15 Seconds to Decide ... Is he a taker???


Founder Since 1999
You're hunting a high ridge, look down into this rock slide and he's standing there. You've got 15 seconds to decide whether he's a taker or not and hit the dirt. Is he a taker and could move that quick?



Brian Latturner
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com on Facebook!
That's sounds about like me there GONHUNTIN!

Brian Latturner
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com on Facebook!
Anywhere in the world, except a very few LE units, I'd shoot that buck given half a chance. Even in those LE areas, I'd have to give a pretty serious look.
Like others have said, I'm probably not as picky as you but it doesn't diminish how good he seems to be.
It only took me 0.5 seconds to make the decision to shoot. That leaves plenty of time for buck fever to set in and cycle through all of my bullets without actually firing a shot.
I missed a 190+ 4x4 cause I had the shakes so bad. Had him dead to his rights in his bed while I was calm, it's when he stood up that the shakes overtook me. Missed 3 times last one standing broadside at 512 yards smh
>It only took me 0.5 seconds
>to make the decision to
>shoot. That leaves plenty of
>time for buck fever to
>set in and cycle through
>all of my bullets without
>actually firing a shot.

Oh those haunting memories. Had to laugh. YES I'm attempting a shot

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