21 NR Deer & Lope Points


Very Active Member
Burned my NR elk points last year, which is what I began applying for 20 years ago. Along the way I accumulated points for lope & deer as well, but no plan what to do with them. I do know I want out of the Oregon game due to the license purchase requirement and awesome 2 1/2% NR quota. From what I've read my best move might be just to dump the points and exit now. But thought I'd seek suggestions. As I live in Indiana it's a long haul to get out there. I would fly out there for either hunt, as the 3 day drive each way for my elk hunt was brutal. I doubt I can backpack hunt anymore due to strap pressure on pacemaker & massive torn rotator cuff in left shoulder.
I'm a 100% DIY hunter but if necessary would consider a drop camp or basic services if it's a major advantage. I think goals would be any lope over 80" and any deer over 160". I am borderline being able to draw Whitehorse late if that's worth it, which took 22 pts. But seems that hunt had only a 20% success rate?

Units nearby any town with wifi would be a bonus as I could extend my hunt length by working on poor weather days. Thanks for any input.
Not sure if you got my PM on Ifish. You will be disappointed with any Oregon deer hunt. Our antelope hunts are great in the better units. They alone are not worth the wait for a non-resident. But now that you have the points I would not waste them.
Not sure if you got my PM on Ifish. You will be disappointed with any Oregon deer hunt. Our antelope hunts are great in the better units. They alone are not worth the wait for a non-resident. But now that you have the points I would not waste them.
I agree! I will send you a PM.
Man, you are so close you cannot quit now. Most Oregonians hold their cards pretty close, but maybe you will find someone to share points with who knows the area well and who can assist you logistically. The late hunts are unreasonably popular because of the relative ease in finding bucks, but there are some good deer in many of these units. If you could find a connection archery season you might consider the Warners.
Just points for now. Very Seriously considering burning the pronghorn points on Warner though. Checking airline and rental vehicle costs. Will wait for WY elk to post and anything else before changing.
Thanks all for the input. Well struck out in Nevada 0/5. After kicking the can around for 2 weeks and taking many things under consideration, I decided to try and burn the 22 OR pronghorn points this year. I changed my application to North Warner #1 for now. But studying other SE units with the time left. The Southwest Airlines flights being only $200 round trip Chicago-Reno sealed the deal on this. Will have another year to think about deer. Only other hunt I have a chance to draw is AZ Kaibab archery deer at 7% odds. And that hunt begins after the Warner #1 ends so I could do a combo if worse comes to worse.
Thanks all for the input. Well struck out in Nevada 0/5. After kicking the can around for 2 weeks and taking many things under consideration, I decided to try and burn the 22 OR pronghorn points this year. I changed my application to North Warner #1 for now. But studying other SE units with the time left. The Southwest Airlines flights being only $200 round trip Chicago-Reno sealed the deal on this. Will have another year to think about deer. Only other hunt I have a chance to draw is AZ Kaibab archery deer at 7% odds. And that hunt begins after the Warner #1 ends so I could do a combo if worse comes to worse.
You will enjoy the warners. Best goat hunt in the state!!
Hey Zim, I noticed May 21st date on your post. I think the deadline to apply was May 15th, that's what it has been in the past. Did you get your application submitted in time?
No changin now. Final pick was North Warner deer and Warner #2 Pronghorn. Will hope for at least one of these.
Thanks. Will hope to draw first. I think I got pretty good seed numbers in case there's any point pool competition.
If anyone shows up in my point pool I’ll have an 81% chance of getting the tag over them.
His random number is 1.9 million above the seed number. That is out of 10 million possibilities. Anyone else in his point pool has a 19% chance of getting a better number or a 81% chance that it is worse
He hit Warners on a down year for antelope growth, that being said my friends who hunted it all killed 78-81" goats.. On a dry year the average would've been around 80..
Any luck on the hunts Zim?
4Runner, Sorry for the late response. I just wanted to put these OR hunts in my rear view mirror and move on to better things. Which I did on a slammer public Illinois whitetail hunt until ruined by a bad case of Coronavirus. Finally recovered. Thread posted by WB sums it up. I did see two high 70 shooter speed goats and that hunt likely would have been good if I could have scouted more to eliminate lesser areas. But I think 80” would be a real stretch for any DIY NR without an ATV. It just took me too long to zero in, and I should have exclusively sat water. But this is the price for traveling from so far away DIY. Wife and I salvaged the trip by visiting Yosemite & Crater Lake, and chilling in Reno several days at casino resort. Turned out pretty nice. Either way I'm a winner because I got off another state's hamster wheel and am very happy to pocket that bad investment money going forward.

I'd like to thank those who gave me some tips for these hunts.
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Thank you Zim for your update. I wish the outcome would have been better for you sounds like a guy needs a quad for this hunt that is good to know. I hate the points game but I’m in too deep so I will try again this year. Good luck in all of your adventures.
Thank you Zim for your update. I wish the outcome would have been better for you sounds like a guy needs a quad for this hunt that is good to know. I hate the points game but I’m in too deep so I will try again this year. Good luck in all of your adventures.

To any, especially nonresidents, who don't have an ATV and have either of these tags, please PM me if you'd like details of how you can be successful. I was close on the lope hunt to putting it all together. Just not quite enough familiarity of the unit to pick the right strategy for one of the studs. If I had to do it over again I'd do things quite differently.
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