2013 AZ Highlights--Big Bull Fever


Congrats to all those who were fortunate enough to get an AZ Elk or Antelope tag!
We put together a few of our clips from 2013 and made a quick highlight reel. The video includes 2 coues bucks over 140", multiple bulls over 400" (we were blessed to kill 4 bulls over 400" last year in AZ), and a muley that grosses 247". Sit back and enjoy.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-31-14 AT 07:40PM (MST)[p]For some reason I can't open with a iPad ? anyone else have any luck on iPad or iPhone?

Arizona Hunting Guides & Outfitters

SilverGrand Outfitters

Offering mule deer, elk, antelope, bighorn sheep, javelina, and turkey hunts in Nevada and Arizona.

Arizona Elk Outfitters

Offering the serious hunter a chance to hunt trophy animals in the great Southwest.

A3 Trophy Hunts

An Arizona Outfitter specializing in the harvest of World Class big game of all species.

Arizona Strip Guides

Highly experienced and highly dedicated team of hardworking professional Arizona Strip mule deer guides.

Urge 2 Hunt

THE premier hunts in Arizona for trophy elk, mule deer, couse deer and javelina.

Shadow Valley Outfitters

AZ Strip and Kaibab mule deer, big bulls during the rut, spot-n-stalk pronghorn and coues deer hunts.

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