Active Member
I'm a non res with max points and I'm trying to decide whether to go 12A east or west late season. I will hunting with a friend unguided. Plenty of hunting experience just never in this country. Looking for opinions pro and con for both areas. Looking forward to the discussion! thanks.
If it were me, I would hunt the west side late hunt. East side is more rugged and has some awesome bucks, but I know the west side better. From all I have read, your chances of seeing a monster are the same in either unit. Good luck in the draw.
Not a bad idea db&b. I'm not sure about hunting 13b without a guide. I really like doing it myself but I might be open to buying info only from someone- I won't be guided. Just personal preference.
I prefer the quality of the hunt as much as the opportunity itself. I think the west side is an easier hunt but I prefer only 50 other hunters in the field over 175 in the field but it will be more difficult to get drawn with only 50 tags. To each their own!
If the choice is between 12ael and 12awl..... No brainer....
west side!!!

If I had your "problem" with max points.... 13b(rifle), 13a(rifle), 13b(archery), 13a(archery), and 12bl (rifle)... In that order before the kiabab tho......

Sorry just had to say that :)
My opinion goes with the west side. More country, more deer and seems to be producing more big deer the last few years.
I had the late east side tag in 2008 and used max points for it. I was beyond disappointed with the hunting. Very few deer and really thick trees. If you are willing to kill a 25" 4x4 it'd be a great hunt, but not what I expected.
12east if you are looking for a HODAD buck. One tough hunt, but a chance for a bomber. The deer are very nomadic so you will want to be mobile. That being said, apply for 13b as your first choice and 13a as your second choice. That's a no brainer!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-03-11 AT 10:07AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Apr-03-11 AT 10:06?AM (MST)

Here is the deal as I see it. You are in a pool of over 270 NR who also have MAX points who mostly will be applying for 13B or 13A this year. You have a 1-9 chance to draw those units.

You apply in 12A West (Late) or 12A East (Late)with max points you'll have a super chance to draw either one of those tags.

I personally would not apply for 12A East of I had max points, instead opting for the late 12A West hunt. Mostly for the reasons stated above. But that is just me.

So if you want to go on a deer hunt this year, roll the dice for 13A or 13B first choice,and 12A West Late as your second.

See you up there!

Don Martin
Arizona Wildlife Outfitters

P.S. Here is why I like the Strip!
Thanks for the info guys. My friend & I are trying to gather as much information as possible before we make our unit choice. This is a once in a lifetime event for us nonresidents and we really appreciate the candor of your opinions. I'll keep watching this post for any other ideas.

Thanks, Mitch
Between 12W or E, I would choose 12W for the quantity of deer and some monster bucks being killed consistently. Every year I'm helping on a late hunt on the west side I see huge bucks being brought out! 12E does have the toad bucks and if it snows a lot they are easier to hunt. Getting the bucks out of the steep thick country is what you want in that unit. It looks like next year the 12A west will have a late muzz hunt instead of the 12A east side. It could be a great hunt as well, but it still may be too early. It's hard to say which is better 13A or B especially after last season. I'm interested to see how this years 13A rifle hunt compares to last season. If you're hunting either unit you have a chance to see great bucks! Good luck with your choices!
I had 12a east 2009 . Tough hunt killed the largest I saw about 170". Hunted 12a west early 2010 saw more deer but nothing over 160". Do 13B 1st 12a west late 2nd
LAST EDITED ON Apr-21-11 AT 10:46PM (MST)[p]
or You can draw a junk desert tag and hunt all you want!


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Urge 2 Hunt

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