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      Tilzbow reacted to elkhunterUT's post in the thread Thoughts on hiring an outfitter? with Like Like.
      Fascinating responses...it is almost like we are all different people with different circumstances and experiences. :oops: I say do...
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      Tilzbow replied to the thread Thoughts on hiring an outfitter?.
      At 59 years old, knowing I’d never draw it again, and if had the support for the hunt and the time you have I wouldn’t hire an...
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      Tilzbow replied to the thread CC hits.
      They don’t call me lucky for nothing! I drew my first and only archery bull tag with 11 or 12 points, waited 10 years and now I’m up to...
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      Tilzbow replied to the thread CC hits.
      Last year I finally drew resident archery cow with 10 points but others were drawing with zero.
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      Tilzbow replied to the thread CC hits.
      I’ve got 28 resident CA BHS points, never put in for BP only, still waiting with 2% odds this year….
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      Tilzbow replied to the thread CC hits.
      Number of entries for yesterday’s draw by hunt. One entry for each squared bonus point, plus 1 for this year. 10 bonus points for a...
      • IMG_3125.png
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      Tilzbow replied to the thread CC hits.
      For the past several years NDOW has posted details on Twitter, Facebook, etc regarding the draw timing, along with links, so the public...
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