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      OLDHORNHUNTER replied to the thread IDAHO UNIT 40 ELK RIFLE.
      Like I said they know where they are safe !! that is also why most of the 40 tag holders will all be hunting in the same areas . As...
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      OLDHORNHUNTER replied to the thread Archery elk crowd quiet.
      Hey don't waste your time typing any replies to the Blindnoninformed Idiot this guy hi-jacks every posts he is the Know all of every...
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      OLDHORNHUNTER replied to the thread IDAHO UNIT 40 ELK RIFLE.
      Lots of 300 to 340" class bulls running all over public land in 40 , until the shooting & the rut kicks in then they tend to end up on...
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      OLDHORNHUNTER replied to the thread Unit 74 Idaho Deer.
      Good luck !! probably wouldn't hurt to have a couple of back up units, with all the fires this year I think there are going to be a...
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      OLDHORNHUNTER replied to the thread Alleged Idaho Poacher.
      The Landowner tags should be Eliminated !!! Not sure how the rest of the state operates but the western side, 99% of the landowners do...
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      OLDHORNHUNTER replied to the thread Unit 40 Bucks.
      All the people that drew Owyhee unit tags this year and over the last 4 or 5 years.. Remember to THANK a Fish & NO Game biologist for...
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      OLDHORNHUNTER replied to the thread Unit 74 Idaho Deer.
      I dont hunt that side of the state , but 2022 & 2023 Winters were pretty Brutal on the deer & elk herds in those South East units. I...
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      OLDHORNHUNTER replied to the thread Ankle Gaiters?.
      Check out REI & Outdoor Research they both have some really well made short gaiters.. These 2 brands seem to hold up really well & fit...
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      My suggestion Stone Glacier EXO or Kifaru !!! IF you have a local sporting goods store go try them on ,or check for any sportsman...
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      OLDHORNHUNTER replied to the thread Unit 40 Bucks.
      Tell your buddy to shoot the 1st 160" buck !!! That is IF he see's one that big .. F&G have ruined the Owyhee units !!
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      OLDHORNHUNTER replied to the thread 45 Antelope.
      There are a few still there I think they have adapted like the deer and have found it safer on Private property. I used to see piles of...
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      Looks like it could be a decent combo throw some camo paint on it or wrap part of it with camo tape !! For years I used a black hard...
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      OLDHORNHUNTER replied to the thread Alleged Idaho Poacher.
      Yeah actually he did and the Sheriff laughed !!!
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      OLDHORNHUNTER replied to the thread Alleged Idaho Poacher.
      About 35 years ago in Idaho, while elk hunting with a buddy we had spotted a herd of around 60 elk. Several 320 + bulls in the group, we...
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      OLDHORNHUNTER replied to the thread Unit 42.
      I drew it last year after 24 years of NO's from Fish & NO GAME !!! I spent well over a month scouting & talking to ranchers and ranch...
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