2013 Hunt Adventure Challenge Winners


Founder Since 1999
I know, I should have picked some winners before now. What I did was select the 5 Hunt Adventure Challenge participants who did what I felt was the best job. Each will receive a $40.00 Gift Card to Santana Outdoors.

The 5 winners are:

Thanks to all who participated in 2013.

I'd like to see more participation in 2014. Give me ideas as to what would push you over the edge and get you to share your outings?

Brian Latturner
Will you LIKE MonsterMuleys.com on Facebook! I need a friend....
I'd much rather have a MM hat or decal or something of that nature because a 40 GC means I'll actually have to spend money from Santana in order to redeem it. I didn't participate to win anything. It was just fun to do. But I certainly didn't participate in order to be forced to spend money to redeem a prize.

If you want more participation I think the first response hit it on the head. Get together some good prizes and tell everyone up front what they are in the running for. Also, I'd like to see it open not locked. Receiving comments will spur people on to keep going with their threads. The way it has been, you have no idea if anyone is even reading them. To keep going for an entire year on the hope that some people may be actually enjoying what you are doing is too much to ask of people.

That's like a penny per every one of BC's Pics!:D

boot Gambles/Blows more money than that on the First Hand of Friday night POKER!:D


I'll STHU now!

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
>boot Gambles/Blows more money than that
>on the First Hand of
>Friday night POKER!:D

You don't know how true that is, Bess!!! :)
I think participation would also be up if people could interact with the post.
The guy that started it all was California on his Monroe elk hunt.
It was fun because people could post and interact.
This year I have not looked at one of the posts.
Just some thoughts.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-21-14 AT 10:03AM (MST)[p]I would also put in a vote for some type of interaction.

My thought would be to have the normal moderated thread like it is currently, but either have a sub forum or a separate thread in the HAC forum that allows people to ask questions or make comments.

Something like a "Questions and Comments" section and have one thread for each HAC.

Questions and Comments for npaden: etc.

The author of the HAC thread could interact in that separate thread and also with the feedback might even address specific questions or comments in his regular HAC thread.

That way you keep the narrative, uncluttered flow of a regular HAC thread, but you can have interaction with folks who might have questions or comments.

That's my thoughts, probably not worth much.
I love reading the hac except when I feel like I'm watching the outdoor channel with too much advertising.
I never read the HAC. Just seems kinda hokey to me.

Don't know that I ever will, but that's just me. Nothing personal to anyone that likes it.
Eel, The shipping and handling to Canada would be about the same as the GC plus with the Canadian $ as low as it is, that hat would cost me quite a bit more than just kicking in 5 bucks. The last time Founder split the prize for the HAC it was for a 70 GC from Santana. I found a small pair of shooting sticks that fit that price. I ended up paying another 35 bucks just to ship them plus I had a ton of issues just trying to redeem the GC. I'd rather not go through that again at a cost to me. Founder had a whole year to come up with prizes. From the look of things, he didn't make it much of a priority. He asked the same question about how to get more involved in the HAC last year. The same answers were given.
I think the way you set it up the first year was good. If I was any good at hunting I would participate. Still it's fun to follow those who are. Having a significant prize/award makes it more interesting even if you are not in the contest. I like the style of posts that you do founder; video with some commentary and some support pics and text in the post.
I feel bad now for the crappy prizes. Sorry! If I do it again this year with prizes at all, I'll try to do better.
I'd like to offer a hunt again as I did the first year, but that stuff is so costly and there was one guy so pissed about not winning and I got pounded over that.
I'll try to do better. I'm working on some packs and stuff now.

Brian Latturner
Will you LIKE MonsterMuleys.com on Facebook! I need a friend....
LAST EDITED ON Mar-30-14 AT 09:04AM (MST)[p]Founder,
When you consider how much work and effort it takes to keep ones HAC going all year are you surprised by negative comments when you basically just hand the winners a $40 coupon? You just gave away a Goal Zero and knife prize and all the people had to do was get their names in a hat to be entered. And yet those who worked hard posting their HAC throughout the year get a coupon that they can't redeem without spending money? And the HAC participants get no recognition for their work but a simple thread 3 months late from you? At least with the Big Buck contests you put links up to get people looking at them and helping you pick the winners. I'm sure some would have liked to hear at least a few positive comments about their work to give them a little thank you pat on the back eh?
You're absolutely right.

Brian Latturner
Will you LIKE MonsterMuleys.com on Facebook! I need a friend....
I agree the prize, or lack of, is really not a big motivation factor. If you want more participation this should be considered.

Also, I don't like the censorship by moderators. I am not talking about religion, politics or keeping things civil. In that past I may give information about certain products, clothing or gear I use. I am assuming posts are edited because there is a conflict with certain sponsors that advertise here. I get it, not my site, and the owner can do what he wants to protect those who choose to advertise here.

However it is my story, this is what I use and how I hunt. I don't feel the need to conform with the financial objectives of any particular site. Then again I am only speculating, I never did get a reason as to why my story was modify and censored to fit the objective of this site. Hope this helps, keep up the good work.
The moderation has nothing to do with sponsors or anything like that. It's simply to make sure only the owner of the thread is posting to it.

Brian Latturner
Will you LIKE MonsterMuleys.com on Facebook! I need a friend....
I liked your HAC BADGEBOY!

I liked everybody's!

Even though I'd seen the same/or similar Pics of the High Mountain Cabin & some of the History I always enjoy your Stories & Pics even If I RAZZ You about being a Cannuck!:D

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!

I like the idea of allowing others to comment on HAC threads so they are more interactive. I believe that this would greatly increase the level of interest from readers.


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