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    • arwhntr
      arwhntr reacted to Tank's post in the thread Possible Growth/Score with Like Like.
      Looks like a 155" buck to me. If he goes much over 165" I would be surprised. It is a heck of a buck to most of the hunting population.
    • arwhntr
      It's certainly doable with a rental vehicle in many units. Make sure to get a pickup or suv and be just be cognizant of which roads you...
    • arwhntr
      arwhntr replied to the thread Thoughts on hiring an outfitter?.
      A couple years back I picked up a good muzzle bull tag on the FCFS. Like you, figuring this would be my one and only bull hunt in NV I...
    • arwhntr
      arwhntr reacted to joshinreno's post in the thread THEY'RE UP with Wow Wow.
      076-077,079 081 ALW Bull Tag. I've been waiting a long time for this one. Hope it goes well.
    • arwhntr
      arwhntr reacted to NV87's post in the thread THEY'RE UP with Love Love.
    • arwhntr
      arwhntr reacted to Sallaberry's post in the thread THEY'RE UP with Like Like.
      Archery deer 151-155 and I got my bull tag they took from me last year!
    • arwhntr
      arwhntr reacted to Skidmore's post in the thread THEY'RE UP with Wow Wow.
    • arwhntr
      arwhntr replied to the thread THEY'RE UP.
      17s archery deer and 231 archery antlerLESS elk here. My luck in NV is unreal, been a resident for 2 years but over the last 7 seasons...
    • arwhntr
      arwhntr reacted to 3TOE's post in the thread CC hits with Like Like.
      I will pass on that. I just got home yesterday from an 8 day job in Seattle. Good luck to ya & hopefully they post up early so you can...
    • arwhntr
      arwhntr replied to the thread CC hits.
      Try being overseas for work right now. I might be pulling an all-nighter. :cautious:
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