2015 Governers Tag Bull


Long Time Member
Thats a big bull... From what I understand this was a raffle tag.


"Courage is being scared to death but
saddling up anyway."
Wow!! How can two tiny little guys like that cover enough ground to find such a magnificent animal?!? It looks like it would take both of them to fire that rifle.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-01-15 AT 09:33AM (MST)[p]Awesome bull! I saw online that it green nets 388 and change, not a bad bull at all.
Heckuva bull. I think they shoulda had the guys pose on the ridge behind the bull. I mean, come on, you gotta make that bull stand out!
here is a plan..go out and shoot a bull that big, post it and let everyone critique it....no tricks or mirrors needed to make that bull look big...great bull
>here is a plan..go out and
>shoot a bull that big,
>post it and let everyone
>critique it....no tricks or mirrors
>needed to make that bull
>look big...great bull

No doubt the bull is big and a true trophy. But I get what they are saying...many people these days sit far back from the animal and snap a photo and post. They are trying to make it look bigger. There is no need for that on this bull. You can see that they are a few to several feet back behind. Big bull then in the pic it looks like the hunter and guide are 4'3". Sit up next to it, grab the horns and smile cuz you shot a monster.
Not critiquing the animal...like I said magnificent!! In my opinion....the small 5x5 and few cows I have been able to take on my own, by foot, on public land are bigger accomplishments than buying a governor's tag and hiring an outfitter.
I just think they are two really small guys. Maybe it took both of them to hold that normal sized rifle.

But that is a really big bull!

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