15,000 Scientists Against Kyoto


Very Active Member
So let's see what 15,000 scientists have to say about global warming....

"Scientists are understandably upset when they see $2 billion per year devoted to research on climate change, much it irrelevant and concerned only with imaginary consequences of a hypothetical warming -- while other fields of science are starved. They are also appalled and angry that an increasing fraction of this research money is diverted into "community workshops," thinly disguised brainwashing exercises to create public fears about climate catastrophes."

read the rest of the article


"One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

If you look a little harder, you might be able to find an older article than May of 1998. If you look even harder, you might also find one with a more jaded view than from that source.

The fact that they (these 15,000 Einsteins) do not have research projects worthy of competing for these scarce research dollars seems to be a strange reason to dispute the notion of global warming. Is that the bias of ecomonimc incentives or a scientifict fact?

I think if you search back far enough, you will find some reputed scientists from 1250 A.D. who thought the world was flat and thought it was a waste to spend money on research that would show the world to be round. What a bunch of crazy knotheads those "round world" theorists must have been.

If debates are to occur, we should at least use current information from unbiased sources, if any exist.

Thanks for sharing and happy hunting!
Scienc is all about the MONEY. Which ever scientist cries the hardest gets the grants. Science sucks these days and has discredited its self to the Nth degree.
>Scienc is all about the MONEY.
>Which ever scientist cries the
>hardest gets the grants. Science
>sucks these days and has
>discredited its self to the
>Nth degree.

Wow, Al Gore must be rolling in the dough.

Bottomline is 15,000 scientists back then knew that the global warming issue was a fallacy, scare tactic, etc.

Research something real.

"One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

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