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      Nilguhm replied to the thread Oregon Is On Fire.
      It is crazy out there. I just drove back from Boise on 84 between closures. Fire close to the freeway on both sides. Unbelievable.
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      Nilguhm replied to the thread Pronghorn Unit 65.
      That is good to know. I appreciate the help. I bought a Mytopo map of the area and it looks like there is a fair amount of public...
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      Nilguhm posted the thread Pronghorn Unit 65 in Wyoming.
      I drew a Unit 65 Pronghorn tag this year. I have a small private ranch I can hunt on, but would like to know some general areas to look...
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      I drew pronghorn Unit 65 with 8 points in the regular draw. I was at the bottom of the points needed to draw. The special draw is a...
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      Nilguhm replied to the thread Results Out Soon?.
      I drew a nonresident pronghorn tag for unit 65. Not really sure if there will be many pronghorn or not. At least I did not pay for the...
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      Nilguhm replied to the thread Draw results are posted..
      I finally got in. I drew the Walla Walla Branch Bull tag, a buck LOP and a doe LOP. But I knew I would draw all three.
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      Nilguhm replied to the thread Draw results are posted..
      I am trying to get online to check, but the ODFW system is overloaded.
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      Nilguhm replied to the thread CC hits.
      All red for me as well.
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      Nilguhm replied to the thread Prineville reservoir.
      Yes, there are very few deer. ODFW has cut back the LOP tags substantially. I may not even get a tag and I am the only hunter on the...
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      Nilguhm replied to the thread Prineville reservoir.
      I have never seen it that full either. I hunt deer just a few miles away near Post. You can see the reservoir from high points on the...
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