He's a beauty


Long Time Member

He's a wonderful person isn't he. Would he have thought the same had Trump given him the sec of state job he was kissing the ring for?

Dude literally just said he vote for a democrat. Same democrats that called him a misogynist for keeping a binder of women to hire. An animal abuser. A cult member for his religion. Etc, etc, etc.

The country would be better off with Maryanne Williamson🤣🤣

There should be a drinking game based on how often he says Trump. Be lots of drunks
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Romney might have a "R" after his name. It stands for "Republican in name only" he has the soul of a liberal Democrat.
hossblur are you saying he sets on the fence and falls the way the wind blows him on issues? I wonder what he was worth when he entered politics and what he is worth today.
hossblur are you saying he sets on the fence and falls the way the wind blows him on issues? I wonder what he was worth when he entered politics and what he is worth today.


When he was running on Utah, Don Peay hauled him all over SFW banquets. Mitt was in if us, he would be great for sportsmen.

6 years, can't point to a single thing he did. He gave speeches.

You can't point to a single fight he undertook. Including on Trump. He kissed the ring. Got on a knee. AFTER Trump wisely turned him down, TGEN he was anti Trump

Romney is a front row, center pew Mormon. In Utah. In DC, Sundays are for TV. In Mass, he's pro choice.

He was looking at a defeat, especially if Curtis gets in, so he is in face saving mode
Yeah, Mitt. Good ol' Pierre Delecto. What a coward.

"I'll vote for a grey-bellied, one-eyed, riffle-raffle Schnauzer before I vote for any those ill-tempered, loathsome, scrumbuilding 'real' Republicans."
We wonder why Colorado got $14 million, Wyoming got $23 million for wildlife overpasses while Utah got $5million.

Our senator is busy on Sunday shows
Didn’t Trump do the same flip flop on that topic?

He did. That's the point. Mitt tries to sell his moral character, and frankly his religion(especially in Utah), and he's no different Trump. They say what they think will get them votes.

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