has not bet really wet it has been much better!

I'm just trying to get pushed one way or the other as my feeling is she could draw the Paunsaugunt this year but could actually have a chance to draw on the Henry's.

So do we stay on the Henry's path as im thinking all this water could really help there especially if it stays wet through the spring and summer or do we change ship and go Paunsaugunt???

Thanks in advance...
I have never personally been on the henries during the rifle hunt but have heard stories from people who have about the outfitter behaviors and turning it into a not so fun experience! I did have a tag on the paunsagaunt in 2018 and had a great hunt with friends and family and hunted how we wanted on a level playing field with all the outfitters. The deer are migrating during this hunt so you have just as good as chance of coming across a great buck as the outfitters do. Most hunters were tagged out and left by Tuesday and we had very few hunters to deal with during the last half of the hunt. Good luck on whatever you decide! You have some great options!
If you know the Henries I would hunt there. The top end hasn't been on the Pauns the last few years. If you are happy with looking at 160-170 with a few better bucks the Pauns would be ok. If you want to maximize your chance at the biggest buck I would hold out for the Henries.

You Think The Numbers Are Good on the Henries NoTrace?

You Might Wanna Check That Out!

I Think Wiffy Must Know Something?
JakeH Just Pulled The Numbers up a few Days Back!

If You Think 900 Head is alot for That Mountain Range You Must Live In A Place Like The Basin?

You Think The Numbers Are Good on the Henries NoTrace?

You Might Wanna Check That Out!

I Think Wiffy Must Know Something?

Well it really matters how you look at it. The numbers suck for the whole area but the buck to doe ratios are awesome and when there up on the mountain During the muzzleloader hunt there's tons of deer to be seen and most are all bucks.

As for 900 deer I'm really questioning that but it could be correct I just know when I go down there I see a lot of bucks in the 160 to 170 class not the 190 + class I know that are there.

I guess I should say there sure is a lot of visible deer on the henrys.
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If you know the Henries I would hunt there. The top end hasn't been on the Pauns the last few years. If you are happy with looking at 160-170 with a few better bucks the Pauns would be ok. If you want to maximize your chance at the biggest buck I would hold out for the Henries.

There killing a lot of 170 class deer on the Henries I know there's great deer there but due to low moisture it's been struggling.

I would say that Paunsaugunt has the biggest buck right now but I doubt I could find it.

I have seen a few nice 180+ deer taken off the Pauns the last 2 years.

But both units are not putting out the big deer like oak is.
And Right There You've Been SUCKED In To The BS Buck To Doe Ratio Management!

The Predators Could Just About Take What's Left If The DWR Don't Get Em First!

Well it really matters how you look at it. The numbers suck for the whole area but the buck to doe ratios are awesome and when there up on the mountain During the muzzleloader hunt there's tons of deer to be seen and most are all bucks.

As for 900 deer I'm really questioning that but it could be correct I just know when I go down there I see a lot of bucks in the 160 to 170 class not the 190 + class I know that are there.

I guess I should say there sure is a lot of visible deer on the henrys.
I'm just saying I go down there and see a lot of bucks I agree that areas has always needed more deer but in all honesty there's a lot of deer to see when you go it feels like a lot more the 900 deer but that's why I'm looking into jumping ship or I should say my wife jumping ship and going to the Paunsaugunt.

Hell maybe we will look into Oak Creek.
There killing a lot of 170 class deer on the Henries I know there's great deer there but due to low moisture it's been struggling.

I would say that Paunsaugunt has the biggest buck right now but I doubt I could find it.

I have seen a few nice 180+ deer taken off the Pauns the last 2 years.

But both units are not putting out the big deer like oak is.
Pauns is a drive around and get lucky type of hunt, it can be frustrating. I think you're missing the mark on the units you are looking at to be honest, but of the two you asked about I would be on the Henries with a pair of 15's and a tripod.
Hey Wiff!

You Know Something We Should Know?:D

Pauns is a drive around and get lucky type of hunt, it can be frustrating. I think you're missing the mark on the units you are looking at to be honest, but of the two you asked about I would be on the Henries with a pair of 15's and a tripod.
Pauns is a drive around and get lucky type of hunt, it can be frustrating. I think you're missing the mark on the units you are looking at to be honest, but of the two you asked about I would be on the Henries with a pair of 15's and a tripod.

I got those things but I'm thinking the better deer on the Henries are not in the real easy spots .. but that's the same on all units..
Man, I’m really glad I don’t hate hunting like bessy does.

I’ve never stepped foot on the Henry’s. I am 100% positive if I drew a tag there this year I could make it an awesome hunt. It may not result in a 287 inch buck like everyone used to shoot “back in the day” (according to people like Bess), but I’d have chances to kill many mature deer and I’m sure it would be a wonderful experience. I have no doubt it would be awesome.

I have hunted the Pauns, and I’d love to do it again. That place is magical.

I guess it’s all about what you’re looking for. If you’re going to rate your success in inches, I’m guessing no matter what you pick you’ll be disappointed. Those people that measure success in inches are never satisfied. Hunts are what you make them, and I don’t think you could go wrong with either of these units.
If You Only Had A Clue Of What It Was Just a few Years ago compared To What It Is Now!

I Hope you Get The Tag This Year Niller!

If You Do I'll Make A Big Wager With You You Won't Harvest a 40"ER!

Well Maybe A Buck That Grosses 40"S!

Man, I’m really glad I don’t hate hunting like bessy does.

I’ve never stepped foot on the Henry’s. I am 100% positive if I drew a tag there this year I could make it an awesome hunt. It may not result in a 287 inch buck like everyone used to shoot “back in the day” (according to people like Bess), but I’d have chances to kill many mature deer and I’m sure it would be a wonderful experience. I have no doubt it would be awesome.

I have hunted the Pauns, and I’d love to do it again. That place is magical.

I guess it’s all about what you’re looking for. If you’re going to rate your success in inches, I’m guessing no matter what you pick you’ll be disappointed. Those people that measure success in inches are never satisfied. Hunts are what you make them, and I don’t think you could go wrong with either of these units.
I won’t get a tag since I didn’t apply for one. It was a hypothetical.

But I’m still confident I could have a great time on that hunt this year. And I’d make a big wager I could find a buck that makes me happy!
Here is the population estimates for the Henery's as well as the buck to doe ratios for each year, the unit has defiantly been struggling the past few years. I pulled this from the post Bess referenced above. Also these are winter range numbers, I am not sure if many of those deer possibly migrate out of the unit or not but these are the numbers from the yearly reports.

The DWR Manage for 40-55 bucks per 100 does.

It will look like this.
Year- population/ buck:doe / fawn:doe

2010- 1200 / 61:100 / ??:100
2011- 1400 / 52:100 / 54:100
2012- 1900 / 55:100 / 74:100
2013- 1800 / 56:100 / 60:100
2014- 2200 / 48:100 / 81:100
2015- 2400 / 65:100 / 76:100
2016- 2200 / 47:100 / 65:100
2017- 1900 / 41:100 / 53:100
2018- 1600 / 44:100 / 38:100
2019- 1000 / 37:100 / 57:100
2020- 900 / 31:100 / 53:100
2021- 900. / 40:100 / 40:100

As you can see the population has taken a big hit since 2015

Personally, I have not set foot on either unit so I am not much help as far as that goes, but to me having knowledge of a unit would be a very valuable asset to me as far as deciding on what I am going to do.
Ok I've seen other threads on this subject but things change year to year so my question is .
My wife has 23 deer points going into this year's draw.
I've always put her in for Henry's because I've been down there a few times hunting with freinds and the deer numbers are fantastic and I've never really hunted the Paunsaugunt but it has been getting better and better from year to year on the Paunsaugunt and the henrys has kinda flat lined the last few years.

My feeling is the low water in the Henry's has really led to some under development of antler growth the last several years where the Paunsaugunt has not bet really wet it has been much better!

I'm just trying to get pushed one way or the other as my feeling is she could draw the Paunsaugunt this year but could actually have a chance to draw on the Henry's.

So do we stay on the Henry's path as im thinking all this water could really help there especially if it stays wet through the spring and summer or do we change ship and go Paunsaugunt???

Thanks in advance...

I honestly do not think you could have made a bad choice on either tag! let us know if you draw! Goodluck
Right On PUNK!

The SAD Part Is This:

You Take An Average Hunter Down There From The Basin At RUT Time that's been Hunting The General Hunt & They Think It's 7th Heaven!

That Tells You Just How Good Our Local Deer Herd Is Here on The General Hunts!

The SAD Part is The Total Numbers Of Deer Across The State!

It's not been the "fan favorite" by the big dogs for a handful of years now, the cream has been skimmed.
It'll always kick out a great buck, but there will be a small army after it.
Look at the buck:doe ratios the few years before the overall population took a dive. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist (or biologist) to see why. But yep, let’s hunt LESS of those bucks! Definitely hunting that caused this one…for sure! (Please read the sarcasm in that one!)

But some folks won’t ever learn.

Sad to see, really.
Look at the buck:doe ratios the few years before the overall population took a dive. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist (or biologist) to see why. But yep, let’s hunt LESS of those bucks! Definitely hunting that caused this one…for sure! (Please read the sarcasm in that one!)

But some folks won’t ever learn.

Sad to see, really.
That coupled with decreases in fawn productivity are no bueno for a herd. A very similar thing is happening right now on the Beaver unit and other units with elk-very high bull to cow ratio and the overall age of the herd is increasing. Those 2 factors especially are causing decreases in herd productivity overall-not healthy for the future.
I am not sure if there are tags available to buy on the henrys but on the pauns they go for more than 40k, that is a good indicator of what you could rate it by. you may not get the buck of your dreams but you will see some, go for the muzzy season.
That coupled with decreases in fawn productivity are no bueno for a herd. A very similar thing is happening right now on the Beaver unit and other units with elk-very high bull to cow ratio and the overall age of the herd is increasing. Those 2 factors especially are causing decreases in herd productivity overall-not healthy for the future.

Yep, but we need to kill LESS bulls and the DWR is ruining the unit by over-hunting it…according to some.
I thought both units were managed by age classification. They haven't changed permit numbers on the Pauns for decades. Population numbers reflect drought and fawn production. I guess those numbers dont trigger permit changes. Maybe should.
Pony Up Niller!

And Buy Yourself a 80K PISSCUTTER Tag!

And Remember!

There are 500K Bucks On ALCATRAZ If You Really Wanna Show Us What You're Made Of!

Yep, but we need to kill LESS bulls and the DWR is ruining the unit by over-hunting it…according to some.
Just hunt whatever unit you know best and are closest to so you can spend time scouting, don't worry about inches just go enjoy a fun hunt with the wife because you'll be able to find good bucks on both units
Given the winter kill I’d be real careful about spending points if gross inches is the goal of the hunt.

Henry mtns will always hold mature deer and if it was me, and what I want out of a hunt I’d be on that unit working the crap out of Ragged, the west side of penelle from dark over to scratch, and the north end of Ellen down on to Tarantula.

My goal for the hunt would be a next level deer 220”+. Those areas provide me with the remoteness, terrain, and IMO best shot at that type of deer. Point being, no matter what, that number is a needle in a haystack on any unit, so I’m picking some rough country, with minimal access to try and make it happen.

If I was looking for a fun hunt that would be super entertaining for my wife? Pauns or maybe even a muzz San Juan tag.

Henry’s as well, but if I’m looking to get my wife on a 160-180” mature deer in a high density environment I probably lean for the other units, even though the bull creek pass road will get you a shot at that without really even trying too hard.

Good luck figuring out what is most important for the outcome, and share pictures if it means a tag in the pocket!
Just hunt whatever unit you know best and are closest to so you can spend time scouting, don't worry about inches just go enjoy a fun hunt with the wife because you'll be able to find good bucks on both units

I see your point but after waiting 24 years for a good tag it puts pressure on more then just having fun unfortunately.

We could have had 2 or 3 limited entry fun hunts by now.
Another thing to consider is the East Fork on the Pauns has become every Vegas, CA, St. George idiots recreation spot. It can be a highway with just recreational traffic. With all the roads it's hard to get away from people. Berry gave you another option that I would take a close look at.
I see your point but after waiting 24 years for a good tag it puts pressure on more then just having fun unfortunately.

We could have had 2 or 3 limited entry fun hunts by now.
Seems like you know the Henries and from your posts you seem to favor that place. That's where you should go.

If you go into this hunt putting too much pressure on your wife, it's going to go south in flash. #1 goal should be to "have fun". The big buck will come if you do that.
I see your point but after waiting 24 years for a good tag it puts pressure on more then just having fun unfortunately.

We could have had 2 or 3 limited entry fun hunts by now.
I know from experience bonus point pressure can ruin a hunt!
I drew a near top points unit in Colorado many years ago and by mid hunt my son and I were about to go the blows over the pressure. (that is saying something since we never fight). We finally agreed that we would just go have fun and if I ate tag soup then it would be fine.
Relieving that pressure made all the difference. We had a blast after that and just celebrated seeing good deer. Fortunately I was able to find the buck I was looking for.
My point...look at is as a great opportunity to see lots of deer and regardless of the unit don't worry about the inches.
Oak Creek Might Take Max Points for The Most Part!

Good Luck To Your Wife Wherever She Puts In For!
Sorry Elk but it doesn't take max points. I've hunted deer on the Oak Creek every year for the last ten and sometimes three or four times a year. Just don't pack 'em out until night. ?

To save folks typing out a bunch of extra posts and getting all butthurt let me clarify that this was sarcasm.

Sarcasm is the caustic use of words, often in a humorous way, to mock someone or something.[1] Sarcasm may employ ambivalence,[2] although it is not necessarily ironic.[3] Most noticeable in spoken word, sarcasm is mainly distinguished by the inflection with which it is spoken[4] or, with an undercurrent of irony, by the extreme disproportion of the comment to the situation, and is largely context-dependent.[5]
I'm Huntin With You In 2023 Bob!:D

Sorry Elk but it doesn't take max points. I've hunted deer on the Oak Creek every year for the last ten and sometimes three or four times a year. Just don't pack 'em out until night. ?

To save folks typing out a bunch of extra posts and getting all butthurt let me clarify that this was sarcasm.

Sarcasm is the caustic use of words, often in a humorous way, to mock someone or something.[1] Sarcasm may employ ambivalence,[2] although it is not necessarily ironic.[3] Most noticeable in spoken word, sarcasm is mainly distinguished by the inflection with which it is spoken[4] or, with an undercurrent of irony, by the extreme disproportion of the comment to the situation, and is largely context-dependent.[5]
With that many points if she doesn't kill a buck that scores at least 220" it is a wasted tag. You would also be a terrible husband, guide, and be scorned on all your social media platforms. Don't listen to these guys. Stress out, worry, fret, and don't let her settle for anything less than 200. Reality is these are your points and your tag......her names just on it, go big or don't go at all. If she wants to shoot 180" buck on opening morning you make sure she knows that is absolutely unacceptable, make her sleep in the truck, and go to bed with no dinner. Don't let us all down!

With that many points if she doesn't kill a buck that scores at least 220" it is a wasted tag. You would also be a terrible husband, guide, and be scorned on all your social media platforms. Don't listen to these guys. Stress out, worry, fret, and don't let her settle for anything less than 200. Reality is these are your points and your tag......her names just on it, go big or don't go at all. If she wants to shoot 180" buck on opening morning you make sure she knows that is absolutely unacceptable, make her sleep in the truck, and go to bed with no dinner. Don't let us all down!
Have you considered the Manti Nebo?

In your shoes, I would study the auction tags prices, the "professionals" know what's out there. Then I'd find a unit with no professionals, nor the hordes of freelance spotters

I'd rather kill a littler buck without the drama.

My .02
Do what you want, not what people tell you. I'm going for the Henry Mountains or bust with 27 nonresident deer points. Best unit or not, I have my heart set on it after waiting so long. Feed will be better this year. I don't have expectations other than having a good time. If they would offer two nonresident 1st bison hunter choice tags, I'm definitely in the running for that if I fail on the buck tag.
I do lean towards the Henries but she is """""" almost surely to draw a Paunsaugunt tag vs a Henries plus its always been about getting a good buck over 180 and the Paunsaugunt has jumped up on quality.

I do see almost everyone's point and that's why I asked.

It is funny that people are given me crap I'm just wanting to use the points in the best way and my wife loves hunting but she is not much into looking up info and such.

I've asked her what she wants and she wants to hunt the best unit she could kill a 190 or better buck.

That being said when we started applying for deer and elk we was half the age we are now..

My wife was 24 Years old when she started to apply now she is 49. We have watch the Henries when it was a race to the top of the mountain opening morning to get to the 200+ bucks! To now where there's a 160 to 170 class bucks on the sides of the roads but super hard even when hiking all the other spots to find anything in the 180+ class but every year we still applied but now we both are curious about Paunsaugunt we even look into oak creek but it's probably a harder hunt then we are capable of to actually enjoy it so Henries and Paunsaugunt are the best bets for a 190 class and a fun hunt.
In my mind, you'll literally be competing with outfitters on either unit. You can't out-scout outfitters, unless you're unemployed.

So, I'd say the Pauns will give YOUR WIFE a better chance since the deer are moving as much as the hunters are. The Henry's will still have you racing to the big ones...

Though, if you have been seeing 160-170 bucks on the side of the road there, shouldn't they be 180-200 this year.?? ?
I Always Like The 220" Or Bust Attitudes!

One Thing To Think About notrace?

The Archers & The SmokePolers With Them DAMN DREADED Scopes Have Been Taking a Fair Share of The Cream Of The Crop For Several Years!

Does She Hunt With a Bow or a SmokePole?

There Won't Be As Many Camera's This Year But There Will Be More Sets Of Eyes I'll Guarantee You!

Average Joe Blow Can Not Compete With The BS That Goes On,On LE Units!

The Top End Just Like Most Units Have Been Getting Slicked Off For Several Years!

I Hear The 220"+ or Bust Attitude Every Year!

By Day 3 The Number Usually Drops Drastically for Most!

I Hope She Gets a 240"ER!

Yes,That Many Years To Draw Is A Good Chunk Of a Persons Life!

Again,Best Of Luck no Matter Which Unit You Hunt!
My wife shoots both archery and a muzzleloader but she is much better with muzzleloader.

I've also seen that many top end deer are being killed by muzzleloader.

Muzzleloader is probably my choice on Henries but maybe rifle on Paunsaugunt.

As for 220 or bust we are first 2 or 3 days 200 or bust then 190 and then 180 ? ? ?
Well notrace!

You are being Honest & I Respect That!

Alot on MM'ERS Here Don't Know Or Remember You From Yesteryear But I Do!

I Remember CCH!

My wife shoots both archery and a muzzleloader but she is much better with muzzleloader.

I've also seen that many top end deer are being killed by muzzleloader.

Muzzleloader is probably my choice on Henries but maybe rifle on Paunsaugunt.

As for 220 or bust we are first 2 or 3 days 200 or bust then 190 and then 180 ? ? ?
Don’t worry, not rave, it’s not uncommon for bessy to remember things nobody else does.

Happens frequently!
Put her in for the Area she wants and if she draws the tag let her shoot whatever makes her happy regardless of how Long it took to draw the tag. No reason to put any pressure on it just enjoy the time and hunt with her
This was my thought. Whatever does SHE want.

Not what do you want. Let her enjoy the hunt for what she wants out of it, not for what you expect it to be.
I know it took 25 nr points to pull the pauns muzzy tag last year and there was only one muzzy tag for henry last year. Like assassin said the cream comes off before the rifle.
Others have said, this year is going to be amazing on the Pauns and other dryer units that got dumped on with snow but were far enough south to avoid winterkill/or almost winterkill deep snow and cold. It also builds on a good monsoon year from last summer. Any burned areas are going to look like the Serengeti during the rainy season. The bucks will be able to show their true potential this year. You want a tag this year.
Don’t worry, not rave, it’s not uncommon for bessy to remember things nobody else does.

Happens frequently!

I remember fields so full of 30" bucks, dudes took up golf rather than spend .01 for the price of a bullet.

I remember 1.25 million deer on the landscape too.

Sorry you can't see there Niller.????
You never know how many people might "jump in" to the draw on a given unit, but base on last years odds you wife should have a 100% chance for Pauns rifle, and around 25% chance at Henries rifle.
You never know how many people might "jump in" to the draw on a given unit, but base on last years odds you wife should have a 100% chance for Pauns rifle, and around 25% chance at Henries rifle.
Funny how that is on the only two "premium" units.

I'd take a Paunsaugunt tag over Henry's without a blink of an eye.
If it was me I would put in for a late muzzy tag on a unit you been able to hunt the last 25 years. Go out there and smack a stud. Atleast your expectations won't be as high and you never know where the next 240 buck will turn up. Where ever you choose I hope it's a great hunt and you enjoy your time together no matter the out come.
Here is the population estimates for the Henery's as well as the buck to doe ratios for each year, the unit has defiantly been struggling the past few years. I pulled this from the post Bess referenced above. Also these are winter range numbers, I am not sure if many of those deer possibly migrate out of the unit or not but these are the numbers from the yearly reports.

The DWR Manage for 40-55 bucks per 100 does.

It will look like this.
Year- population/ buck:doe / fawn:doe

2010- 1200 / 61:100 / ??:100
2011- 1400 / 52:100 / 54:100
2012- 1900 / 55:100 / 74:100
2013- 1800 / 56:100 / 60:100
2014- 2200 / 48:100 / 81:100
2015- 2400 / 65:100 / 76:100
2016- 2200 / 47:100 / 65:100
2017- 1900 / 41:100 / 53:100
2018- 1600 / 44:100 / 38:100
2019- 1000 / 37:100 / 57:100
2020- 900 / 31:100 / 53:100
2021- 900. / 40:100 / 40:100

As you can see the population has taken a big hit since 2015

Personally, I have not set foot on either unit so I am not much help as far as that goes, but to me having knowledge of a unit would be a very valuable asset to me as far as deciding on what I am going to do.
What are the numbers for Pauns?
Others have said, this year is going to be amazing on the Pauns and other dryer units that got dumped on with snow but were far enough south to avoid winterkill/or almost winterkill deep snow and cold. It also builds on a good monsoon year from last summer. Any burned areas are going to look like the Serengeti during the rainy season. The bucks will be able to show their true potential this year. You want a tag this year.
It also takes age . There will be a handful of great bucks on the Pauns. The professional's are aware of almost all of them. They will probably be gone before the rifle hunt.
I'm Huntin With You In 2023 Bob!:D
Let’s give it a couple weeks for the snow to melt and the deer to get a little further from town. It’s a lot more challenging in April and May. Of course it will be an antlerless hunt but they taste just as good.?

No matter what happens I ain’t getting a wanton waste ticket.?
Pauns Rifle == There are more RAZR's on the Pauns during this hunt than there is Taxi's on the Vegas Strip. Migration hunts are a different animal if you have never been on one.
Don't forget the outfitter Tacomas doing 45 through the mud, plastering everyone!
Henries snow.

Here is another link that will help you as well.

I was going to ask the same question. Thanks for the info Jake
And yet the “cut tags” crowd thinks it’s going to help this time when it didn’t do squat last time. Go figure!

Cutting tags never worked before, but doggoneit, the DWR is selfish and giving too many tags. Cut em again!
And yet the “cut tags” crowd thinks it’s going to help this time when it didn’t do squat last time. Go figure!

Cutting tags never worked before, but doggoneit, the DWR is selfish and giving too many tags. Cut em again!
Nope, numbers cut by 100k and our overall deer numbers have never increased to this day.

Hunting bucks is NOT the problem.

The Doe population holds the keys to increased herd numbers.....fact!

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