Recent content by Darkcloud

  1. D

    OIAL Bull Moose - East Canyon/Morgan Summit

    Don’t want to steal the OP thread, but have the other 2 tags on the unit in my family. Any info or sightings would be great if willing to share.
  2. D

    Draw Question

    No, when I drew my limited entry deer, the rest of my group drew general season and I got a point
  3. D

    Utah Spring Bear

    Thanks, figured I was little early, just excited to try and get my son on a bear. We see them all the time in the summer and fall, but are rookies in the spring time.
  4. D

    Utah Spring Bear

    Anybody seeing anything emerging from their dens yet? Just curious if I'm looking in the wrong spots or their still in hiding?
  5. D

    Bear Hits

    Shows a point for me in 2019, but neither one of my kids have an extra point or permit? Maybe there is still hope for them. I think the division keeps the same email for me, and just changes the year and the species. Lol
  6. D

    Bear Hits

    Already started checking lol. It's the only time I want to see money coming out of an account!
  7. D

    Suppressor vs muzzle break

    I would think the real question is, is it worth the extra money and hassle for a suppressor? Generally the break is going to be a lot cheaper. You can buy breaks and have installed for less then $250. Suppressors are around $400-$2000 plus machine work, and the extra forms to fill out
  8. D

    Book Cliffs Buffalo

    Let's see some video
  9. D

    Free Tickets ... The Big Outdoors Expo

    I want to go. I won last year and never got my tickets
  10. D

    Time to end the point system

    You missed my point. There is opportunity for both right now. Max point holders and a random. If it wasn't for the random, I never would have drawn. If it wasn't for the point system, the max point holders might not have drawn that year. When there was no point system a friend of the family...
  11. D

    Time to end the point system

    With a 50/50 split, it's the same as having a random draw system. You still have a chance! Going to a random draw solves nothing. Would it be fair if someone drew a tag every year in a random while other guys wait 20, it's the same thing. At least with points you have options, stop being so...
  12. D

    Payson Buck Hit by a truck and Killed today

    >Somebody said they was bailing hay >on the side of the >road he came from, and >that's what spooked him. > >I watched the rumors start about >somebody pushing him, it started >with "I bet somebody was >pushing him" to "I herd >somebody was pushing him" to >"yeah some A$$holes were in...
  13. D

    Cards are being hit!!!

    Had a hit at 2 today, just checked it again and it's gone. Money is back and it shows no credit back. What the hell!
  14. D

    Expo tags are up

    Heidee Latham got way lucky...........3 tags. I think she should go buy a lotto ticket
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