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    • RRCowboyStar
      RRCowboyStar replied to the thread Stone Sheep Hunt.
      Can't you just go to Texas and find someone that breeds world records and will put it in a pen for you? Should only take a an hour, who...
    • RRCowboyStar
      RRCowboyStar reacted to 1989Cohunter's post in the thread Meme thread with Like Like.
    • RRCowboyStar
      RRCowboyStar reacted to Justhunt14's post in the thread WLH going to prison with Like Like.
      Holy Chit!! Its like having a conversation with my 3 yr old. Hey Tri your Democrat is showing.
    • RRCowboyStar
      RRCowboyStar replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
      I have a stance, I respectfully asked you what yours was. that's all.
    • RRCowboyStar
      RRCowboyStar replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
      And? Damn. I new that was to hard of a question.
    • RRCowboyStar
      RRCowboyStar posted the thread Verifier in Archery.
      Wow. I wish i would have one installed on my peep years ago. If you are having trouble with starburst of focusing between your pins and...
    • RRCowboyStar
      RRCowboyStar replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
      Nice dance moves. OK I will play along. New question Where do you stand on the conviction. Is that to hard of a question?
    • RRCowboyStar
      RRCowboyStar replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
      It said you don't believe in rumors? It didn't say were you stand on his conviction. That isn't a rumor. I already know he is a "great...
    • RRCowboyStar
      RRCowboyStar replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
      It's almost like talking to someone that never just stands up and says were he stands.
    • RRCowboyStar
      RRCowboyStar replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
      You seam to not acknowledge that he has been convicted? and he has taken responsibility, It's ok you can just say that your Ok with your...
    • RRCowboyStar
      RRCowboyStar replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
      It's easier to get a straight answer out of my grandkids. They only dance around for a little bit. I will wait this one out, you can...
    • RRCowboyStar
      RRCowboyStar replied to the thread Meme thread.
      • 1721944092751.png
    • RRCowboyStar
      RRCowboyStar replied to the thread Meme thread.
      • 1721944029642.png
    • RRCowboyStar
      RRCowboyStar replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
      Making assumptions because of your dance. You have done everything but give straight answers. "Example. Your brother asks you to ship...
    • RRCowboyStar
      RRCowboyStar reacted to LIK2HNT's post in the thread Meme thread with Like Like.
      And I forgot to add. “Get off your F’n phone and get your job done”
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I am only Responsible for What I say, Not What You Understand - John Wayne
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