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      Oneye replied to the thread Trump was shot.
      This is the perfect encapsulation of where things were with Biden, don’t be mad at Democrats because you’re sticking with your idiot and...
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      Oneye replied to the thread Trump was shot.
      Harris is now doing: -16 points better with black voters than Biden -6 points better with Hispanic voters than Biden -1 point better...
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      Oneye reacted to BuzzH's post in the thread Trump was shot with Like Like.
      Yeah, and she has another 96 million from Biden it seems: https://www.axios.com/2024/07/22/kamala-harris-record-81-million-24-hours By...
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      Oneye replied to the thread Trump was shot.
      If she chooses Shapiro or Kelly, she'll get my vote yes. The problem is people like Donald Trump. I saw economic numbers surpassed...
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      Oneye reacted to BuzzH's post in the thread Trump was shot with Like Like.
      You worried about something? You sound worried lashing out like that. I'm not. Hoping for 4 years of big stock market gains under...
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      Oneye replied to the thread Trump was shot.
      When you grow out of your teenage brain and fit throwing, then we'll have a civil discourse you pathetic douche.
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      Oneye replied to the thread Trump was shot.
      Actually Trump just tweeted that he was a threat to democracy just yesterday and has said it several times. Well, Biden's decline...
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      Oneye replied to the thread Trump was shot.
      And also said that was a bad choice of words. And it 100% was. Trump has literally told rally goers to beat the hell out of protestors...
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      Oneye replied to the thread Trump was shot.
      My God, grow up you PATHETIC loser. You don't. You hate everything your country stands for and call it love. Free speak? Yawn child.
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      Oneye replied to the thread Trump was shot.
      Can we add weirdo to the explanation of you?
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      Oneye replied to the thread Trump was shot.
      I think I acknowledged there are unhinged people, now search the same phrase with Biden in it. Oh wait a Utah County man was raided by...
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      Oneye replied to the thread Trump was shot.
      Are you?
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      Oneye replied to the thread Trump was shot.
      Are you a literal child? You are a grown ass man. Act like it.
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      Oneye replied to the thread Trump was shot.
      Nah. Direct messages are for that, direct messaging. Hitting Paul Pelosi in the head is violence. Also, then stop blaming the left or...
    • O
      Oneye replied to the thread Trump was shot.
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