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      Bottom Line have everything put into 1 persons name. Even if you have to “Donate” your stuff to a friend. I’ve seen people argue it but...
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      fullcry reacted to work765's post in the thread Unit 44 4th season with Like Like.
      Sorry to dig up this old post. I ended up snagging a 2nd rifle for 44. I saw no one answered your question. Did you end up changing your...
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      fullcry replied to the thread Results Out Soon?.
      Looks like 57 guys with MAX points in 128. As a Non Res. You will probably never see that tag.
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      fullcry replied to the thread Prince of wales island..
      Santana has it all figured out! Such a great way to go.On your way up look for gravel pits to pull off and over night camp for free. Gas...
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      fullcry replied to the thread Cougar Numbers.
      You can correct me if I’m wrong. But I think ALL of you on both sides are missing the point. Didn’t 1 guy in the Legislature make this...
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      I would add.Maybe the hardest part is once you finally find a Ram and shoot you can’t get it back. So make sure when he goes down,you...
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      I second for Sean Shea. He’s a good dude. Very good Guide and knows his stuff.
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      fullcry replied to the thread New Idaho Laws.
      Actually I bet there isn’t a single state that wishes that.They seem to make a lot more money.Idaho is leaving a lot of money on the...
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      fullcry replied to the thread New Idaho Laws.
      Agreed, It just has to happen.So many people moving in and so much pressure on wildlife. The old days are over and the state is gonna be...
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      fullcry replied to the thread Utah vs Wyoming.
      If your going to go there,add 1 from Idaho.😀
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      fullcry replied to the thread Antelope Island.
      Didn’t Wyoming make up a rule only Residents can shed hunt for a month before anyone from another state can show up? LOL What the...
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