30" muley


Very Active Member
Here is a test run of a pic of a buck I chased. I thought he was 33" but he was a little smaller than that.

LAST EDITED ON Sep-24-15 AT 08:57PM (MST)[p]Nice buck. His buddy below on the hill looks good too. Have an after photo?
Oh yeah! That's a really nice wide buck. Even though its just air, there is just something awesome about a buck that has a lot of air in-between both antlers. Congrats!
Freakin' awesome bro!
So what if you misjudged him a little. He's still a toad!
That's so true!
We all get hung up on the "tape" too much.
Your's is a whopper no matter what the dang inches say and a true trophy in anyone's book! 30, 31, 32, 33? Who cares when it looks like that buck?
Well done mountain hunter!
A 2" ground shrinkage. I could live with that.:)

Awesome buck! Congratulations!


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