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    • F
      foundation reacted to MountainSqwabler's post in the thread Finally with Haha Haha.
      Tri seems like the type of guy whom gets pulled over for doing 80 in a 40, and then shoves his phone in the cops face and screams about...
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      foundation reacted to HikeHunt61's post in the thread Finally with Like Like.
      Wonder why Tri, who claims policing needs to change because there are too many evil cops, never actually advances thoughts on what those...
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      foundation reacted to Tristate's post in the thread Finally with Haha Haha.
      No. That's what our cops have.
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      foundation reacted to RELH's post in the thread Finally with Love Love.
      Tri after checking your very poor rating on one web site with reviews for Tri State taxidermy, maybe you should put your efforts forward...
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      foundation reacted to WeminucheWapitis's post in the thread Finally with Haha Haha.
      Fully auto machine gun? Embelish much…
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      foundation reacted to Vanilla's post in the thread Finally with Haha Haha.
      Wait, so you don’t like someone taking “your thread” and talking about something else?!?!? 🤣 🤣
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      foundation reacted to coloradoman's post in the thread Finally with Haha Haha.
      🤡 wow it’s every one in the world doing bad but you and Wade 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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      foundation reacted to eelgrass's post in the thread Finally with Like Like.
      Can we just take a minute and appreciate a hero when we see one?
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      foundation reacted to Tristate's post in the thread Finally with Haha Haha.
      Maybe I would do better if I worried about stuff that isn't real. I've been in business since 1998. Mounting thousands of trophies...
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      foundation reacted to coloradoman's post in the thread Finally with Haha Haha.
      3.6 huh…. Maybe he would do better if he wasn’t on here every minute of the day being an azzwhipe.
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      foundation reacted to Tristate's post in the thread Finally with Haha Haha.
      I can't help you make childish assumptions and your reading comprehension is bad. And yes we do need to take a second look at policing...
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      foundation reacted to RELH's post in the thread Finally with Like Like.
      Looks like I struck a nerve with Tri. I have come to the conclusion that Tri is not worth the time or effort for a civil discussion...
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      foundation reacted to Vanilla's post in the thread Finally with Haha Haha.
      He's just here "civilly discussing" an issue...
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      foundation reacted to Tristate's post in the thread Finally with Haha Haha.
      Good then you shouldn't have a problem when I post up a story about a cop massacring an entire house and it taking 5 years to prosecute...
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      foundation reacted to hossblur's post in the thread Finally with Like Like.
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