5X5 bull video

Looks like the Kifaru gun bearer. I have the same set-up and really like it although I've only gun hunted once out of the last 5 years. Hands are free for climbing, glassing etc. and the weight of the gun is transferred to the hip belt.
Chase, I am about 110% sure I know Cody Voerman, the one with the Rifle, Hunting. He emailed a picture of a Moose he got but I lost his email address.

If you have contact with him, Please have him get a hold of me via a PM.

Use the following as somewhat of a code and he will know who I am: RT, Johann, Koby, Lance, Armando.....

I am so excited to see him now and what he is/has accomplished.

----------------- New topic ---------------
For Hunterstum and Rifle Carry rig. It's a Hip Pouch. I found the best deal on making/using one and for other uses by going to the following.

German military surplus AK-47 Magazine Pouch.

​$2.97 each.​


I bought four (4) and for the one I use, I cut out the center divider making it into a pouch with a front and inner area's, not four (4) separate as designed for AK Mags. The butt of my Rifle/Carbine rests in the inner, closest to hip; compartment. The outer compartment holds mag's or..? Leaving it as designed gives four (4) large deep compartments for electronics, ammo, first-aid, whatever. Such a water proof pouch may be filled with a soft cloth and affixed center rear, lowered to hang down so when I sit, thorns don't jab my Butt and I have softness to sit and not get a numb rear-end. Yes, now Old, I need a butt Cushion :)

If interested in his Rifle, which I know zero about, please note a small item absolutely critical to Math & Long Range; The Bubble Scope Level. Without one, everything is a guess. Not meaning to sound rude or anything of the sort. But a CANT of minor degree's is going to launch a projectile on a far different pathway.
I am NOT saying everyone must have one but once such angled degrees is understood, it's importance will be good logic to have one there. Using it at first with eyes closed getting into any shooting position then opening one's eyes to see if they canted the Rifle is a key component in off season practice/training.

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