

Active Member
I'm heading out end of the month for my 2C hunt.

I see a lot of people stay in hotels or Airbnbs.
Am I crazy for trying to do the 2 weeks in a tent?

The kodiak canvas with a little buddy heater stays pretty warm at night. Just did a test run on my cow hunt in northern NM.

We saw -36F out in the unit the year we hunted there in January. Our feet were freezing through the floorboards of the truck with the heat on high. The deer didn't stand up until 11am when the sun would finally get some heat on them. Coyotes stood on deer carcasses on the side of the road in the middle of the day with a look of "Just shoot me" on their faces. Needles to say, it was freaking COLD!

We plugged the trucks in at night and never turned them off during the day, even when we hiked to overlooks to glass. I literally froze to a rock laying prone trying to steady my binos.

It was crazy, we'd leave Farmington and it would be close to freezing, but the temps would plummet as soon as we got out into the unit. The cab on the truck would start popping like it was being hit by golf balls as it adjusted to the colder temps.

If it's that cold again, I wouldn't want to be in a tent.
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ICY!!!!! Merry Christmas ? and happy new year my friend! We’ve done it with the exact same set up but it wasn’t -36 ???
According to weather.com central part of the state is going to have a HUGE shift this coming Saturday guess we’ll see !
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Bugle!

I’ve been watching the weather like a hawk. I’m stubborn and can deal with some pretty serious crap, but I am NOT going to mess with a tent in - 36 hahaha. No no no!

It’s bitter sweet isn’t it? Warm weather probably isn’t idea, but cool and nasty with snow makes tent camping less fun, ha!

Oh well, I’m fricken stoked.

This is my first real mule deer hunt and one that doesn’t suck. I’ve got a goal in mind so let’s see if I can get it done!
We saw -36F out in the unit the year we hunted there in January. Our feet were freezing through the floorboards of the truck with the heat on high. The deer didn't stand up until 11am when the sun would finally get some heat on them. Coyotes stood on deer carcasses on the side of the road in the middle of the day with a look of "Just shoot me" on their faces. Needles to say, it was freaking COLD!

We plugged the trucks in at night and never turned them off during the day, even when we hiked to overlooks to glass. I literally froze to a rock laying prone trying to steady my binos.

It was crazy, we'd leave Farmington and it would be close to freezing, but the temps would plummet as soon as we got out into the unit. The cab on the truck would start popping like it was being hit by golf balls as it adjusted to the colder temps.

If it's that cold again, I wouldn't want to be in a tent.
Reading this is having my replace my truck battery and come up with some other things just in case!

I’m cold just reading this post.

How did you all do on your hunt?
I will be at the Lodge at Chama end of the week. Looks to be pretty cool and some snow. Good luck on your mule deer hunt!
I am going on a cow elk hunt with 18 other guys. Rented whole lodge out. I hope it snows too. Best of luck
18???? WOOOOOZAAAA!!!!!
That is going to be a great time having the whole place to yourself and all of them. Good luck and shoot straight.
I just killed one in 51 a few weeks ago. No shortage of elk.
Reading this is having my replace my truck battery and come up with some other things just in case!

I’m cold just reading this post.

How did you all do on your hunt?
Keep some survival gear/sleeping bag in your truck while you're out hunting, just in case. We saw only a few bucks but they were really good. It was mentally tough due to the cold and low deer numbers.

My understanding is the quality has dropped recently, but I'm sure there are still a few studs out cruising.
2C is a bigger unit than many people think. Staying in a hotel in Bloomfield puts you about an hour away from most places you'd hunt.

A place to pitch the tent is the bottom of Largo towards the middle of the canyon, that way, you're essentially in the middle of the unit. Sure, the cold air will settle in at night, but the sun will warm things up in the day.

Staying up on top of the mesas will put you on one side of the unit and unless you plan on hunting only one side of Largo, the bottom is the most central location.

FWIW, lots of deer tracks most places you go. Been very dry and warm lately and most anything that can hold water (tanks) has water in it.
2C is a bigger unit than many people think. Staying in a hotel in Bloomfield puts you about an hour away from most places you'd hunt.

A place to pitch the tent is the bottom of Largo towards the middle of the canyon, that way, you're essentially in the middle of the unit. Sure, the cold air will settle in at night, but the sun will warm things up in the day.

Staying up on top of the mesas will put you on one side of the unit and unless you plan on hunting only one side of Largo, the bottom is the most central location.

FWIW, lots of deer tracks most places you go. Been very dry and warm lately and most anything that can hold water (tanks) has water in it.
This is great information, thank you!!!!
I’ve got Largo pinned now as a camp spot.

I definitely prefer the idea of waking up and being in it verse the two hours of drive time a day. Especially if the hunt goes later into the season. That adds up!

I’m pretty excited with the size of the unit verse how many tags there are. I’m hoping that a portion of people stick to the roads, so I can get off into some stuff and have the place to myself!!!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Bugle!

I’ve been watching the weather like a hawk. I’m stubborn and can deal with some pretty serious crap, but I am NOT going to mess with a tent in - 36 hahaha. No no no!

It’s bitter sweet isn’t it? Warm weather probably isn’t idea, but cool and nasty with snow makes tent camping less fun, ha!

Oh well, I’m fricken stoked.

This is my first real mule deer hunt and one that doesn’t suck. I’ve got a goal in mind so let’s see if I can get it done!
It won’t be -36 I’m sure ? I hope you hammer a big boy partner! I too have set a goal! 180 or tag soup ?
It won’t be -36 I’m sure ? I hope you hammer a big boy partner! I too have set a goal! 180 or tag soup ?
I like your goal!!!!!! I also have confidence you'll get it done!!

I've got two 158-160" whitetail on my wall.
My goal is to put a mule deer on the wall that's bigger than them. I am going to give it my all and some!
It won’t be -36 I’m sure ? I hope you hammer a big boy partner! I too have set a goal! 180 or tag soup ?
Gracias amigo! I’m sure you’re going to be fine! Have you heard any rut reports from there? The bucks here are finally showing some interest ?? I’ll be scouting Saturday morning after this cold snap hits so we’ll see if the monsters show their ugly face!!!
Gracias amigo! I’m sure you’re going to be fine! Have you heard any rut reports from there? The bucks here are finally showing some interest ?? I’ll be scouting Saturday morning after this cold snap hits so we’ll see if the monsters show their ugly face!!!
I’m not gonna lie I’ve hardly talked to many people about it beyond this thread. Not many friends know I have the tag haha.

I’m going solo on this trip and going to sew what I can turn up!

Good luck scouting!
chains, chains, chains - I would have a set for the front and a set for the back. I have hunted that hunt back to back years and needed chains both times.
Good advice. We were chained up on all four and still used a winch to get the truck up a hill at one point.

Also, we cut a tire and were changing it when a pump mechanic drove by and had a compressor and impact that saved our fingers. If it's really cold, be prepared for contingencies.

It sounds like the weather can vary greatly from year to year. Good luck!
Do you think chains are necessary if there isn’t snow also could I buy chains in Farmington or Bloomfield ? From Arkansas no one here knows anything about chains
You will be able to find chains in Farmington. There’s a bit of a weather system blowing thru here right now. It’s a little sporty out there so be careful. I hear I-40 is closed.

Dont know how much snow they got down there, but with this wind drifts could be an issue.
Do you think chains are necessary if there isn’t snow also could I buy chains in Farmington or Bloomfield ? From Arkansas no one here knows anything about chains

I wouldn't wait to get to Ftown or Bfield to get chains (if you think you need them).

Order them online, plenty of websites to choose from.

You will only need chains to keep yourself on the road and from sliding in a bar ditch, because then you be really stuck.

If you only have a 2wd vehicle, then yes, a set for the back tires. Otherwise 4wd is sufficient for the most part.

NW chunk of the state is like this now:

"Difficult Driving Conditions - Roads are snow packed and icy. Blowing snow is resulting in low visibility.
Crews are out salting and sanding. Drive with caution. Please stay behind snowplows at least 50 feet.

Post Date: 12/14/2021 0:32 PM
Update Date: 12/15/2021 6:29 AM
Expiration Date: unknown

Perfect for a guy named @iccyman001
^^^ Roads are not like that now. They were at 5:00 this morning...

It often doesn't take it very long for road conditions to improve in the NW corner of the state.

NW chunk of the state is like this now:

"Difficult Driving Conditions - Roads are snow packed and icy. Blowing snow is resulting in low visibility.
Crews are out salting and sanding. Drive with caution. Please stay behind snowplows at least 50 feet.

Post Date: 12/14/2021 0:32 PM
Update Date: 12/15/2021 6:29 AM
Expiration Date: unknown

Perfect for a guy named @iccyman001
This was before yesterday snow storm. It’s windy and cold up top, but I made it through. As long as I can get through tonight we are set! Haha

View attachment 63929
And just think, you could've been using the long hours of darkness driving in a warm truck to a hot shower, football on TV, and dinner at 3 Rivers Brewery in Farmington ?

JK. Kill a big one ??
This is almost an update thread now, but oh well, I’m having a ball.
Saw about 7 bucks and 40 does today.
I found this very old and crusty buck that I wanted to kill. He was this tank of a buck 3x2 with eye guard. First saw him dogging a doe this morning. Then saw him again in the evening with 4 does. Something about him just made me want him. You know what I’m talking about. The bucks that just look like big Ol donkeys, then very large framed, long and massy, but just not much going on beyond that.

Put in the stalk, got to about 60 yards from him, but the wind swirled. I was working him at a 45 and the N wind had me safe. About 60 yards out (no shot opportunity) it swirled to a NW and he was gone.

Tomorrow is another day!
I’ll be honest. I think if we didn’t get snow on opener I’d have been tagged out by now. I can stalk pretty decent, but crunchy snow never helps! Haha
So today was warm and I needed a reset.
Tent living for 8 days without a shower it pretty… rank.

So I went into Farmington, got a room, did laundry, and ate at the brewery.

I’m not leaving the mountains until I kill a mature buck. This last half is gonna be fun.

I’m still out here battling it until the end.
After my reset I went into the flats right try something new. I figured maybe it was an overlooked area and I’d find some good sign.

I found what looked like mars, horses, and no sign.

So random thoughts, and probably unpopular, but here goes.

Coming into this hunt, especially being my first mule deer hunt ever I had very high hopes. Mostly because of the hype 2C seems to carry with everyone.

Not throwing daggers, but it’s going to seem like it so here’s a pre “calm down”.

If you draw this hunt and don’t mind driving around all day in a truck, then getting out and flinging arrows 40-140 yards, then this hunt might be for you. Again not throwing daggers, just not what I came to do.

If you come out to glass up bucks, spot and stalk, then kill then you’re in for it.

With day one getting so much snow and then being frozen the entire time, stalking isn’t very doable. I’ve gotten close to a few, but most areas around here deer will peg you 200 yards out by the crunch crunch.

Post rut bucks are ghosts.
My guess is most of the big dogs are in hidey holes; bed most of the day, then get out to eat at last light.

Other more juvenile bucks are already grouped up. Some area even back with does. So if you’re stalking in on them then you’re going against multiple sets of eyes verse just the one. Oh well.

Why am I writing all of this? Just random thoughts, but I’m hoping I can help someone in my shoes prior to drawing this tag or hunting it.

Had I know what I was in for I’d have shot one of those 140-150” bucks opening day.

Again; I’m well aware some of you think I’m shooting myself in the foot by not driving around and such. That’s ok! I’m aware it works; I’m just choosing not to do it.

That all said I’m still out here for the long haul. I’m learning a crap load and when I do get chances to stalk in I learn a lot. I’m almost having to calm myself down and not stalk in on some smaller bucks I find. I know it’s good practice, but I also know myself and if I sneak in on one I’m sending and arrow haha.

All together this trip I’ve probably seen 7 mature bucks, 22 juvenile, 7472833 does, and 72737363 cow elk.

Fun stuff! Now it’s time to kill my buck.
So random thoughts, and probably unpopular, but here goes.

Coming into this hunt, especially being my first mule deer hunt ever I had very high hopes. Mostly because of the hype 2C seems to carry with everyone.

Not throwing daggers, but it’s going to seem like it so here’s a pre “calm down”.

If you draw this hunt and don’t mind driving around all day in a truck, then getting out and flinging arrows 40-140 yards, then this hunt might be for you. Again not throwing daggers, just not what I came to do.

If you come out to glass up bucks, spot and stalk, then kill then you’re in for it.

With day one getting so much snow and then being frozen the entire time, stalking isn’t very doable. I’ve gotten close to a few, but most areas around here deer will peg you 200 yards out by the crunch crunch.

Post rut bucks are ghosts.
My guess is most of the big dogs are in hidey holes; bed most of the day, then get out to eat at last light.

Other more juvenile bucks are already grouped up. Some area even back with does. So if you’re stalking in on them then you’re going against multiple sets of eyes verse just the one. Oh well.

Why am I writing all of this? Just random thoughts, but I’m hoping I can help someone in my shoes prior to drawing this tag or hunting it.

Had I know what I was in for I’d have shot one of those 140-150” bucks opening day.

Again; I’m well aware some of you think I’m shooting myself in the foot by not driving around and such. That’s ok! I’m aware it works; I’m just choosing not to do it.

That all said I’m still out here for the long haul. I’m learning a crap load and when I do get chances to stalk in I learn a lot. I’m almost having to calm myself down and not stalk in on some smaller bucks I find. I know it’s good practice, but I also know myself and if I sneak in on one I’m sending and arrow haha.

All together this trip I’ve probably seen 7 mature bucks, 22 juvenile, 7472833 does, and 72737363 cow elk.

Fun stuff! Now it’s time to kill my buck.
Thanks for your updates, they’ve been fun to follow. I’m in a neighboring unit and have had a similar experience. It feels like there’s not much skill involved, just driving roads and judging deer quick and then trying to get a shot off if it’s one you want. It makes it hard to think I can’t separate myself from the average hunter skill wise. And my odds of getting on a next caliber type deer are just the same as anyone else hunting the unit. The snow makes it’s hard to take more than a couple steps out if the truck without being detected though, so I don’t know what would be more effective than just driving. I’ve spotted a couple different good bucks bedded about 200 yards off the road but like I said as soon as they hear that crunchy snow the gig is over.
I just keep telling myself it just takes one. Hopefully something special steps out ?? I’m thinking I’ll eat tag soup though. If I end up killing one I’ll be sure to post it up. Good luck with the rest of your hunt!
Well I've certainly been enjoying your thread with the updates and experiences. I clearly feel your frustration trying to put it all together and getting a shot at one of big boys.
This may be your first mule deer hunt but your getting educated in a hurry.
I still think that we will be seeing your trophy pics before it's over ?
The best in this state isn’t that good... I have heard this so many times recently and the same with 5B. On paper they make the stars show up in your eyes but foot to Floor it’s not quite what it is. Imo best thing is to learn off the map units inside and out and you can kill as good or better than what the 2’s offer. It is all
About timing and weather but lately the months are way off last 10 plus years. Remember when it was super cold in September as a kid at snow lake you couldn’t sleep with the bugling and now totally different. Hopefully works out for you!
Thanks for your updates, they’ve been fun to follow. I’m in a neighboring unit and have had a similar experience. It feels like there’s not much skill involved, just driving roads and judging deer quick and then trying to get a shot off if it’s one you want. It makes it hard to think I can’t separate myself from the average hunter skill wise. And my odds of getting on a next caliber type deer are just the same as anyone else hunting the unit. The snow makes it’s hard to take more than a couple steps out if the truck without being detected though, so I don’t know what would be more effective than just driving. I’ve spotted a couple different good bucks bedded about 200 yards off the road but like I said as soon as they hear that crunchy snow the gig is over.
I just keep telling myself it just takes one. Hopefully something special steps out ?? I’m thinking I’ll eat tag soup though. If I end up killing one I’ll be sure to post it up. Good luck with the rest of your hunt!

I’m with you on it just takes one, the right 30 seconds, and this could all be over.
Day 10 of the grind, living in the tent, and eating ramen noodles, but I’ve definitely got that same motivation as you. I’m gonna push until the end in the hopes that the right one steps out and I can put it together.

Good luck to you as well, I’ll be watching for your pictures!

If you’re staying anywhere near Bloomfield or Farmington make sure you stop at the Brewery or DJs pizza! Now that I think about it the Teriyaki chicken place is good too!

There’s also a breakfast burrito cottage that was really good in Bloomfield.

Can you tell I like food? ?
Well I've certainly been enjoying your thread with the updates and experiences. I clearly feel your frustration trying to put it all together and getting a shot at one of big boys.
This may be your first mule deer hunt but your getting educated in a hurry.
I still think that we will be seeing your trophy pics before it's over ?
It’s definitely been a great learning experience. I’m definitely confident I’m going to create some more opportunities as I fine tune these last few days. If not you’ll know I went down swinging hard. However I like the idea of leaving this unit with a mature buck!
The best in this state isn’t that good... I have heard this so many times recently and the same with 5B. On paper they make the stars show up in your eyes but foot to Floor it’s not quite what it is. Imo best thing is to learn off the map units inside and out and you can kill as good or better than what the 2’s offer. It is all
About timing and weather but lately the months are way off last 10 plus years. Remember when it was super cold in September as a kid at snow lake you couldn’t sleep with the bugling and now totally different. Hopefully works out for you!
I think you made such a great point about finding the odd the map units and learning them inside and out. I was just having this conversation with someone else and I think it’s the best plan. I’m already deep in thought on what to put together for this year’s application.

No matter what the outcome is from this hunt it’s shown me how much fun chasing mule deer can be. So I’m definitely going to be trying to draw it as often as I can!
So I made the decision to hunt a very specific part of a canyon system I’ve seen deer in and plan to here on out. I have seen a few mature deer in it, but also have seen numerous does and smaller bucks. After a few days of watching and getting in on micro hits of the core areas I found where most of the does and junior bucks bed/feed. So I went to a different section to where I thought the bigger bucks would go and be solo.

Well this morning was dead, but this evening…..
So so so so so fricken close. This is going to happen soon! Solo stalking from across canyons is not easy!

I watched a big ol 3x3 (with flyer) come out from the bottom and start working a bench. I had so much time to watch him. He started cutting right and hit this pivot point. He was either going to going to cut 45 up to a giant field or continue right along the bench to the sage area I saw the other stud. So I blitzed to the sage spot and ran out of light, but I know he’s gonna hit that area within a 50-100 yard radius of where I was set up tonight.

Here is were you don’t have to believe me, but even if I’m 8-10” off it’s still a fricken monster…..

I had him at 164” and I had A LOT OF TIME WATCHING HIM.

Bottom line..... MATURE BUCK

These are crap shots, but I got a decent video. Decent meaning 15x56 SLCs with no phone scope and free hand, but Geno can agree (he’s seen the video) it’s a mature buck!





I know this is my first mule deer hunt and people are great at long arming scores of bucks they saw, but I got two typical 10 whitetails on my wall that both scored 158-159” and this thing had them….

Now I’m gonna go pretend like I’ll sleep.
The thing about focusing on small areas and certain bucks is you either see the buck you want or nothing at all. I saw nothing at all this evening

Back at it tomorrow.


Got in on 3 small bucks this morning. Got within 60 yards just to kill some time. I watched two play spar for about 15 minutes, so that was fun. They are like little kids wrestling.

Going after some bigger boys tonight.

Also random fact. I fricken love how muddy it is out here. Every time I see my truck I smile.
No deer tonight, but I feel like I’m so close.

I helped pull out a guide and their client today. I’ve met them many of times out here and they are nice guys. So I was happy to help.

Interesting enough every single person, both guide and hunter that I’ve met on this trip are great people. It’s refreshing for once.

Usually you get a good batch of turd burgerlers, but not on this hunt!

Anyways; I’m frozen and need to walk out a long ways to my truck!

Tomorrow it happens!
Well; a rez buck just came into public and was working down into the corner I've got a great pinch point oversight of. He got to about 114 yards and stopped dead in his tracks. I’m working a quartering wind and he must have just caught it or a thermal. Stood there a bit; turned, and went back.

So so so so so damn close….
Tonight was mostly these




Plus 3 bulls, which let me tell you; the smell of them had my head dancing in September…..

Then a last light buck. It was one of those bucks that would be a last day buck if I was hunting this hunt like that.

I’ve already gone too deep down the rabbit hole so I’m sticking to my guns. It’ll be the right tag or I’m eating it.

Tomorrow is supposed to be a little windier. I’m going to try to bed a buck and work him.

Not going to lie with how much time is left, work Monday, and all the cleaning or unpacking I have to do, tomorrow might be the final hunt. We will see!
Something I will say that I need to get better at and let this be a lesson for someone new to mule deer hunting or still newish to hunting.

Set a trip standard and stick to it. Almost make it realistic and not something built off unicorns and cotton candy.

I didn’t really set a good standard for this hunt and that had me passing good bucks opening day (which I do not regret because it forced me to hunt hard this whole trip and learn a bunch) and also had me passing plenty of other good-ish bucks, to include the one that came into 40 yards this evening (probably 140”)

I’ve met people who had never killed an elk before tell me they were going to go out to 16D and hold out for a 360”.

I was also told to come out here and shoot nothing unless it’s over 180”.

So again, make your standard, make it realistic, and stick to it.

One thing I can tell you for certain is I’m gonna put some different units in this year. Better draw odds and units I can master.

I also plan to start burning some of my numerous Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado points for mule deer. If I’m gonna get good at killing them with a bow I need to do it more.

Random thoughts from the top of the mountain, next to my fire, and eating ramen noodles… again haha.

First thing I eat when I get back into town is a big ol burger or steak!


When's the last day of the hunt?
I say keep at it, it ain't over till its over.Even if you leave with tag in hand, each day is an opportunity strengthen your resolve, gain knowledge and walk away a better hunter.

New Mexico Guides & Outfitters

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