2020 Seniors


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Wondering how many of you have seniors that are flipped upside down with the covid19 ? I have 2 that are graduating and our governor just announced they're done!
My heart's out to our youth who will miss some of the most memorable days of they're lives. My son has poured his heart and soul into baseball since he could catch a ball, only for unforseen circumstances to take away his most important season. Thank God he's got his college in line. Prayers for all that are effected in any way . I'll share a couple pics and if you have seniors let's see them. God bless




Yep , just doesn’t seem fair ! We all realize the world isn’t always fair but there’s a lot of things we have taken for granted. Hopefully when this is all over they get their deserved glory day !
Thanks guys! I hope it really does. The coach has a virtual meeting to somewhat let the team know "face to face" it's over , he loves his seniors and for those not committed he's contacting any college coaches he knows!
Same boat for my daughter. We have lambs and pigs for livestock shows at county fairs all over the state of Utah and they have started canceling them. It’s her last year showing and pretty tough when she’s invested her blood, sweat and tears into her animals. At least she was able to finish her basketball season prior to this madness. I can’t help but think of kids graduating high school in 1941-42 though. They were drafted or volunteered and some are buried in France and others in the Pacific, and some were never found or identified. Trials and hardships come for most generations and this one will also build character. These kids today are thoughtful and kind and tough. They’re going to be fine in the long run. Even though it sucks short term.
I have a son who is a college jr this year. He had his first "real job" lined up this summer. The company notified the interns that they should start looking elsewhere.

Maybe he can find something productive to do helping people this summer.
Friend of mine daughter lost her wedding reception place. Then when news came they were closing temples she got offered a wedding time. She took it.

Parents on both sides. That was it.

I can't imagine having a baby right now. The most joyous occasion their is, and your doing it without family around.

Or being a grandparent, shut off from grandkids. My son is PISSED he can't hang out with grandpa.

That is what's got lost in this lockdown talk. It ain't all about jobs and masks. The things that make life worth living are being destroyed.
I am a head track coach in NM and I had to let my team know yesterday that the season was over. I really feel for the seniors. They have worked long and hard for their senior year. They seem to be doing alright, supper bummed out though. Hope they can all find strength and good out of it.
My elementary kids are going nuts.
This country hasn't had to do without since 1933-34....time to get readjusted people..I told that to my daughter who is suppose to graduate college in May...and she is on standby to go active..

Don't mean history should always be repeated indefinite. World wide issue - can't change that. Politicians squabbling and the wasting of valuable resources and time - yeah, we can change that.
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This country hasn't had to do without since 1933-34....time to get readjusted people..I told that to my daughter who is suppose to graduate college in May...and she is on standby to go active..
I agree the country has been pretty damn spoiled . The panic buying and Dooms day mentality are proof how soft the generations have become. I can't remember the last time I've seen my son break down. In the grand scheme baseball season isn't much , as a senior in high school it hits hard. The youth that poured their entire life to a sport , to get scholarships , continue their education , and live the moments this spring that they'll never get back, I feel for them . Or weddings , children being born , it's moments in time that we're supposed to cherish that are tainted .
We're gonna grab him an OTC Barbary tag and practice social distancing ?. You guys hang in there for your kiddos. In these unforseen circumstances . God bless
I remember being 18. Stretched so tight you couldn't blink.? it's one thing for the mrs.to replace hair washing excuses with social distance. But wow. There's a lot of pent up "socializing"?

Your welcome for pulling a nice conversation into the gutter.

One of my kids is a social butterfly. We are actually a little worried about him. Friends are a big deal to teenagers. Isolation is rough. We've just stopped the Xbox restrictions so he can at least talk with the fellas. Which ain't good either.
I feel really bad for the seniors this year. I've been the head track coach at a school in central Nebraska for 39 years and never felt such an incomplete ending to a school year. The seniors all insisted on a hug the last day, they knew it was the end of school, as well as sports. Yes I know that violates social distancing we've really followed rules since then.

I will say that most are ranch kids and calving and brandings are in full swing which does take away some of the pain, as they get real busy. I do know they miss it and that Zoom which we use daily for lessons as well as just talking is really important. I really don't think this generation is as entitled as some of you think but that's just my opinion. In fact I think they are more focused hard working and dedicated than many groups that passed through in the 70' and 80's. I think every generation has always had a few that would be panic buyers, hoarders and me first generation but I think tha's the minority rather than the majority.
My daughter is a senior in HS this year, and I really do hate that they are going to miss out on the all the senior and graduation stuff. Warning I'm going to do some bragging on my daughter here. Horses have always been her sport and she has worked hard and been able to achieve being the NC state 4H champion in ranch division for the last 3 years, she was hoping to try & make it 4 this year, but may not have the chance. Several of her last reining shows have been canceled, the prom, academic achievement banquet, senior trip, etc... Truthfully, she has taken things really well with little to no complaining (an admirable trait), but I do hate it for her and all the seniors. Another thing to note about the high school seniors, many were born during the 9/11 attacks and will be graduating during a pandemic, a unique senior class for sure! Anyway, good luck to all our seniors, life will still go on. Here are some pics from a proud Dad of my senior girl!
Daughter is a senior in high school and play's softball, its her world...

A week before the sh!t hit the fan she received a call from the softball coach at CSI, offered her everything she's worked so damn hard for since she was 6...

I'm very proud of her, but yes her world has been turned upside down...
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Pretty sad indeed....I feel for all of them....especially those playing sports and won't be going to the next level.

Tikka....where is CSI? Southern Idaho? Congrats to your daughter. I am glad it worked out for her.
My kid was graduated (yea, Homer, that is correct grammar) last year, so I'm not feeling what they are. I do feel for them though because we are all feeling some sort of loss. I can't go see my sister; she had another stroke this week but is still hanging on. I'd love to be able to see her, but she probably wouldn't know I was there.

Life is gonna change for us all in some permanent way. Some of us old guys will just shrug our shoulders and move on. I do feel for the youngsters who are missing out on something so important as that last baseball season or that last FFA event or that last whatever. I think it's a bigger deal for them than what some of us realize.
Daughter is a senior in high school and play's softball, its her world...

A week before the sh!t hit the fan she received a call from the softball coach at CSI, offered her everything she's worked so damn hard for since she was 6...

I'm very proud of her, but yes her world has been turned upside down...
Tikka, I’m glad to hear your daughter is going to achieve her goals and get to play some more next year. Congrats!

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