23,300,000,000 reasons to look at this


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Nov-03-12 AT 10:00AM (MST)[p]here's a link to a video clip that looks at immigration and it's impact during these difficult times. It's not the full movie but it sheds some light on why 23,300,000 American's are out of work. It also sheds some light on why Obama's jobs plan is destined to fail. You may not like it's message but you can't argue with the impact and it's a primary reason why it's hurt employment opportunity's and households all over this country. Remember tech jobs can't be created when they were never here to start. Steve Jobs told Obama that and he simply didn't understand it. These guys are taking jobs that are here and sending money out of the country every week and that not only hurts the economy it doesn't help improve employment figures. Sorry about the typo in the numbers in in the title but I didn't hit the preview number and couldn't fix it!

Here's link

Bill Maher to Romney Supporters: 'Black People Know Who You Are and They Will Come After You'...
illegals comming here to work is the short term goal. There is a sinister reason for not closing our borders.

I went to work Friday morning and there is a big flag of Mexico hanging from the rafters in the sawmill. I'm curious as to how long to stays there. It's not my property, I have no say in the matter.

i really don't believe i'm a biggot but its true, i have said if the economy doesn't get better soon, they'll be sending them home in body bags...

I'm selling a 2004 van, and every call i have gotten were people who can't speak english and they have $6gs cash to offer...
LAST EDITED ON Nov-04-12 AT 00:24AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Nov-04-12 AT 00:23?AM (MST)

>illegals comming here to work is
>the short term goal. There
>is a sinister reason for
>not closing our borders.
>I went to work Friday morning
>and there is a big
>flag of Mexico hanging from
>the rafters in the sawmill.
>I'm curious as to how
>long to stays there. It's
>not my property, I have
>no say in the matter.

Sorry, but I would have walked out. Its not right. Go hang an american flag in mexico and see what happens to you. Your head would be on a fence post. I live in Az and im telling you, most illegall mexicans dont like white or black people! I work in construction and have had them try to drop cement roof tiles off roofs on to me. They have stolen latters off of my truck, and they sing songs in espanole about me and my guys. I will whip every one I can when they have the balls to stand up. Truth is, they dont have the balls unless they have you out numberd.
They have a goal. Its to take back the western U.S. Believe me, they are doing a damn good job.....
azoutback, of course I agree with you. First off, just by comming here they are saying "we don't repsect your borders or your laws". That speaks volumes.

Secondly, the illegals have no idea why Mexico is a crap hole and the United States is so great. They have no idea the price of true freedom and liberty.

If they took over Arizona or California, within a year they would be making $7 a day and you wouldn't be able to drink the water.
eel- I don't know what to make of your post. Have you changed? have you seen the light? or are you just totally mixed up?

The differences between Mexico and the US? how about federal environmental laws, you know one of the things rightwingers hate, ever hear of mininum wage laws, labor laws?socialized public land? state and federal wildlife laws? socialized roads and highways? public schools?

Most all those things are despised by common rightwingers, most of those things are believed to be terrible abuses by the evil government and many true rightwingers believe those overreaching laws are the reason we aren't all filthy rich.

What gives? don't believe Rush anymore? you turning blue or what?
>eel- I don't know what to
>make of your post.
>Have you changed? have you
>seen the light? or are
>you just totally mixed up?
>The differences between Mexico and the
>US? how about federal
>environmental laws, you know one
>of the things rightwingers hate,
>ever hear of mininum wage
>laws, labor laws?socialized public land?
>state and federal wildlife laws?
>socialized roads and highways? public
>Most all those things are despised
>by common rightwingers, most of
>those things are believed to
> be terrible abuses by
>the evil government and many
>true rightwingers believe those overreaching
>laws are the reason we
> aren't all filthy rich.
>What gives? don't believe Rush anymore?
>you turning blue or what?

Jeezus piper, is that the only play in your playbook. For Gawds sake get some new material. That is just dumb and the fact that you run it out 2-3 times a week is just weird.

All you ever do is talk about right wingers, conservatives blah blah blah.

Lets hear what your party of fruit loops is all about. What is their agenda? Do they have a platform?
All I can do is see who they align themselves with. That speaks volumes.

Margaret Thatcher: "The trouble with Socialism is, sooner or later you run out of other people's money."

"A Liberal is a person who will give away everything he doesn't own." - Unknown
Federal environmantal Laws: some are necessary, those catering to liberal special interest groups and impeding progress need to be done away with!

Minimum wage laws: no brainer Piper, you'll find that we conservatives are for a fair wage since most of us are working to pay for your welfare cases anyway!

labor laws: another no brainer piper, as long as they aren't catering to labor unions .

Socialized public land: public land is good, but does the fed need to stick their nose in it, could be dealt with on a state level.

State and federal wildlife laws: federal laws cater to special interests, states pretty much have wildlife laws covered, some federal intervention is needed but that should be minimal.

Roads and highways: one of the main things the fed shoud be involved with...the maintaining of our infrastructure.

Public schools: federal standards should be set, but for the most part, run by the states.

Piper ranting: still stupid!

We don't despise these things Piper. You're dead wrong on that issue. We're just sick and tired of big government trying to control every aspect of our lives. Our founding fathers developed this nation as a Constitutional Republic. We have violated every warning they gave us as to how a republic should be run. The problem is people like you are backing every violation of the founding principles, thinking this is how things should be. Essentially you and your kind Piper have pissed on the constitution and the dream they formed for our nation.

Remember this Piper, when sustaining the populace became too much of a burden for the empire to maintain...ROME FELL!!!
I don't pay much attention to anyones supposed agenda or who they align thenselves with.
With me its about the issues, and then there are the ones I most care about, like wildlife, public land, envirorimental issues, and the social issues like the economy, and healthcare cost and accessibility.

The exact reasons of why we can drink the water and most people make more than 7 bucks an hour are whats despised by many on the right, I had to point out the irony in that post
>I don't pay much attention to
>anyones supposed agenda or who
>they align thenselves with.
>With me its about the issues,
>and then there are the
>ones I most care
>about, like wildlife, public
>land, envirorimental issues, and
>the social issues like the
>economy, and healthcare cost and
>The exact reasons of why we
>can drink the water and
>most people make more than
>7 bucks an hour are
>whats despised by many on
>the right, I had
>to point out the irony
>in that post

Then using your logic the left hates unborn babies.

Lets see triggerman, all environmental laws hinder someones progress, what ones are necessary are subject to the values of our society.
Labor laws were brought about by organized labor, AKA unions, what are you talking about?

I have heard many rightwingers decry the minimum wage laws in America, and anytime the subject of raising the wage comes up,look who throws a fit,

Public land in state hands wouldn't be public long, TR knew the problems with that long ago.Not only is it more effective to have the feds manage, they are far less prone to corruption and eventual sale

The last three issues are pretty much the way it is now, and I agree, but many on the far right don't.
Labor unions had their place once upon a time in our history but have outlived their usefulness except for a few special instances. Most have morphed into corrupt political machines!

Rightwingers against minimum wage...who and where! Show me a middle class working american, right or left, that is against earning a fair wage. Who are you referring to Piper? Probably more of your twisted paranoid delusions of the boogeyman republican!

The issue of public land is sheer speculation. I live in Texas, we don't have any, but the state does provide several miilion acres for the public to hunt and fish on.
Piper I know I am wasting my time with your ignorance, but here is your lesson in the real working world.

Minimum wage laws will normally hurt the low end worker. This is the worker who failed to get a good education for one reason or another. Most will live in a city enviroment. He is working by flipping burgers or stocking shelves or digging ditches. Even includes a waitress waiting on tables trying to support her kids because daddy skipped out and will not pay child support.

Now their employer has 15 of those minimum wage workes in his employment. They are making 9 bucks per hour, no insurance or benifits. Now the goverment comes along and says we are going to raise the minimum wage to 12 bucks per hour and all full time, 40 hrs,employees will be provided health insurance which the employer must provide or provide a good portion of the cost.

Employer thinks about it, and decides that he will lose his profit margin or go out of business unless he makes cuts to compensate for the increase in labor cost.

So he lays off 3 of his 15 employees and they go on unemployment and the remaining 12 workers are told they will have to just work harder. Or better yet he gets rid of all his full time employees and hire only part time employees who only work30-34 hours a week just like Wal-Mart does and many other big companies. Now who came out ahead? Even you can figured out the employees got screwed because the Democrats wanted to raise the minimum wage by a few bucks just so they can tell those workers we are looking out for you.

If the Democrats really were looking out for the small guy, they would come up with a far better plan then they have been selling for the past 20 years and you liberal idiots still swallow it hook, line, and sinker.
+1000 RELH Then when you flood the market with cheap labor it only compounds the issue. An oversupply of workers has never resulted in an employer having to increase wages to hire folks.

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