What to do?


Long Time Member
Well it happened today. One of those moments as a parent you question how you’re raising your kids. Caught my preteen in the act of something unthinkable. Just got back from Costco and took out the variety snack sized chip bags and were putting them in the cabinet. Cheese Doritos, Cheetos, Lays etc being careful to take out the cool ranch Doritos like always and throwing them in the trash. A few moments later I was putting away the rest of the groceries and I heard the crunch of chips from the living room. To my surprise and disappointment there was my son eating cool ranch Doritos.

My world is crashing down. How do you handle such disappointment? If there ever was a time for god in my life this is it…
When it comes to crunchy snacks, I have a high pain threshold. I can eat anything and pretend to enjoy it.

Back to what to do:
Make sure you always keep the dialogue open with your son. Talk about all the little things whenever he wants to. That way when the big stuff like cool ranch chips crap comes up, he'll be more willing to communicate and you can gently correct his errant ways.
If that fails to work, take out the belt and get his attention.

That's a problem not easy to fix and no point in wasting a lot of time and energy with no results if he has a genetic defect. Go back to the basics to see if it's worth the effort. Something is not right. Start here. Tell him what you're doing and why.

Well it happened today. One of those moments as a parent you question how you’re raising your kids. Caught my preteen in the act of something unthinkable. Just got back from Costco and took out the variety snack sized chip bags and were putting them in the cabinet. Cheese Doritos, Cheetos, Lays etc being careful to take out the cool ranch Doritos like always and throwing them in the trash. A few moments later I was putting away the rest of the groceries and I heard the crunch of chips from the living room. To my surprise and disappointment there was my son eating cool ranch Doritos.

My world is crashing down. How do you handle such disappointment? If there ever was a time for god in my life this is it…
Thoughts and prayers...

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