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    • htoutdoors
      htoutdoors replied to the thread Unit 47 Youth Buck Tag.
      Got out for opening weekend. My nephew has a doe tag in the same unit. We got out of town much later than I wanted and had to turn...
    • htoutdoors
      htoutdoors replied to the thread Archery elk crowd quiet.
      That dude was all over the place. We attempted to hunt where the hound guy wasn't. We moved areas, next day, he was near where we moved...
    • htoutdoors
      htoutdoors replied to the thread Archery elk crowd quiet.
      Did I say that he didn't have every right to be there? No, I did not. Do I think it should be legal to hunt with hounds during archery...
    • htoutdoors
      htoutdoors replied to the thread Unit 47 Youth Buck Tag.
      My elk season is now over, and my 13-year-old has patiently been waiting for his turn. Finished sighting in his rifle last night and we...
    • htoutdoors
      htoutdoors replied to the thread Archery elk crowd quiet.
      Tag soup for my brother and I in Unit 43. We had two really good days of action. Had a raghorn bull sneak in to 35 yards while working...
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