24 seconds to get it done ... can you do it?


Founder Since 1999
Opening morning of your Wyoming high country hunt. You lift your brand new Athlon Cronus 15x56 optics and you see this buck at 250 yards. You've got 24 seconds before he's gone for good, never to be seen again. Could you hit the dirt and get a shot off?
Is he even big enough to tie a tag too?


Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!
Boom, for sure. Just a nice looking buck. I don't like math, so inches don't mean much.
I saw this buck yesterday at over a mile away with my Athlon Cronus 20-60X86 ED spotting scope,I'm ready to make the shot
>Founder, I'm not sure you've ever
>found a buck I wouldn't
>shoot. They are all generally

I agree, post up a 20" wide 3X2 so I can feel like a trophy hunter
I have no idea when I got those binos but I'll play along like I didn't steal them.

Yes, I'd take that buck.
Yes, I'd take that shot.
Yes, that buck would be making a trip down the mountain in my backpack!


I sure wish I could see pictures Founder posts! Anyone else having the same problem? or can tell me how to fix it?
For me there is no question if I would do it! 5-7 Seconds to get in position and say a quick prayer that my bullet flies true and my tag would be punched.

Beautiful animal! Love the stickers!
I upload the clips to Facebook. Do you have a Facebook account? Just email me about it and we'll figure it out.

>I sure wish I could see
>pictures Founder posts! Anyone else
>having the same problem? or
>can tell me how to
>fix it?

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]

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