194-196 Rifle tag....Any good?


Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Nov-29-10 AT 08:43PM (MST)[p]194-196 Deer Late Rifle.

I don't have the tag, but have been applying for it. Is it any good? PM me if you have info you'd like to share. Thanks.
The late tag is probably one of the best in the state.... The early tag is nothing special. I will be hunting it in two weeks.

And one of the hardest units to draw to. But when you do, With a little work you will bring out a monster!
Good Luck nv_hunter on your hunt, I'm kinda jealous right know!
Its a good hunt but it can be a bad one too. Too much snow and you cant get any access no snow and the deer are still high. Plus with alot of snow you get to look at all the huge bucks that are too close to the houses to shoot. Its kinda a drag when you fing a 200 inch deer but cant do a thing with him because he is sitting in someones back yard. Just my two cents.
Very true. And they know you can't get them!

("For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. Ephesians 2:8-9")
I was able to see that big buck that came out of Kings Canyon last year. That thing was a pig!

("For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. Ephesians 2:8-9")
Elkohunter there is a buck in that unit this year that is even biger than the one from Kings Canyon. He is sitting in the houses and is a stud of a buck. The one from Kings Canyon went around 226 inches last year and the buck this year is alot bigger. In saw a pic of him standing next to a 180" four point and he made him look like a small forky.
sagebucks.... yes, this buck hung out in the houses last year as well and is a toad. Last year he was busted on one side though but boy did he grow from last year. I hunted in that unit every day last year on the late season rifle with scouting before that. That buck never leaves the houses. Maybe with the snow melting off this year, he goes back up into the foothills but I doubt it. The wardens are watching this buck closely due to all the neighbors calling so anybody hunting him better make sure they are in legal shooting distance from the houses.
Dont do that shooting a bow or crossbow in the area he is at is concidered discharging a fire arm. Plus like it was stated above fish and game are camped out on this buck.
We killed a great 4x5! I will let the shooter post the pics if he wants to. You know how it works! lol

Get um up!

("For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. Ephesians 2:8-9")
Sorry fellas .... Guess the guy doesnt want to share yet... you will have to pay your subscriptions to see him! Gay I know!

If you want to see pics of the big buck in the carson area go to the mule deer forum and check out the thread sweet buck. That is the buck that I was talking about earlier its a shame he got killed this year.
The buck that is in that thread on the mule deer forum wasn't killed in Carson but in Reno. He was taken by a PIW tag holder on Christmas.
Unforunately, the buck that was hanging in the Carson neighborhoods was injured severely in a fight with another buck just the other day and I believe NDOW ended up having to put the buck down. I have the photo of him and if I knew how to post it here I would.
No the buck in the thread called sweet buck was killed in carson by fish and game after being injured in a fight.
>Sagebucks is correct

Ok.. my bad. I guess I didn't get far enough down to see the sweet buck thread.

I am kind of curious about the word that is out on the street as to why this buck had to be put down. Anybody got exact clarificaition on this. I heard that he got into a fight with another buck that lasted 1.5 hours. He was injured so bad they felt he had to be put down. I just have never seen bucks this time of year, when the rut has been over for so long, fight for over and hour. I guess someone caught it on video. Sure would be nice to see that video. That other buck must have been one hell of a strong buck.
That would be nice to have some clairifacation as to what happened. One more huge buck out of that unit that NDOW now has. This is becoming a common thing NDOW got two Big ones last year from there one hit by a car and the other was hit and lost then found by another person a few days after it had been shot.
Not sure why but NDOW did away with this late hunt.... Best hunt in the state GONE!

they didnt get rid of it, they made it worse, this will be the last year that unit will be good.
Nevada has a self serving wildlife commision, that did not listen to the County Advisory boards, who recomended geting rid of the late season, or cutting the tags down to 10. this year there will be a total of 64 late rifle tags, plus about 10 PIW hunters. not to metion all the state money that is going to have to be spent regulating all the hunters in urban area's.
Why don't we just turn our Nevada deer hunting into Oregon, everybody can hunt a bunch of young bucks without age or genetics. Good Job Commissioners keep up that great work.
The quotas they show right now on the season dates is from last year. And last year the gave out only 21 res and 2 NR for the late hunt and 37 res and 4 nr tags for the early hunt.

Don't get me wrong I am all for closing the late hunt down. I just wanted to let you know those quotas were last years. NDOW even didnt want this hunt either.

The quotas will be set in May.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-09-11 AT 05:18PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Mar-09-11 AT 05:13?PM (MST)

58 res 6 non-res and 2 outfitter draw, with a potential of 24 PIW, and that is just for the late season.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-09-11 AT 06:57PM (MST)[p]not in the deer section, and i have the 2010 seasons and dates from last years book in front of me, and they are different. i am not trying to start a fight, and i wish or hope that i am wrong. but i have gone over this with several people including a NV guide, and they all agree with my quota numbers.
this just sucks for that Deer herd. And i dont understand why this commision would do this to the units, when the county advisory boards and the division were totally against it.

i am not sure if these quotas are official yet, but this is the latest turn of the doucument.
I was talking to some of the NDOW people at the RMEF show last weekend. They said the current tag quotas for the 2011 season are pretty much set in stone. But the bright side of everything is that the current wildlife commision will be gone with in the next 3 years.
Now I can only take their word at face value about this. so we must keep our fingers crossed!
gripit, I am not trying to fight either but if you add up the early and late rifle quota's from last year you get the same number as they have on there now, plus some of the new seasons they have a question mark for the quota (example the new 101-108M rifle hunt). I'll talk to a few people I know that work for NDOW to see if they are going to set the quotas in May like they usually do.

I think its stupid how the commission is all worried about the deer herds but then they go and do this.

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