Founder’s 2022 Hunt Adventures


Founder Since 1999
So far, Utah and Wyoming deer tags are what I have for 2022. Hoping to catch a Colorado tag too, but not expecting it.

My summer will again be busy, as I’m planning on at least 18 days of scouting before September in Wyoming. The goal, of course, is to find a super buck, along with a handful or more other big boys. Another season for me to test my skills and determination.

I’m not sure if I’ll be able to squeeze in any Utah deer scouting, but maybe. The trophy potential in Wyoming is greater than the unit I have in Utah, so I’ll likely devote all my time in Wyoming.

I began my big buck searching a few days ago with a short trip into an area I haven’t scouted in several years. 10 bucks is all that I laid eyes on. A few were nice as you can see in the video, but nothing stood out as looking like something I needed to return later to look at.

In all my years in that country, I’ve never seen a grizzly bear, until the other day, I believe. I didn’t get any video of the bear, but the colors were right and I think I saw a hump on the back. I also saw a black bear and they looked much different. I’m calling it a grizz!

Another couple mornings on the hill for me. Looked at about 30 bucks. Some good ones. None however jumped out at me as something that would end up really special. I’m looking for droptines, the start of tine splits, junk around the bases, multiple eyeguards……

Got me a can of bear spray too! Highly doubt I’ll ever need it. I’ve been doing lots of night time hiking for years and never worried about it, but after hearing about a few grizzly bears and seeing one that “might” have been a grizz, I figure it’s probably smart to have something.

78 bucks on my last trip. That’s pretty good. Who says a full moon means anything? Maybe if it hadn’t been full moon, I would’ve seen 100 bucks! ????

I looked at a couple bucks that I think will end up in that 180 range. Looked at another that has a few extras going on, but he was a mini buck. I’m hoping he can survive a couple more years, but it’s not likely.

I covered a lot of ground on this trip. Dealing with the heat was rough, then I got hammered with rain while moving. By the time I got my tent up, I had a pool of water inside. Good times I guess!?!?! Better than work suppose. Ha ha

I put in 7 days of archery hunting and looked over some nice bucks, but I never did lay eyes on a taker. Big bucks sure know how to hide when they want to! I guess that challenge to find them is what I like.

A few from the bowhunt.

My hunting buddy took himself a nice 4x5 on opening day, but for me, I haven’t seen anything to shoot yet.
I’ll share pics of his buck when he sends them over.

The rain made the first few days of hunting real tough. When the grasses are soaked, it’s like walking through a swimming pool!
I’m maintaining hope that I can get it done, but I might just be paying my dues for past success. We’ll just have to see how it plays out.

Almost forgot, I stashed 7 days worth of food on the mountain. Went in two days early and found that a bear got up to it and ate it all……well, most. He loved candy, but hates coffee.

What was interesting was that we had a smaller 4-point that would come right up to camp to eat some of the rice, freeze dried lasagna and other stuff that was scattered about above camp. It was like a drug to that deer! He didn’t care at all that I was right there 20 yards away walking around camp.

He was much closer than this when enjoying my food, but here he is milling around camp.
I suck! Can’t get him, can’t even find him. I’ve dealt with rain, a bear stealing my food stash….twice!!!
16 days in the area since the last time I saw him. Did someone get him with a bow? A rifle? Or is he still alive but found a great hiding spot? I have no idea, but I think I’m done looking. Maybe……

So I did make it back up for the last couple days of my hunt, but still was unable to locate the buck I was after. It'll sure be interesting to see if a success photo of him comes about, or a winter range pic, or if he's back next year. If he made it through the hunt, I'm going to be VERY impressed with his ability to hide.

I'm not confident in having a tag next year, but you never know. Maybe a someone or two will want to go hunting. Even without a tag, I may have to get back up there next year for a couple days just to see if he survived.

I mentioned 23 days of scouting in my video, but I actually scouted 25 days, plus a day before the rifle hunt. Plus, 18 days (7 archery, 11 rifle) hunting. Never saw him during the hunt. I have no idea if he was taken by someone else or if he found a great hiding spot. I just don't know.
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